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The Independent States

Iafha - 'capitol' of the Independent States.

      The Independant States are quite unlike any other area in the world. It is a mix of races and cultures, everyone able to find a place to call home if they are strong enough to survive. Halflings often run the intelligence services of the States, half-orcs are usually employed as bodyguards or tavern bouncers, half-elves have their own small communities in some states, and even renegade elves come looking for work.

      The Independent States was originally founded as a no-man's land between Drojna and Learis, whose constant war annoyed Husseidn to no end. The no-man's land was designed to keep the Tercra Bridge - the main bridge to the east - from being burned down in some petty squabble. As soon as the armies moved out, settlers moved in and founded many of the states that are found there today. Each city is its own 'state', complete with its own form of government, economy, and militia. No two states are exactly alike, but each one has sprung up around a permanent spring. Iafha - the strongest of the states - is often viewed as the capitol of the Independent States and could be considered the trade hub of the entire west.

      Iafha is run by Baron Tain, whose strong influence with the militia allows him to hold the position securely. The intricate intelligence system of Iafha keeps him informed of things going on all over the world. The rest of the states are usually in constant political and economic flux, and are too uneasy to speak surely of at any one time.

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