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From about late 1915 to early 1916, Nurse Eleanor Place at County of London War Hospital, Epsom, Surrey & Shiregreen Military Hospital, Sheffield collected verse, jokes, drawings, etc. from wounded and invalid British and Empire soldiers recuperating and convalescing there, and below is a selection from her scrap book of that period. While these poems might not perhaps rank with the likes of those of Wilfred Owen, Rupert Brooke, or Siegfried Sassoon, in more than just a few instances (though by no means all) they at least certainly have a better than average merit and well reward perusing. (Note. The original Nurse Place's book is in the hands of a private collector in England, and these transcriptions of mine were done from scanned images of its pages.)

"Look up, to give to life a nobler work,
And speak high words of cheer when thou shalt find
One chance, to be an angel on the earth.
A benediction to thy suffering kind.

"Leslie F. Cooper, Sgt – Major 7th Battn A.J.F.[?]
Shepperton, Victoria, Australia"



"The happiest hours I’ve spent
In my life
Were in the arms of another man’s wife –
My mother!

"Yours sincerely
Thomas Horton Sgt 2nd Btn West Yorkshire Regiment
Wounded at D’Aubeso Ridge, France 11th June 1915
Entered City of London War Hospital 20th June 1915
Received 22 wounds: in head, face, back legs and R foot."


"Just a jaunt to Epsom
On a wintry day,
Three hours at the pictures -
(Hang what people say!)
A little tea at Riddington's
Followed by a kiss
Duty may be beastly rotten
But time off's duty's bliss.
"A hasty change into the pink
Hies he to the ward -
(Surely someone saw us -
That man with laughter roared.)
Oh! Take that smile from off
your lips
That twinkle from your eye -
Look demure to unconcerned
Sister's passing by!

"Dec. 1915 [S?]. R. Page"


"Here's to great changes in the New Year!

"He's true to God who's true to man; whenever wrong is
To the humblest and weakest, 'neath the all-beholding
That wrong is also done to us; and they are slaves
most base
Whose love of right is for themselves not for all
their race.

"Harold D. Meakin wounded at Hill 60, Sept. 25th 1915"


"Jan. 9, 1916

"Let's do all the good we can,
Let's always have courage to try,
Let each think and act like a man,
and each on his own strength rely.
Whatever life's journey beset,
Or in what direction it lays,
We must never give up nor forget,
With the will there is always a way.

"Pte. George Lechie, Gordon Highlanders
Wounded at Loos [? sic] 25 Sept. 1915
Admitted County of London Hospital
Oct. 3rd 1915"


"Pte. A. Welch
2nd D.L.A. no. 10144
61 Lichfield St.
Gateshead on Tyne
co/ Durham

"The rocks are high the sea
is Deep
Thinking of you i [sic] cannot
If you love me as i
love you
Here's to the Home with the
Red Brick Floor
Here's to the lassie who stands
at the Door
Here's to the lassie's Heart that
jumps with joy
To hear the whistle of her
soldier boy
"The while the firelight
brightly burns
I dream the rosiest
of dreams
I wish that they would
last my Dear
Until i wake to find you here."



"We may write our names in albums;
We may trace them in the sand;
We may chisel them in marble
With a firm and steady hand [.]
But the pages soon are sullied
Soon the names will fade away,
And every moment will crumble
Like all the earthly thing's decay
But dear friend there is an album
Full of pages many white
Where no name is ever tarnished
But forever pure and bright
In that book of God's life album
May your name be penned
with care.
And may all who here have written
Have their names forever there.

"Dec. 17, 1915 A. Grundy"


Random Oracles

These childish and ignorant people don't know what's going on. And intelligent people just want to get rid of and get away from you -- who then is the audience you are playing all this out for? God? If so, what makes you think you can impress Him?

And why do you grudge others happiness so much? Even if they have it perfect, they still must live in an imperfect world and either they must feel badly for what goes on wrong elsewhere or else live their life without a heart.

What's worse -- to be the happiest person in THIS world or the most evil?

A: What are you gonna do with your share? B: Well, you know me. I always wanted to pursue a career in movies and television...

Why thank you for monitoring our thoughts and repeating them back to us.

The problem with life (as we know it) is there's a monster running around killing everyone -- whether they are aware of and agree to the fact or not.

It's not that you have great material wealth that bothers me -- it's wondering where and how you got it.

How precarious life is. Anyone short of God is a composite -- and if you take this or that from them can potentially be made worthless.


