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Kanathie - Keeper of the Underworld

Alignment : Chaotic Neutral
Domains : Death, Fire, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Trickery
Purpose : To take care of the souls in the Underworld. To add to the number of soulds in the Underworld.
Special Order : Souldancers of Fate
History : Come, come... sit. Let me tell you about our goddess. She is Kanathie, the Keeper of the Underworld, and we feel that she is also the ruler of fate. The world of death rests in her hands, and she plays the tunes for the souls of the dead as easily as a royal bard plays the harp or the flute. It is she who judges what they have done in their lives, and where they deserve to go. Her necklace of fingerbones belongs to those who passed on and yet are undecided, so it shifts nearly constantly.

One of her closer allies is La'Saol - his chaos and destruction often brings newer souls into her realm, though she does not trust him. No one does good to trust La'Saol. Our goal is to bring souls to the Underworld, though we delight in treachery and poison. We believe that poison is the most honorable way to die, when captured by an enemy, and every truly devoted follower of Kanathie holds some deadly poison in a capsule on their person. The most devoted hold it in a false tooth which can be twisted in combination to be released and swallowed.

Our worship is very secretive, and only those who truly enjoy the morbid thoughts of death follow Kanathie. But the rewards are great, for those who are devoted...

--As spoken by Dancer Ylayha, to a young applicant

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