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The Gods of Vlacian

The Creation of the Universe.

Click on a god name for more detailed information.

Tor pa
      Tor Pa is the oldest of the gods, and is known as The Bringer of Justice. He is also known to have created most of the world. His alignment is neutral good.
      Celinae is known as Tor Pa's sister - everthing he has created, she takes care of. She is known as the Keeper of Life, and sometimes as the Mother of All. Her alignment is true neutral.
      Kanathie is La'Saol's older sister, with no relation to Tor Pa. She is known as The Keeper of the Underworld, or sometimes The Keeper of Souls. Her alignment is chaotic neutral.
      La'Saol is Tor Pa's younger brother, who loves chaos and destruction. He is known as The Bringer of Chaos, or The Destroyer. His alignment is neutral evil.

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