Making the World Safe for Bare-Knuckles Politics

And what was the headline just two or so days ago? "60,000 Troops Will Still Be Needed to Continue Fight in Afghanistan" (or something very like his) -- so many troops needed, that is, against terrorism. And yet not a single government person or otherwise (aside from Sgt. Eddy of the SPD as we have mentioned) has bothered to write or visit and inquire into my claims about spirit people and their connection with terror and sadistic violence, and which I have been raising now at this website and elsewhere for over five years and more.

Then, also yesterday (along with the "Santa" shooter story), there was this I saw in an article from Comcast news:

"Caroline Kennedy's bid to get appointed to the Senate and extend the Camelot dynasty has run into the bare-knuckle world of New York politics, where a backlash appears to be building against her.
"Some politics-watchers have accused the 51-year-old daughter of President John F. Kennedy of a series of missteps last week doing an upstate tour, when she evaded questions and in one case was hustled away by an aide after meeting with reporters for all of 30 seconds.
"At the same time, some New York politicians, privately and publicly, have complained that Kennedy is jumping the line ahead of political figures with far more experience and that she has become the presumed front-runner by virtue of her name alone.
"As the process has dragged on, political adversaries have had all the more opportunities to undercut her candidacy through various attacks, sniping and newspaper leaks.
"On Wednesday, Gov. David Paterson said the bickering sounded 'more like the prelude to a high school program than the choosing of a U.S. senator.'
"'She's a pinata now," said Maurice Carroll, longtime New York political reporter and now pollster for Quinnipiac University. 'Until Paterson says 'yes' or 'no,' she's going to be a pinata for everybody to take a whack at, using anonymous sources.'
"The whole process has left Kennedy damaged as she looks to replace Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and inherit the seat that her slain uncle, Robert F. Kennedy, once held.
"'I think the people who are handling Caroline Kennedy's campaign are screwing up,' said former New York Mayor Ed Koch. 'I think it's becoming less and less certain that the governor, who I hope will appoint her, does appoint her.'"

Last, we noticed that Google, as previously, was careful not to celebrate Christmas Day, and was safe to offer "Happy Holidays" instead; it being understood that Christianity, after all and as much as anything else, is most to blame for this turbulent and unfortunate state of the world.


The Folly of the Mental Patient

Headline Christmas Day (evening): "Man in Santa suit kills 8, self on Christmas Eve."

Very kinky.

And how strikingly similar, in its way, to the David Lewis Rice slaying of Charles Goldmark and his family in Seattle on December 24, 1985.

How diabolically clever.


Because I had raised the subject earlier among these "Oracles," while in the process commenting unfavorably on him, in fairness to Cornwallis it can be said that by July 1781 he had requested of Clinton to remove to Charleston, but Clinton refused. Thus it might be concluded that it was Clinton's fault that Cornwallis remained in Virginia -- the reason for this in turn being that Clinton, on behalf of the Navy, insisted on a naval station in the Chesapeake. However, could not this naval objective been accomplished without Cornwallis himself and his main body of troops? Evidently, not with Lafayette in force in the region, and it is perhaps this last which ultimately compelled Cornwallis' staying put.

Meanwhile, the 5th edition of my Calendar and Record: 1780-1781 should be completed in the not too distant future, and for now I just uploaded a major update of the 4th edition.


For any of you with perhaps an idle moment this Holiday week, here's an excerpt from the Winter portion of James Thomson's (1700-1748) "The Seasons," for your imagination's enthrallment and pensive reflection; a work all the more to be imbibed and revisited in some places now; such as here in the Seattle and surrounding area, where we're (pleasantly or inconveniently depending on how one is feeling at a given moment) buried in white drifts, icy tufts and banks of snow ourselves this Christmas. And may at least our thoughts and prayers go out to those poor, whether people or animals, without food, warmth or shelter this (for many) damp and frozen time of year.

"...Father of light and life! thou Good Supreme!
O teach me what is good! teach me Thyself!
Save me from folly, vanity, and vice,
From every low pursuit; and feed my soul
With knowledge, conscious peace, and virtue pure,
Sacred, substantial, never-fading bliss!

