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Desolation Timeline

Morman Tea - Tumbleweed.

The timeline of events, up to present.

Terwok's Selrevar - Terwok's Norevar
(first 2 days)
  • William, La'Saols agent in Iafha, is contacted
  • The party decides to assault the caravan of Master Dnena, in order to get funds
Terwok's Tadrevar - Terwok's Uierevar
(Day 2 to Day 8, 1/2 week)
  • The party joins with Dnena's caravan in the form of passengers or guards
  • Bandits attack Dnena's caravan, and Maledak's use of magic scares them off
  • Chosen immediately attack Dnena's caravan, killing the guards and taking it over
  • Captain Trellith is met with, and issues Mordayn a temporary merchant's pass
  • The caravan rolls into Liek on Terwok's Uierevar
Ferwok's Anrevar - Ferwok's Norevar
(Day 9 to Day 15, 1 week)
  • The caravan travels through Braun
  • The caravan is caught in a sand storm south of Braun
  • Mordayn and Thog leave temporarily to find Lai'Tatan Mur'eth
  • The party is whole, Korman is entered on Ferwok's Selrevar
  • Rannos is captured by the guards on the morning of Ferwok's Norevar
  • Rannos is released by Head General Soren after a convincing trial, involving Rannos and Mordayn