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The land of the halflings.

      Waikut is a large flat grassland, bordered to the north by the Inenaiv Mountain Range and to the west and east by long branches of the Miroana Chasm.

      The halfling tribs are nomadic, herding the sheep which they use for wool, meat, and transportation. There are a few common things about halfling tribes. Each tribe has a tribe leader and a Gfadhi, who is the tribe's spiritual guide and teacher. Each halfling tribe has a set of three different colors, and woolen cloths are usually dyed with the various berries and roots of Waikut to make these pigments. No halfling would willingly remove his tribal scarf, which is usually worn around the waist or neck. And each halfling tribe has a distinctly marked range - any other halfling or uninvited guest wandering into the territory without permission is usually recieved with hostility.

      Any other particulars about halfling society usually depend about the tribe in question. Common tribes are the Blandroot, Woolstock, Soufaers, Wetnyt, and Vastagain tribes. Though these are the largest, many other smaller tribes exist.

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