"The keener tempests come; and, fuming dun
From all the livid east or piercing north,
Thick clouds ascend, in whose capacious womb
A vapoury deluge lies, to snow congeal'd.
Heavy they roll their fleecy world along,
And the sky saddens with the gather'd storm.
Through the hush'd air the whitening shower descends,
At first thin-wavering; till at last the flakes
Fall broad and wide and fast, dimming the day
With a continual flow. The cherish'd fields
Put on their winter robe of purest white.
'Tis brightness all; save where the new snow melts
Along the mazy current. Low the woods
Bow their hoar head; and, ere the languid sun,
Faint from the west, emits his evening ray,
Earth's universal face, deep-hid and chill,
Is one wild dazzling waste, that buries wide
The works of man. Drooping, the labourer-ox
Stands cover'd o'er with snow, and then demands
The fruit of all his toil. The fowls of heaven,
Tam'd by the cruel season, crowd around
The winnowing store, and claim the little boon
Which Providence assigns them. One alone,
The redbreast, sacred to the household gods,
Wisely regardful of th' embroiling sky,
In joyless fields and thorny thickets leaves
His shivering mates, and pays to trusted man
His annual visit. Half-afraid, he first
Against the window beats; then, brisk, alights
On the warm hearth; then, hopping o'er the floor,
Eyes all the smiling family askance,
And pecks, and starts, and wonders where he is;
Till, more familiar grown, the table-crumbs
Attract his slender feet. The foodless wilds
Pour forth their brown inhabitants. The hare,
Though timorous of heart, and hard beset
By death in various forms, dark snares, and dogs,
And more unpitying men, the garden seeks,
Urged on by fearless want. The bleating kind
Eye the bleak heaven, and next the glistening earth,
With looks of dumb despair; then, sad-dispersed,
Dig for the withered herb through heaps of snow.

"Now, shepherds, to your helpless charge be kind;
Baffle the raging year, and fill their pens
With food at will; lodge them below the storm,
And watch them strict: for from the bellowing east,
In this dire season, oft the whirlwind's wing
Sweeps up the burden of whole wintry plains
At one wide waft, and o'er the hapless flocks,
Hid in the hollow of two neighboring hills,
The billowy tempest whelms; till, upward urged.
The valley to a shining mountain swells,
Tipped with a wreath high-curling in the sky.

"As thus the snows arise; and foul, and fierce,
All Winter drives along the darkened air;
In his own loose revolving fields, the swain
Disastered stands, sees other hills ascend,
Of unknown joyless brow; and other scenes,
Of horrid prospect, shag the trackless plain:
Nor finds the river, nor the forest, hid
Beneath the formless wild; but wanders on
From hill to dale, still more and more astray;
Impatient flouncing through the drifted heaps,
Stung with the thoughts of home; the thoughts of home
Rush on his nerves, and call their vigor forth
In many a vain attempt. How sinks his soul
What black despair, what horror fills his heart!

"When for the dusky spot, which fancy feigned
His tufted cottage rising through the snow,
He meets the roughness of the middle waste,
Far from the track and blessed abode of man .
While round him night resistless closes fast,
And every tempest, howling o'er his head,
Renders the savage wilderness more wild.
Then throng the busy shapes into his mind
Of covered pits, unfathomably deep,
A dire descent! beyond the power of frost
Of faithless bogs: of precipices huge,
Smoothed up with snow; and, what is land, unknowns
What water, of the still unfrozen spring,
In the loose marsh or solitary lake,
Where the fresh fountain from the bottom boils.
These check his fearful steps; and down he sinks
Beneath the shelter of the shapeless drift,
Thinking o'er all the bitterness of death,
Mixed with the tender anguish Nature shoots
Through the wrung bosom of the dying man,
His wife, his children, and his friends unseen.
In vain for him th' officious wife prepares
The fire fair-blazing, and the vestment warm;
In vain his little children, peeping out
Into the mingling storm, demand their sire,
With tears of artless innocence. Alas!
Nor wife, nor children, more shall he behold,
Nor friends, nor sacred home. On every nerve
The deadly Winter seizes; shuts up sense;
And, o'er his inmost vitals creeping cold,
Lays him along the snows, a stiffened corse,
Stretched out, and bleaching in the northern blast... "


"Mr. Sherman is not permitted to go to the bathroom; nor is anyone allowed to speak to him without my consent and approval.
"By my order,

"The Ghoul"


