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The Lore of Vlacian

Celestial Bodies

Eris - The Purple Moon
Cycle - Two Weeks

         Eris, the purple moon, is believed to have been put in the sky by Celinae to celebrate the birth of the elves. Because of this, Eris is sacred to both worshippers of Celinae and the elves of Kistaapn. There is an annual celebration during the week of Sewok at the end of the Storm Season, to hopefully bring about wetter weather for crops and good luck. Merchants, caravan guards, and desert nomads are also known to celebrate Eris because of the light she sheds on desert nights. Eris is the brightest and closest moon, rising in the east as the suns set in the west every night.
Yulin'Tae - The Crimson Moon
Cycle - Appears Every Anrevar

        Yulin'Tae, the crimson moon, usually appears to be as small as the end of a finger in the sky at night. It was used as the early calendar to mark the weeks, because it only travels from the southern horizon to the northern horizon every twelve days. Yulin'Tae is very visible, but does not shed as much light as the closer moon Eris does. In some circles it is believed that Yulin'Tae is the home of La'Saol and houses the Abyss. On the first day of week Ferwok in the dry season, huge conclaves of La'Saol worshippers meet in various deserts to spend one whole night in celebration of the moon.
Tatan Mur - The Glass Moon
Cycle - Unknown

         Sometimes at night, regular groupings of stars and constellations appears to blur or shift around, or possibly disappear entirely. This phenomenon appears to be totally unpredictable, as it never happens regularly or at the same time at different places. Skeptics sum this up as desert heat waves which make their way into the night skies, but certain sects of Kanathie's followers have been heard speaking of the Tatan Mur - Kanathie's moon of souls which she moves at will. Neither view is universally accepted, but followers of Kanathie who spot the Tatan Mur overhead often spend the two hours immediately following the sighting in deep prayer and meditation.
Major and Minor - Vlacian's Twinned Suns

         Vlacian is the planet of two suns, called Major and Minor. The suns orbit each other at high speed, often switching places in the sky throughout the day. However, Vlacian orbits them at enough of a distance that life is possible and the beings on the world aren't scorched.

         Major, the larger of the suns, appears to be a reddish orange in the sky. It looks to be about the size of a child's wrist when seen at noon (toilet-paper tube sized).

         Minor is smaller looking and bright yellow. It is believed to be the home of Tor Pa, and worshippers of Tor Pa often have the twinned-sun symbol impressed on their wooden armor. Minor is the small of the two suns, and is sometimes called Ure'tian, or 'Giver of Life'.

A Dictionary Of Old Vlacian Terms
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