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On Halflings
A halfling herder.

     Unfortunately, halflings are nomadic and very tribal, so their culture varies a great deal from tribe to tribe. Halflings are very territorial. The common way to mark territory is a pole every mile or so, marked with the tribe's colors. Each tribe has a different set of three colors, to tell each other apart with, and no halfling would ever be caught without their tribal colors. Because they are tribally minded, they hardly ever trust any outsider. Each halfling tribe must have a leader and a Gfadhi, who is the tribe's teacher and spiritual leader. There are halfling tribes that worship each of the four dieties, though most often halflings worship Celinae.

     Halflings herd the wild sheep of their homeland in Waikut, and there is always a sheep market somewhere around the middle of the country where halflings drive their sheep to at the beginning of each year to sell. Merchants from all over the world come to Waikut to buy sheep, as they are the most reliable source of meat and clothing in the land. Halflings from Waikut tend to place the welfare of the tribe before themselves, and those who don't find themselves quickly abandoned. There is no place in the tribe for those who don't put it before themselves. However, halflings are born and raise in the IS, and there the mentality is different. A halfling's family turns into their tribe, and if they don't have a family then it is highly likely that the group that raises them becomes their tribe. If the halfling is an orphan with no one but themselves, they will be their own tribe and still put themself before everyone else. A halfling would never betray their tribemate, or fail to back them up in a dangerous situation. Most humans think halflings are honest, carefree, and innocent, due to one halfling tribe which usually trades with humans. Not all halflings act this way, but the typical human stereotype is one of innocent ignorance.

     All halflings have curly hair, in the shades of brown or blonde. Because halflings trust no one fully but halflings, there is no such thing as a 'halfling with human ancestry'. Such a thing would be considered a perversion of nature by its halfling parent and be immediately put to death. Halflings all have brown eyes, large hands, and slightly pointed ears. Halflings usually stand between three and three and a half feet tall. Halflings care little for appearance and often have dirty messy hair and patched threadbare clothes.

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