"For there have been many silly and fantastical fellows [such as the alchemists] who, from credulity or imposture, have loaded mankind with promises, announcing and boasting of the prolongation of life, the retarding of old age, the alleviation of pains, the remedying of natural defects, the deception of the senses, the restraint and excitement of the passions, the illumination and exaltation of the intellectual faculties, the transmutation of substances, the unlimited intensity and multiplication of motion, the impressions and changes of the air, the bringing into our power the management of celestial influences, the divination of future events, the representation of distant objects, the revelation of hidden objects and the like. One would not be very wrong in observing, with regard to such pretenders, that there is as much difference in philosophy, between their absurdity and real science, as there is in history between the exploits of Caesar or Alexander, and those of Amadis de Gaul and Arthur of Britain. For those illustrious generals are found to have actually performed greater exploits, than such fictitious heroes are even pretended to have accomplished, by the means, however, of real action, and not by any fabulous and portentous power. [My italics.] Yet it is not right to suffer our belief in true history to be diminished, because it is sometimes injured and violated by fables. In the mean time we cannot wonder that great prejudice has been excited against any new [scientific] propositions (especially when coupled with any mention of effects to be produced) by the conduct of impostors who have made a similar attempt, for their extreme absurdity and the disgust occasioned by it, has even to this day overpowered every spirited attempt of the kind."
~ Sir Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, #87.


One of the notions I try to impart by way of these posts of mine is that (and if it isn't known or obvious to you already) things are by no means anywhere near as tranquil and normal as they are made to seem, but that society is living to large extent in a literal bedlam. For example, in Washington alone where I live, the Green River Killer far from being and object of horror and opprobrium is probably one of the highest paid and esteemed employees in the state's private sector. Meanwhile, we are led to dread the effects of smoking and lack of Medicaid funding, similarly, is a matter of far greater concern. These are only drops in the bucket as far as examples go, but they at least give you some idea of this aggravated and mad predicament that has taken hold over society and culture all over (and to such a degree), and not just in this state, in the past 20 or 30 years or so. As time has gone on then, here at this website I have endeavored to supply you my readers with other and similar illustrations. Now the predominant origin of this emergent disorder and chaos, ultimately, is that that people are and have been influenced and derailed from rational and honest thought by spirit people. Moreover, far from being seen as a disease and a cancer (that as a group and force for leadership in our midst they truly are), these same spirit people are viewed as if they are deemed all wise and of religious importance; with the result that rudimentary ratiocination is ousted while and the most basic morals are supplanted with the most vile depravity and reckless negligence of character.

In view of this and as a general reminder, it is part of our purpose to alert, inform, and wake people up to they who are the principal cause of this topsy-turvy state of things (namely, autocratic, ruthless and manipulative spirit persons); that there is hope and cure for them only we must be able and prepared to identify the ailment for what it is rather than ignore and brush it and these spirit people aside as something somehow incomprehensible or impossible to deal with. We here, therefore, seek to do what we can to deny these spirit people their false mystique so that you our readers can have a better idea of who and what they are, and, in turn, provide you with ideas about how it is possible to deal with them and those who listen to them more intelligently and with increased confidence. How well we succeed, I leave for others to say. Yet at least give us credit for trying.


The glories of spirit people who regularly meddle in earthly human affairs is in reality so paltry and worthless (at least given their arrogance and presumption in commanding others), that neither sincere religious or irreligious people want anything to do with such things. In the case of sincere religious who know better, they will flee such spirit people like the plague. In the case of sincere but ignorant religious people, they obey but more so out of irrationality and fear than the allure of such heaven. In the case of irreligious, without hesitation they will choose to take money in lieu of any entitlement they might have otherwise to seeming heavenly riches. There are individual exceptions to the above, but these are the general trends in attitude otherwise. The conclusion I have found to be drawn from all this and other similar observations on the subject, and given their puissant and unstoppable influence, is that spirit people authority and that takes a direct and authoritative role in worldly human affairs is a the very worst disease known to humanity, deserving of the most belligerent and forceful extirpation. And anything less than this constitutes our surrendering to a hideous and malignant sickness that serves a) to undermine honest rational thought (as a way of solving problems); b) to separate and divide people into hostile, non-communicating factions; and c) legitimize crime.

To give you just one illustration of what I am driving at, why is it, do you suppose, that people take such strong exception to someone who is or who aspires to be righteous and or who advocates better morals; seeing the behavior of such latter as hypocritical or futile, and yet have no qualm about individuals possessing multi-millions and billions of dollars -- as if people could not qualify for the first (i.e. wisdom and higher morality), but yet could somehow qualify and be deserving of the second (vast material riches)? The plain answer is that such two-faced notions originate spirit people, and are not derived from any cogent and sound rational argumentation. And yet look what havoc and chaos, not to mention flagrant hypocrisy, such an attitude and outlook fosters and promotes!


