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Tor Pa - Bringer of Justice

Alignment : Neutral Good
Domains : Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Protection, Strength, Sun
Purpose : To keep order throughout his creation, to maintain the balance of life and death.
Special Order : The Paladins of Justice
History : When the universe was young there were four beings within it would could think freely, and could hear the voices in the stars when they sang. The first to imerge from slumber was Tor Pa, and he looked around the emptiness and decided that it did not amuse him. So he found a cloud of dust in the emptiness, and seperated it into two portions. One half he made spin faster and faster until it all melted together and caught fire, and this he set spinning in one corner of the emptiness. The other portion he set spinning, also, but it was a slow and pronounced spin and it did not catch fire. The elements of it seperated into air, and water, and earth, and the fire which was heavies was trapped int the center of the other elements. And he set it spinning around the other ball, delighting in the way the two played

But soon watching the them play was boring to him, and his sibling Celinae awoke and asked that Tor Pa create something for her to play with. So he took a closer look at the little ball he made, and filled it with green growing things. And then he put his work together with her and pulled a little bit of the song of the stars out of the sky, and created a creature. It was very very small compared to Tor Pa, but just the size of a toy. And he gave it the star song for thought, and that creature became the first elf. And Tor Pa filled the world with all other sorts of creatures for Celinae to take care of.

But the creatures of his world wished to cheat each other, and take even the lives of other creatures like them. So Tor Pa determined he would sit over his creatures, and have some champion him, and keep his world as he wished it.

--As written by Maxo Tain, Rose Paladin of Justice

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