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On Dwarves
A young male dwarf warrior.

     On Vlacian, Dwarves are most commonly found in the Inenaiv Mountains and underneath the great northern glaciers. Dwarves are stubborn but usually industrious, hard-working, and good-natured. Dwarves call themselves Dnaei, meaning 'Of the Mountain', and use it as a term of respect for their elders. There are several clans of dwarves beneath the glacier. Most common are the Feldelf, the Bronzecap, the Dnaeiborn, and the Soulend.

     Dwarves are always working towards something. Every dwarf has a 'goal' and they are determined to do the best job of it as possible. It is a dwarf's obsession. Any character applying a dwarf must also have a goal that is evident in the way they RP. Dwarven society focuses around the Clan Chief. Each dwarven clan has a Clan Chief, and anything they say is treated like law. There are no real dwarven laws but those that are dictated by common sense. Below the Clan Chief are the Warlord, and the Leader. One leads the military, the other the dwarven clergy. Dwarves most often worship Tor Pa. Beneath the Warlord are various generals, captains, and sergeants. Below the Leader are the High Priests, the Chosen Acolytes, and the Community Leaders. The most common dwarf profession is that of a warrior or of a glacier farmer. Glacier farmers provide food to the community through growing and harvesting different sorts of mosses and plants which grow on the Inenaiv Glacier. Dwarven warriors protect the clan from wars with other clans, and with the other dark races inhabiting the holes of the Inenaiv Mountain Range.

     Dwarves on Vlacian stand between three and a half and four and a half feet in height, and are often packed with muscle. Males and females are hard to differentiate between, because they both perform the same jobs and duties and look alike. Dwarves have dark or pale gray skin, black or brown hair, and dark eyes.

Dwarves are as in the Players Handbook, except they are naturally immune to cold and suffer a negative 1 pentalty to attacks, damage, and saves in extreme heat.

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