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La'Saol - Bringer of Chaos

Alignment : Neutral Evil
Domains : Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Strength, Trickery, War
Purpose : To destroy all life on Vlacian, because it offends his purpose. To cause chaos, misery, and pain.
Special Order : Doomcriers of Saol
History : You can not have both destruction and chaos. When everything is destroyed, there is no longer any chaos except for that which exists in the Underworld. That is why Kanathie and I get along so well, you see. I destroy, she lets me look in on the chaos of her Underworld Abyss. Misery and pain are exquisite things, especially when what you are tormenting is already dead. Not all areas of the Underworld are quite like that, but my most favorite sections are. My followers, perhaps you will grow aquainted with them when you die. But you already know this, and delight as much in your own misery as in the misery of others, or else you wouldn't worship me. Perhaps your delight is subconscious, but if it were not there you would not follow a God who will lead you into eternal damnation. You would instead be following Tor Pa.

Tor Pa... that name I hate. The order to my disorder. It pains me that if he had not created, I could not destroy... but when I destroy all of his creations he will become nonexistant, though my most loyal followers will at least live on in spirit.

And thus it shall be the goals of my dearest followers - bring an end to the life on this world that the hated Tor Pa holds dear. And because my followers will have never died, and his have been destroyed, Tor Pa will become nothing but a whispered memory in the halls of the Underworld.

--As spoken by La'Saol in a dream to T'Naen Dne

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