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On Humans
A young female human.

    In general, humans are bipedal creatures. In Vlacian, if a human's life does not end by violence they usually live to between the ages of 60 and 70. Humans are a sturdy race, and a young one. They reproduce quickly, and the general human on Vlacian has 3-4 living children in their family. Thier customs vary widely, so I have seperated them into subgroups.
Humans in Drojna
     Humans from Drojna are known as Rojji. Drojna is a very hilly land, with lots of small trees, and Rojji are well-known for their production of quality wooden armors. Because they are constantly at war with Learis and the borders are shifting all the time, Rojji are usually brought up from a young age in one of two areas - the martial arts of being a warrior, or the clerical arts of being a healer. Rojji of either sex are required to serve in the military from the ages of 17 to 23 before they are allowed to marry and purchase land. This law does not apply to outsiders. Those who act as clerical healers on the front lines count as serving their time.

     Drojna looks down severely on slavery, and the serfdom that is present in other nations does not happen in Drojna. It is run by the head of the highest merchant family in Drojana, which is decided every five years by the people. The head can be either male or female. Rojji are not as sexually biased as some kingdoms can be. In Drojna, magic is respected and good mages can often find good jobs either for a merchant house or in the Rojji army. The Rojji have tried to invade Husseidn several times, but they never seem to succeed. No Rojji in the world would get along with a Lear, no matter what the circumstances. Paladins who serve Tor Pa are also very prominent in Drojana, where they have a large training hall.

     Drojna is a country of mixed heritage and immigrants, because of their policy of anti-slavery and anti-serfdom. Rojji come in just about any height and coloration, though native pure-blood Rojji - such as nobles - often have very pale skin, pale hair, and pale eyes.

Humans in Husseidn
     The entire forest surrounding the roads and towns of the people of Husseidn Plateau is full of the wild elven magics that were released when the trees died. Therefore the humans of the area are very suspicious of anything that has to do with magic, and often drive young chlidren who show the talent of arcane casters into the woods to either day or make their own ways. Because the magic of the woods swallows people without arcane magical talents and gets them thoroughly lost until they either die or are killed, arcane casters make good forest guides and those who are abandoned make small communities in the woods.

     Most Huss are farmers, however. The Husseidn Plateau is very fertile, and Huss are usually able to grown all manner of crops if they can find the water to in the dry forest. However, natural springs are common if one manages to find them. When they are found, the Huss go to great lengths and expenses to hire groups of the rare arcane casters to dispel the elven magics in the area for them so that they can line it with white stone.

     The Huss are generally peaceful people, though they do train in weapons from a young age and they have a trained army which guards the passes. The ruler of Huss is in the form of a council of ten men and women who meet in Seidth, but are elected from the ten districts of the Plateau for life terms. The Huss are usually between five and a half and six and a half feet tall, with brown or black hair - though red sometimes occurs. Every full-blooded Huss is born with brown or green eyes, though green are rare and are usually the mark of arcane powers. Due to the nature of the magic surrounding their villages, physical deformities in the form of six fingers, webbed fingers, double-jointed limbs, and off-color skin are not unusual.

Humans in Learis
     Learis was once one of the greater kingdoms of the land, before the Husseidn plateau pushed up in the middle of half of the kingdom. Learis is almost always at war with Drojna along the northern border, which shifts a lot. Because of this, 2/3 of Lear are women. Young men who possess no magical talent are required to marry at 16 and are not sent to the war until they have at least two children, so that the future of Learis is ensured. Only after a man has served at least five years in the war is he allowed to go home, if he wishes. This is not popular among young Lear men, but they believe it to be necessary. No Lear will ever get along with a Rojji.

      Learis is known quite well for their extensive steel mines in the south, which they used to make weapons. Another one of thier main exports is processed salt from the salt flats which border them to the west. They are also heavily into the slave trade. Lear tend to be less afraid of magic than most of Vlacian, often producing war wizards to fight in the war. In Learis, a powerful wizard is known as a Ramji and is very well respected. Most of the wizards who are not participating in the war can be found on Luet, a small peninsula between branches of the Kistaapn chasm. Lear are not afraid of elves, either, and half-elves are welcome into the country as long as they also serve their time in the war. Lear is also the home of many of the poisons that assassins in other countries use, and Laera has a large black market.

      Lear usually possess almond-shaped eyes in dark brown or black, though shades of yellow and dark green are not that uncommon. Lear also tend to be shorter than normal, averaging 5 to 6 feet in height. The common hairstyle in Learis for both men and women is a single braid down the back. Most full-blooded Lear have black hair with white highlights near the temples, though any shade is possible where ancestry is mixed.

Humans in Trencal
     Trencal is a land of hard packed sand underfoot, and gleaming black obsidian stone. Trencal is quite possibly the hottest kingdom of Vlacian, and this has effected the culture of the people there. Trencal is a kingdom ruled by clans. There are five clans of Trencal - the Mountainfeet, the Clearwater, the Sinkfolk, the Spear Guardians, and the Inlanders. The names usually say what region they live in. Each clan has a distinctive color code that they use among members to recognize each other, and while outsiders are tolerated they are certainly not trusted. Each clan has a family head. The five family heads meet twice a year in Talboc, which is the the trade center of Trencal - a fortress made entirely of black obsidian stone.

     Because of the extreme heat, Calli dress is quite different from any other country. Callis usually dress in long lightweight robes of cloth, and wrap light scarves around their faces to keep the sun off. These robes are usually in bright and cheery colors, with the face scarves in the clan colors. A white face scarf indicates an outsider. Each clan breaks down into several tribs, each with their own unique pattern of color for their scarves.

     Calli usually possess dark hair - in shades of black and brown - and light eyes. Their skin tends to be in the dark brown shades, probably a natural resistance to the beating sun of Trencal. Callis fear magic, but they also respect it and have been known to burn offerings to their ancestors in efforts to keep bad magic away. Calli usually make a living off of what they have, cultivating small groves of fruit trees and grain around natural springs and hunting elusive desert animals for meat.

Humans in Vivalet
     Because of how rich the land of Vivalet is in terms of grassland and water from the Noeln river, many Vivs are haughty and arrogant, believing themselves to be above the other less fortunate countries. The Viv are very war-like, often sending campaigns up into Treub's spear and the surrounding mountains. They are also known to be curious explorers, and every now and then a party sets out trying to find a way into Kistaapn. Many young Vivs die in such attempts. Slavery and serfdom are common things in Vivalet. The upper and middle classes often own slaves. Some are treated well, most aren't. Vivalet is divided up into Duchies, which are further divided into Baronies and Counties. The rule is evenly split between the Templar of Celinae, the Head of Durgen House which is a powerful merchant house, and the Prince or Princess Royal. All decisions are made 'jointly', though there are many bribes that pass between the heads of the three rulers.

     Because there is a rather large community of renegade elves in Vivalet, there are also many half-elves. Though elves are respected and looked highly upon for their intelligence and professionalism in any job, half-elves are somewhat of a joke. Often they are reffered to as 'round-ears' and many are sold into slavery by their parents at young ages. This is often viewed as prefferable to any other sort of life - at least as slaves, round-ears are under the protection of their masters. Round-ears who are not slaves are often murdered by prejudicial humans.

     Vivs are often born with blonde or red hair, though darker colors are more common around the Tercra bridge area where immigrants marry into Viv families. Vivs usually have blue or green eyes, though brown isn't uncommon among mixed families either.

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