>run diagnostic.exe
...local time: 0000.01.01
...connecting to main computer...
...connecting to Sleep Pod 1...
...connecting to Sleep Pod 3...
...connecting to Sleep Pod 4...
...MedBay 2...
>run defrostrevive.exe
...deFrost cell03: XXXX XXXX
>run erroralert2.exe
Latest Update:
>run deFrost.exe
...running...estimated time: 30 minutes
...running...estimated time: 10 minutes
...relativistic time: ERROR
...power cells: 75%...
...medical computer: online...
...atmospheric pressure: 1.2 Earth normal
...ambient temperature: 73F
...end diagnostic.exe
...ERROR no data available
...deFrost cell08: XXXX XXXX
...ERROR no data available
...deFrost cell11: XXXX XXXX
...ERROR no data available
...deFrost cell14: XXXX XXXX
...ERROR no data available
...deFrost cell19: XXXX XXXX
...ERROR no data available
...end deFrost.exe...