Even after all these years, he tried to sneak up on me and frighten me with something. In response I said: all right then, if that's how it is what then is the molecular composition of fear? You are an avowed materialist, are you not? So you tell me. How now will you account for this? No, while you can potentially do me great harm, I know you are also just a con-artist who I have beaten many times. What's more, I know why you do these things. And it's because you are jealous. Yes, I think you are just jealous. But should finally actually die at your hand, I will have the infnite consolation of knowing I had rejected Nazism despite your brutal intimidation and shock tactics. Even after all these years, he tried to sneak up on me and frighten me with something. In response I said (recreated here by way of a letter):

All right then, if that's how it is what then is the molecular composition of fear? You are an avowed materialist, are you not? So you tell me. How now will you account for this? No, while you can potentially do me great harm, I know you are also just a con-artist who I have beaten many times. What's more, I know why you do these things. And it's because you are jealous. Yes, I think you are just jealous. But should finally actually die at your hand, I will have the infinite consolation of knowing I had rejected Nazism despite your brutal intimidation and shock tactics.

Dr. Mengele
Brain Torture Radio Hdqtrs.
Suite 1A
Studio City, CA.


In bringing up my own "situation as" often as I do, I don't want or mean to make so much of it; as if to say "woe is me, what a martyr I." Yet because I am so readily acquainted with the particulars of my circumstances as just one of many victims of the same perpetrator, it is naturally easier for me to talk about these kinds of crimes from a position of informed authority. With this in mind, oh, how I love the thought of seeing all this ever hashed out and discussed in public! And what would we be hearing? Could you just imagine what we might learn were and are supposed to be their reasons and excuses!

Investigator: And what were your grounds for treating Mr. Sherman in this manner?

Culprit: Well, by attacking him this way, it afforded him the opportunity of availing himself of our services for protecting his reputation from past indiscretions of his, and hence scandal to him. His being attacked by us then was simply a way of his being able to pay for the benefit we were in a position to confer.

Investigator: Did you ask Mr. Sherman if he wanted or needed such services? Wasn't it after all clear and didn't you have reason to believe he wasn't interested?

Culprit: Yes, we figured on that, and of course he himself would have said no. But see we also figured that would be too selfish of him to be that way; since without our protecting his reputation, he could not be esteemed and hence could not have his career and be of such immense advantage to others. We therefore were acting in everybody's best interests by seeing that Mr. Sherman's reputation was protected.

Investigator: And you were the ones to make this decision both on behalf of these other people and Mr. Sherman.

Culprit: Why, of course! You see when it comes to fame, reputation and greatness, I have to think I am one of the most remarkable and expert people there are; and when it comes to being the center of attention of any great event I know what that kind of thing is all about. Consequently, it only seemed as a matter of course that I should make such a call.


In bringing up my own "situation as" often as I do, I don't want or mean to make so much of it; as if to say "woe is me, what a martyr I.". Yet because I am so readily acquainted with the particulars of my circumstances as just one of many victims (of the same perpetrator), it is naturally easier for me to talk about from a position of informed authority. With this in mind, oh, how I love the thought of seeing all this ever hashed out an discussed in public! And what would we be hearing? Could you just imagine what we learn was supposed to be their reasons and excuses!

Investigator: And what were your grounds for treating Mr. Sherman in this manner?

Culprit: Well, if we attacked him this way, he could benefit from our services of protecting his reputation from past indiscretions of his, and hence scandal to him.

Investigator: Did you ask Mr. Sherman if he wanted or needed such services? Wasn't it after all clear an didn't you have reason to believe he wasn't interested?

Culprit: Yes, we figured on that, and of course he himslef would have said no. But see we figured that would be too selfish of him to be that way; since without our protecting his reputation, he could not be esteemed and hence could not have his career and be of such immense benfit to others. We therefore were acting in everybody's best interests by seeing that Mr. Sherman's reputation was protected.

Investigator: And you were teh ones to make this decison both n behalf of these other people and mr Sherman himself.

Culprit: Why of course! You see when it comes to fame, reputation and greatness, I have to think I am one of the most remarkable and expert people there are; and when it comes to being the center of attention of any great event I know what that kind of thing is all about. Consequently, it only seem as a matter of course that I should make such a call.


Who, in effect, says -- "Since they (or we) can use these spirit people to and as an excuse to murder your loved ones and cheat and abuse you, I guess you will, of necessity and as your only resort, have to appeal to God to get justice or correct this state of things"? This is not a sentiment of true Christians or other sincere religious but of dishonest and irrational witchcraft people. For reason and science, and hence society itself, can and could deal with spirit people, but that the power block and constituency of witchcraft folk and those who listen to spirit people as authority prevent it from doing so.


