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Index of the Races
Looking up from the Trencal Sink

Overview of the Player Character Races

Click on a race name to get more detailed information.

    In the frozen mountains of Inenaive, the dwarves are well content with their icy caverns and have adapted to the sheer cold as best as they are able. They don't usually travel outside of the mountains. Why? It's too damn hot. Little is known about the dwarves, because most refuse to live in the heat and many of the humans of Vlacian can't adapt to the cold where they live. Thus, communication is limited.
    The Kistaapn elves are hostile. They don't accept any travelers other than elves into their realm without a specific pass written directly from the current Patriarch or Matriarch. The only way into Kistaapn is through a secret, well-guarded passage. All who have been there are sworn to the secrecy of the location, and those who have spoken of the secret have died. Any who have entered without permission have not returned.
     Generally misunderstood, half-elves are often called 'round-ears' which is an offensive term referring to the fact that their ears aren't pointy like elves. In some nations most half-elven people are slaves, while in others they are generally respected.
     In Waikut, the halflings are nomads wandering grassy plains. They usually herd sheep, which are also their main source of transportation. Nomadic, it really depends on which of the many tribes you are talking about as to customs, traditions, and how they react to strangers. Many tribes are nearly feral and attack any outsiders. But even though they may be nomads, the smart do not doubt their intelligence.
    The five 'human' kingdoms are Trencal, Learis, Drojna, Vivalet, and Husseidn, and they are a mixture of cultures. Traditions and rules vary, but as with all desert kingdoms life in a town usually centers around an oasis. When the water dries up, the town moves on. There are a couple permanent areas where towns can be found.
    The orcs generally stay in the mountainous region of Treub's Spear, but occasionally they wander out to pillage, plunder, and otherwise destroy. In the eastern human kingdoms of Vivalet and Trencal, many half-orcs are killed immediately after they live a single year. Free half-orcs are usually only seen in the Independent States.

Equivalent Ages for the Races

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