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[Internal Style Sheet Demo]



Before SPENDING MONEY at the movies on some NEW movie feature you know LITTLE or NOTHING about (eg. The 13th Warrior):

  1. See if there is any info on this movie at Internet Movie Database.
    1. Check out who directed this movie.
      1. Click the director's link to see what other flicks he has to his credit.
      2. Appraise his level of expertise from his filmography.
    2. Check out the writing credits for the movie.
      1. Look next to the names to see if one of the writers has written the novel from which the movie is based.
        1. If one has, click his link to see what other novels or works he is credited with, if any.
          1. Has any of these works been made into movies?
          2. If so, were they considered either box office or critical hits?
        2. If this is his first novel or work, has it received any awards for achievement?
      2. If the movie is based on an original screenplay, do the screenwriters have a good reputation?
    3. Check out the user comments and user ratings for this movie.
    4. Read the plot summary to determine whether the movie sounds like something that would appeal to you.
      1. Can you discern the listed movie genre from reading the plot summary?
      2. Has the author of the plot summary summarized other movies?
    5. Check out the cast overview.
      1. Are there some established actors listed?
        1. Have they ever worked with this director before?
          1. If so, did they win any awards then for their performance?
          2. Did YOU like their performance in these movies?
        2. Do you feel their selection in this type of flick is good casting?
      2. Does the selected cast seem like a good mix?
  2. See if you can find some good online reviews of this movie: eg. Guido Henkel's Review.



If you are NEW to computers (PC) and would like to SAVE a favorite MOVIE IMAGE for your DESKTOP (eg. 13W_desktop.jpg), do the following:

  • Put your cursor on your image and right click:
    • A menu opens up.
    • Click "Set Wallpaper".
  • Look at your desktop - your image will appear the same size, probably surrounded by a lot of blue - WYSIWYG: what you see is what you get!
  • If you want your image to fill the entire desktop (my preference), NEXT go to your "Start" button (left click).
  • Go up to "Settings" (left click).
  • From "Settings", go over to "Control Panels" (left click):
    • A dialogue window opens up with a lot of icons.
    • Left click the "Display" icon.
    • Another (Display) dialogue window pops up:
      • On the right side of this window, you will see again the word "Display".
      • There is a pull down arrow with options that include "Stretch".
      • Left click "Stretch".
      • To set this ("Stretch") selection, left click the "Apply" button on the bottom.
  • If you now look at your desktop, your image should cover it completely!


Lady Gia's edited bar from her Two Warriors website.
Copyright © 2002
Doreen M. Herman
Page Due: 11/22/01
Page Created: 11/13/01
Last Modified: 03/25/02
Movie: The 13th Warrior
Mr. Randy Rose, Instructor
Web Design & Development
CGS 2820, Section 0220
HTML Demonstrations
The 13th Warrior
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