[Want to see my imitation of humor ala Griffy? Well, here it is.]

"I'm sorry I feel as bad as you say I do, but he's not my favorite martian!"


It is one of the most arrant myths and falsehoods in life that if one appeases or pays the devil tribute you will be spared his violence and wrath. The truth is once you agree to start paying the devil you will never stop paying him -- at least, not unless and perhaps you are taking direct and intelligent steps to lead to your not doing so in future. The pattern seems to be one of -- if you do business with us we expect you to be cooperative when necessary -- when "necessary" might cover a practically infinite number of "unforeseen" situations and contingencies. I have studied these people for years, and it came as somewhat of a surprised a number of times to learn that it is not at all unusual to see them turn suddenly on their own people -- and when you would have thought that the former friend was such as had propitiated the evil one more than sufficiently (for one reason or other.) The plain fact of the matter is is that those in charge use people; and it is not in their interests to be too invested in or concerned about supporting or sustaining anyone who is no longer of use. By the same token, once a person has lost their first usefulness, they can be appointed to another place or station -- and which may be of a character entirely different and extremely more degraded than the one they were originally assigned to. But whether high or low in this hierarchy of things, there is never really any rest.


It is quite the joke to hear them talking about government stimulus packages to boost the economy. Such measures and proposals may (or may not) be of benefit in the short term, but the problem is the people in Washington seem to have the same obstacle to overcome as the people running Hollywood and the mass media -- namely, they are not even in reality. What is and has been killing the economy (not to mention society generally) is rampant organized crime; gangland takeovers of corporations and businesses within the past 20 years; disregard of anti-trust and racketeering laws; the censorship, strangling, and interference by private interests of the media, internet, and other communications (including control of the postal service by private interests); widespread irrationality and illiteracy; the stifling and suppression of fair competition and free trade; the completely bizarre and unnatural concentration and centralization of wealth and businesses into monolithic and uncompetitive power blocks; the cultural celebration of the occult, pirates, and criminals generally accompanied by the sacrificing of children and young people on the altar of witchcraft; the wholesale and betrayal of national and traditional values of freedom and human rights; the end of activism and activist groups; the emergence of torture as a supposed legitimate means to further policy; the savage ousting, entrapping and side-lining of public leaders; chimerical and distracting foreign adventures, etc., etc.


If by chance you do or might enjoy idle, Victorian fireside reading but that is pleasingly piquant for its embarrassing candor and amusing affectation, you can't do much better than the redoubtable Ik Marvel's Reveries of a Bachelor (1850). As a matter of fact, I think if I could get this devil who has made it his calling to perpetually pester me to spend one month doing nothing more than focusing on and reading this book, I'm firmly convinced it would change his life and outlook completely. To download a .pdf version (this comes originally from Google books, but I am unable to access that link at the moment), click here (6.9 MBs.) It is incumbent on me to add, however, this is the sort of book that much deserves to be read in the easy chair, and a printed version is preferred in order to allow the work its relevant berth and scope.


While there are necessary general standards of punctuation, it is not necessary or desirable that they be ubiquitously applied, and a writer has a certain freedom in placing commas, colons, and semicolons if doing so will help better express what he is trying to say. Yet if he does find himself inordinately diverging from custom and formal usage on a frequent basis, he is well advised to do so with discretion and a mind to being able to reasonably and specifically justify his self-indulgence. Yet regardless of the approach one takes and which may be valid, conformity or looseness, it's the more exquisite or more perfect form that most matters in any case, not the prize ribbon of who decides or provides the better form.


Briefly stated, one can reject "Satan" and or his followers on the grounds that they don't make much or any sense; their way of doing things simply doesn't work; including and we never really saw it working for them not once not yet. However, this concluded, be careful in a given circumstances to consider who you are and actually need be addressing (if anyone.) This or that given person may be a minion of the evil one, "Satan," etc., but it doesn't necessarily follow that even the evil one, "Satan," etc. is as grossly stupid or as out of line as this one or other; even if formally the latter happens to be one of his adherents.


