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Trencal rock formations.

      Trencal is a very dry kingdom, mostly hardpan and long stretches of scoured obsidian rock. It is bordered on the west by Miroana's Thorn - a branch from Miroana Chasm. It is bordered on the north by the Inenaive Range of mountains, though there is a small area between Miroana's Thorn and the Inenaive Range where halfling land and human land meets. It is generally kept as a no-mans land between them, as they don't get along well. To the south, Trencal is bordered by the northern part of Treub's Spear and seperated from the kingdom of Vivalet by a twenty-foot ridge of obsidian which was thrust up when the world pulled apart. The Neisdn Bridge crosses the Miroana Chasm on the western side of Trencal, leading into Drojna.

      One of the more interesting features of Trencal is the Clearwater River, which runs from south to north down from the Crystal Splinter in Treub's Spear. It makes several branches. However, most of the Clearwater River is underground about twenty feet, running through hollowed caves of obsidian. It surfaces in several places, and towns spring up along those banks. Another interesting feature of Trencal are the rock formations which appear to randomly thrust up out of the desert. More than one has a natural spring on top, though many are poisoned. Several of these natural rock formations have been turned into fortresses.

      One of the most famous areas of Trencal is the Trencal sink - an area that has sunk 300 feet below the surrounding desert. The temperatures in the Trencal sink are unbearable to most intelligent races. It is nearly impossible to find a safe path to the bottom of the sink, and even harder to find a way back up. Certain sandy areas of the Sink have melted into a strange form of glass, which is highly prized by collectors, magicians, and weapons makers throughout the world.

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