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The Inenaiv mountain range.

      Inenaiv is home to the dwarves of the realm, who make their homes deep in the Inenaiv mountain range and deep under the ground beneath the giant glacier covering the north. The Inenaiv Range spreads across the northern boundaries of the land, in a sort of V shape. Wetnyt pass is located at the narrowest point of the Inenaiv Range, and doesn't actually lead over the mountains. It leads through the mountains, to the tunnel that would take one to the Inenaiv range. There are rumors of fouler things under the Inenaiv mountains than just the dwarves, rumors of black-skinned elves, but they are unconfirmed. There are also rumors of fouler things in the caves beneath the Inenaiv Range, but few explorers return and those who do have such crazy tales that they are often locked up and discounted as mad.

      Very little is known about Inenaiv, the mountains, the glacier, or the dwarves who live there, as there is very little information passed between them and humans. Dwarves are not a curious race on their own, and do not investigate the world around them much. Dwarven maps do not exist.

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