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Celinae - Keeper of Life

Alignment : True Neutral
Domains : Air, Earth, Healing, Knowledge, Luck, Magic, Plant, Protection, Water
Purpose : To take care of all life on Vlacian, to preserve the knowledge of the ages. To cultivate learning and magic.
Special Order : Magi of Miroana's Legacy
History : It is Celinae's domain to watch over all creatures of the land and take care of them, and so druids often follow the calls of this nature goddess. While some believe that Kanathie is the mistress of fate, others point to Celinae when they speak the same words. Celinae takes care of the earth, the air, and the water of the world, so that Tor Pa's creations can grow and flourish.

She is pretty straight forward. She protects everything and lets it grow, though each of the creatures she cares for has free will and she will not directly interfere in their lives.

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