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Looking out over Drojna from the Husseidn Plateau.

      Drojna is bordered to the north and east by the Miroana Chasm, and to most of the south by the Husseidn Plateau. Its furthest southern border touches on the Independent States, while Drojna's southern border with Learis always shifts due to their neverending war. To the west, the hills of Drojna slowly turn into the Salt Flats, which no man has ever returned from mapping fully.

      Most of Drojna's economy falls around the production of the wooden armors that protect the people of the rest of the world. They have a special way of treating the hardwood of the small forests they cultivate which makes it as strong as steel, though much lighter. Small groves of trees - while quite uncommon in other parts of the world - are well known in Drojna. They also have more permanent settlements and springs than any other kingdom. Rojji of either sex are required to serve in the military from the ages of 17 to 23, before they are allowed to marry. Drojna is at constant war with Learis, and has been since the world split. Because of how severely Drojna deals with slavery, Drojna is perhaps the second most racially mixed nation compared to the Independent States.

      Drojna is ruled by the Head of Military, who appoints dukes to oversee their appointed areas. Generals, captains, and other military advisors are promoted by the dukes. Barons often run the towns. Even though Drojna is heavy in the military area, the citizens of Drojna are often happy. There is no serfdom or slavery in Drojna - rather, farms are owned by singular families who hire out employees to work for them.

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