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Clerics, Monks, Arcane Casters, and Psionics

Clerics :

Clerics are just as in the Players Handbook, except for the god domains. To find out the domains available for each god, please check out the god's portion the the webpage.

Monks :

All monks were trained in a secret location in Treub's spear, somwehre around the Crystal Splinter. This is the only monk school on Vlacian - no exceptions. Monks hardly ever leave the school where they were trained. Therefore, monks are a rare breed.

Arcane Casters :

Because magic is impure and unsual, Arcane Casters are often viewed with anything ranging from respectful suspicion to outright hostility and hatred. Magic in Vlacian is an impure form of the old Majik, and is more often wild than controlled. However, a few exist who can control their magics. Higher level spells (level 4+) require an arcane caster to find a teacher who knows of the spell and is willing to teach it. Therefore, some spells in the Players Handbook are nearly impossible to learn - nearly.

Psionics :

They simply don't exist. The distorted magical waves of Vlacian totally destroy most psionic abilities, unless a specific one has been specially granted by a God or Goddess.

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