I wanted to write something this morning, but have nothing that particularly needs to be said at the moment. Notwithstanding, I thought it still possible to post something that might be of interest to some. The following then in lieu of my ordinary post are some "Ant Facts" and which I came across in a product description of an ant farm. Now some will rashly jump to the conclusion that such a way of life and organization of society described here is or must necessarily be mirrored in human society. The actual truth of the matter is yes and no. Human life and society can or not, and to some degree one way or the other, be like this or something similar or different. It all depends on whose mind is in control, and whether this mind is prompted and governed by a loving and empathetic heart or else a desire for sheer suffering and annihilation.

"Ant Facts: If a man could run as fast for his size as an ant can, he could run as fast as a racehorse. Ants can lift 20 times their own body weight. An ant brain has about 250,000 brain cells. A human brain has 10,000 million so a colony of 40,000 ants has collectively the same size brain as a human. The average life expectancy of an ant is 45-60 days. Ants use their antennae not only for touch, but also for their sense of smell. The abdomen of the ant contains two stomachs. One stomach holds the food for itself and second stomach is for food to be shared with other ants. Ants have four distinct growing stages, the egg, larva, pupa and the adult. There are over 10,000 known species of ants. Each ant colony has at least one or more queens. The job of the queen is to lay eggs which the worker ants look after. Worker ants are sterile, they look for food, look after the young, and defend the nest from unwanted visitors. Ants are clean and tidy insects. Some worker ants are given the job of taking the rubbish from the nest and putting it outside in a special rubbish dump! Each colony of ants has its own smell. In this way, intruders can be recognized immediately."


How many of you possibly remember the ABC kids' program "Make a Wish" with Tom Chapin that came out in the 70's? It was a quite enjoyable and thought provoking show; so that it comes as no great surprise (these days) to learn that it is not available on video anywhere. However, someone did post the show's theme song on YouTube. The transfer is not a terribly good one, and you will want to turn it off after the first minute and a half since the rest of the video is just the incidental and end credits of the show without singing. Even so and this said, it's better than nothing and at least serves as yet another reminder of what many are unnecessarily forced to miss out on, and of what, as far as television programs go, is now forbidden -- i.e., to entertain, educate and enlighten (hence the at present resultant necessity of the internet.)


Bad (or evil) takes place when something (or someone) is not in its proper place or is not where it should be, and nothing of and by itself is bad or evil. So that the only reason one knows or can say anything is bad is because they have this idea of something else that is good or better. This is one reason why positive thinking, when and where possible, is a rationally sound and reliable teaching -- namely, because you can't have bad unless their is a greater good to compare it to, and therefore good always logically precedes bad, and bad always assumes good.

Along these same lines, if sin is missing the target or falling wide of the mark (as etymologically speaking it is), does it not make more sense to focus more so on the target and mark rather than waste time looking over and examining those spots where your arrow landed in error?


Arguably, and I posit this only as conjecture, the same thing that perhaps drove Indians from Asia to North and South America many thousands of years ago is the same thing that induced many Westerners to flee here centuries and centuries later -- i.e., opulent spirit people and unnaturalism -- so that perhaps we have profoundly more in common with Native Americans than we might otherwise have realized.


Exactly right! Crazy smart. That's you to a tee.


With what energy and fervor he tackles and wrestles with petty evils. Yet come great evil -- why, he instantly turns tail and runs! (And whom might this describe?)


Don't bother trying to save the dead (i.e., spirit people) unless you can preserve and protect the living first.


Crazy Smart

I have to figure the engineers who built the new 09 Ford F150 must be the same ones we cheated off of in science class. While we were thinking of pizza, they were thinking about things like aerodynamic wake properties. That's crazy smart if you ask me. Take fuel economy for example. They gave it 21 MPG and you can't get better mileage for a truck than that. And they didn't give up an ounce of power to get it. In fact, they actually increased the horse power. Now that is some A+ truck thinking.

Or if you want the original version, see:


"We travel such a distance to stand still." Guess who said this? Rod McKuen. As I've said, I don't necessarily like everything he writes, but every now and then some of it I do, that line being a case in point and worth reproducing.


You and your bright ideas! You have such a high opinion of your own intelligence. But whom do you appeal to to validate and commend your judgment? You don't even know who this person really is, and the only reason you believe as you do is because he had extensive and elaborate mind control done on you beginning long ago. And if this isn't true -- namely, that you can't actually think all that much or very deeply yourself -- then when will you face in open debate (whether in print or in person) myself or someone else who is your intellectual opponent? You had your crazy way all these years, and just look at what a mess of things you made. Now will you finally understand that people are simply just not interested, and accept that for what it is? Move on with your own life already and let others do the same with theirs. If you can't do anything worthwhile then at least let those who can do so, and stop wasting people's time with a lot of nonsense and childishness that no one really cares about.

