Episode 21: Summary: Versa learns of Terrick's rebirth, and reunites with his former travelling companion, much to his dismay.
With this information, he gathers some bodies to accompany him; a Sensate woman named Soon, a dwarven cleric/wizard named Theurgie, and a psychic Signer named Centris. They find Terrick with little difficulty (having all been arrested for a breaking an immigration law), to find that his soul had been fused with Fillias, the silver hound archon from Gehenna, and is...much changed. They consult a seer; The Face, a fallen baatezu who is adept in answering questions of the multiverse. Upon leaving the oracle, they are beset by another squad of stone statue guards, intent on being judge, jury, and executioner. They decide to return to Sigil, but find themselves someplace that resembles it. What happened? Are they in the future, the past, or someplace else? And why can't they open the portal back?
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