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The land of Learis.

      Bordered to the south by the Kistaapn chasm, to the north by Husseidn and Drojna, to the east by the Independent States, and to the west by the Salt Flats, Learis is in the southwestern corner of the world. The northern border with Drojna is constantly shifting, due to the war that has been going on for several centuries between the countries.

      In the center of Learis' economy are the extensive steel and bronze mines, which they use to produce weapons and coin. The role of women in Learis is one of power - while the men are at war, the women run the land. 2/3 of the population of Learis is women. Learis is traditionally run jointly by the Master of Warfare and the Mistress of Trade, who are usually married. Women work the mines and the craft shops along with men who have already served the mandatory period in the army.

      Magic isn't quite as unusual in Learis as it is in other countries, probably because of the fact that they are situated between the old elven forest which sits on top of the Husseidn Plateau and the newer elvenhome of Kistaapn. Magic is not feared in the country, and is often powerfully employed in warfare. Most mages who are not participating in the war can be found on Luet, a small peninsula jutting out into the Kistaapn Chasm.

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