And what? Cannot even harmony appease or placate your zealous scoffing, pessimism and cynicism? And if you bemoan the lack thereof (i.e. harmony), then where ever did you get the idea of it in the first place?


The thing that would not stop gossiping (and guess who has to put up with him.)


And that, my friends and in a sense, is what listening to spirit people as higher authority is all about -- our value for their junk –- an arrangement abetted and facilitated by censorship, fraud, deception, counterfeiting, magic, excessive secrecy, interference with law enforcement, sabotage of communications, murder, torture, false imprisonment, pseudo-religion, etc.


What is, of course, usually most wrong with this or any troubled economy is that bad is rewarded and good is punished, and one does and has seen manifestations of this upside-down or backwards state of things so frequently that it makes one groan sometimes to have lived to see how absurd, indeed in some instances tragically disheartening, things can get when spirit people and their puppets take over society as much as they have ours in the past 30 odd years. Not that things were ever without great difficulty; only in our own time it is particularly galling how overt, undisguised and widespread the age old problems have become.

The auto industry was refused a bail out, but rightly so; since it was taken over by witchcraft people not so very long ago whose sole intent was to ruin it in the first place, and this as one way of attacking and destroying this country. And, of course, if you happen to one among these culprits and already have a billion or hundreds of millions of dollars yourself, such economic setbacks and similar, which are characterized as the concern of many, will hardly phase you -- not least of which since the same spirit persons who made your phenomenal financial wealth possible and whom you've sworn allegiance to are the same ones deliberately disrupting and causing havoc in society (including but not exclusively the economy) in the first place.


Many of Tommy Steele's late 50's and early 60's pop and rock songs have not stood the test of time all that admirably as repeat-worthy music. And yet some of them interestingly, such as "Rock with the Caveman" (heard here previously at this website), do qualify as bona fide rocker classics. Well, after listening to Fabian recently, I was reminded of another of Tommy Steele's early efforts and which, like "Caveman," does hold up well. In the odd case then you yourself haven't heard it before, here's "Come On Let's Go" (.mp3, right click "Save As...")


One good and salutary exercise for would-be poets is to make an ongoing point in their life of relishing and better appreciating the different virtues given individual words do or might possess – say, with regard to sounds, shades of different meanings, logical implications, or associations. Moreover, as time goes on, they should select and note down those words they especially like or take a fancy to for possible later use in a poem or song -- while careful to the observe the very delicate and nice distinction that a good song does not necessarily make for a good poem; nor does good poem necessarily make for a good song.


It is useful and edifying to observe how not at all unusual it is for people under the influence and with which one is speaking to interrupt; change the subject without explanation; and tell you they know what you are saying (when you've hardly begun to have a chance to say much of anything.)


Some silent films scholars will scoff at any suggestion that, unless historically established otherwise, any silent film ever vanished for any reason other than nitrate deterioration or fire. I, on the other hand, think there may be instances where the destruction of a given film was intentional (and not for extracting silver or other financial reasons.) Certainly, there seems some grounds to to believe this to have been the case with Tod Browning and Lon Chaney, Sr.'s "London After Midnight" (1927). The film continues to fascinate, and it is worth remarking that there may have been something in it that they didn't want people to see. While I am not necessarily sure what that was, I suspect (and to make a long explanation short) Chaney's vampire is meant (as satire) to represent the "Speelburg" of that day; while his companion, the vampire woman, is the ghoulish magician (it is apposite to portray the magician in that way because in an important sense he is "Satan's" woman) -- and not surprisingly these characterizations were taken exception to. As well, there were more than likely other things in the film which offended such nefarious persons sensibilities, and or else deemed as being too informative.

Although counted still lost, Turner Classic Movies, as some of you may already know, did a recreation using the script and remaining stills. While it is no substitute for the actual thing, it still gives one plenty room for thought on why some may not have wanted "London After Midnight" seen. You can watch this demi-restoration on YouTube or else download as a torrent at (For a good torrent download program, see

As always, you can judge for yourself.


"Did He who made the lamb make thee?" Yes, but don't forget that in paradise, in a manner of speaking, they were at one time friends.


Fight with the strengths you do have; nor overly rely on strengths which are not quite yours until, properly speaking, they are.


"Don't worry about them. Just continue to follow my instructions and I will keep making it seem like you are still alive."


Nor let them fool you with talk about remedying the economy until we get this rampant chaos and civil disorder thing fixed.

