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Husseidn Plateau

The dead forest of Husseidn, covered in moss.
      Set above the surrounding kingdoms of Drojna, Learis, and The Independent States by over a hundred and fifty feet in most areas, the Husseidn Plateau is virtually impossible to invade with an army. The slender paths that wind up the side of the plateau are few and far between - there are five known paths that are in use, and about ten others that are not. Each path up to the plateau is guarded by many loyal guards of the country.

      Husseidn used to be in the center of a magical elven forest before the world's water supply ran low. After there was no longer enough water for the trees, the entire elven forest died. They have been since covered by a form of green moss that doesn't seem to need much water. Some of the trees are alive, but most perished. The magics that were contained in the trees were set loose, making travel through the woods in the center of the Husseidn plateau very dangerous for those who are not prepared. The only suggested roads through the forest are lined with glimmering white stone. Most people who leave the roads are never heard from again. There are also farms and large cities in the Husseidn forest, each surrounded by a ring of white stone. For about five hundred feet towards the edge of the plateau, there are no trees or growing things.

      Husseidn is home to a multitude of animals and plants that live in the deep forest, well off the white stone paths. There are also long-lost elven ruins in abundance throughout the area. However, Forest Walkers - those who can guide people through the Husseidn Plateau - are few and far between, and many require a test of worth before they will lead anyone into the forest.

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