The Languages listed under each nation are the main languages spoken there. All PC’s start out with Aridian/Common, and the main language of their Nation.
Aridian also known as Common, is the trade language so most people have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the language.
Themulian is an ancient language, believed to be an offspring of Draconic. It is only spoken with any regularity in Themul.
Draconic is the language of “The Gift.” It is only spoken in its true form by magic users, be they Magi, Dra’Coran, or Elvish Sorcerers.
Dwarvish is still being spoken by the Clansmen of Sheridar and it gives them a pronounced, Dwarvish-sounding accent.
Elvish is still spoken by Elves.
Sylvan is the language of nature, it is also the special language spoken by Druids, only Druid or Elf PC’s can take this language.
Goblinoid is spoken by the tribes to the North. Interestingly enough it has become a fairly common language in the Free Isles.