Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.
Some Ancient History
It saddens me to read how Augustus slew Julius Caesar's 17 year old son by Cleopatra, Caesarion, and also Antony's son by Fluvia -- fearing that they would one day become a threat to him -- Augustus! Wasn't there some place in that wide empire the two could have been sent into exile to, and watched and guarded, without actually killing these inoffensive young men? Perhaps it was actually done this way; with it only then being reported they had been slain. Well, who knows? Certainly I would like to think so.
Often times nothing so blinds us as familiarity, and many important things we don't quite know or understand, and which we ought to know, sometimes include subjects we rather assume we are experts on or devotees of; based, for instance, on that subject's being (for one reason or another) near and dear to our hearts. Well, here's a question for you Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Can you tell me where the remains of Abraham and the some of the very most important patriarchs and matriarchs are buried? Some, of course, will readily know the answer to this. But for those who don't, and might like something of a curiously interesting nature to peruse and discover, here's a link to the Wikipedia article (with additional related links included) on Machpelah.
To whom it might concern -- You understand don't you? I can't possibly mention everyone that deserves to be mentioned; endeavor as I may. These kind of things always need more time, and who knows if we'll have it? I know in a given instance someone is there. But, for me, it isn't their time -- yet (for one reason or other.) So that what then is really needed in the meantime, in my strong opinion, is more websites like this to fill in the gaps; and hopefully, even if still unknown to me, there are. (And oh, by the way, hey Champion, when is this great scheme of yours going to end any way?)
True, pure innocence sees and recognizes ugliness (moral and otherwise) with difficulty. But then who, aside from an animal, child or young person, is that innocent (and can so use this as an excuse for not knowing better?)
And while it is not for us to judge a given one of these criminal spirit people (after all, what do we know about his story?); nonetheless, if they are invading and attacking (and given that they are illegal aliens -- and they are), what question can there be whether or not we have not only a right but an obligation to defend loved ones and our country? And yet defending loved one and country can and should not require lying, treachery, and victimization of others (say, in the way of inhuman sacrifices); as some have been very foolishly lead to think and believe (in the name of loved ones and or country.)
"I need to take it out on you because I'm so lofty and important." And why is he so lofty and important? Because he can bribe, trick, cheat and frighten better than anyone else; and even though he would have you believe it's all being done for some almighty, beneficent higher purpose. But what certain dull, slow and timid people unfortunately don't understand is that this seemingly profound, arcane and mysterious higher purpose is really nothing more than himself and his own (perceived) self-interest. (I believe that looks like the end of Dracula.)
And how truly it was said -- even if he had her in her prime, it's obviously going to be some time before he ever reaches his.
Comes another from everybody's favorite lunatic "advertiser" on the internet. They used to have these in post offices, but then that institution like so many others of a once Federal character has branched off into show business. But at least the deficiency is helped made up for by such as this said advertiser. Although I would not say the person bears a close resemblance to the ghoulish magician, that's about the right ball park or good enough for an all points bulletin.
And why do you suppose it is the Phantom of the Opera won't reveal either himself or his identity? Is this perhaps because he'd rather think of himself as being "Batman"?
(To --) You must please pardon my occasional typos and editorial lapses as I am and constantly being literally and physically tortured by your friends even as I write.
There may be little purpose my bringing this up here; among other things, I hardly receive any but business e-mail anymore; so that it is not likely I will get a response to my inquiry. But since it can't hurt trying --
There are two very wonderful melodies I recall hearing before, yet which I can't remember what they are exactly, as far as title and or composer goes, or where and on what LPs I listened to them on. I therefore just now made extemporaneous recordings of both with myself humming them. The first, as best as I can recollect, is a medieval song; the second is a fife and drum marching piece from (I believe) the 18th century. If then you recognize these from hearing them, I would most appreciate your contacting me and letting me know (thanks in advance for any such input in this "name that tune" quest.)
* medieval song (.mp3, right click "Save As")
* 18th century fife and drum music (.mp3, right click "Save As")
She rejected his advances so he set her up for murder. Whether that is true in the given instance, I don't know, yet it and like it has certainly happened before.
The challenge the world faces versus criminal spirit people is somewhat similar to what an individual person faces from their own inordinate desire and appetites. Sometimes we are driven by desire to act badly; and for some, though they can't help it, they at least are aware of there being a problem and regret it. For others they actually try not only to excuse but justify their bad behavior, and so it is the latter that threatens the world when it comes to spirit people. The threat posed is all the more compounded when you realize that where your bad behavior might be something like you drink, smoke or eat too much; acting up for him means persistently bothering, torturing, and murdering. Moreover, these kind of spirit people think so little of trashing the world and everyone in it because (through their own alienating themselves by their gross, unrepentant immorality) it is not their world to begin with. In addition, they are in so much trouble as it is, while so thoroughly and egotistically full of themselves, that for them and how they see things it might as well be the end of the world anyway.
So when you contribute to the devil's collection basket by doing the wrong thing, perhaps giving a smile, nod and wink while doing so, it only makes such as him all the more wealthy, powerful, and tyrannical. And the stronger the bad is made, the weaker then become the good people among us (as is planned and intended by criminal spirit people's higher ups.) So that people who pay tribute to doing the wrong thing (a certain way), and all the more to the degree they do so (and for all their perhaps seeming nice guy attitude), are actually against good (and are not really having it ‘both’ ways as they imagine.)
When it comes to higher wisdom, one fact warmly loved is worth a thousand coldly (if carefully) collected.
How can you ever hope and expect to really be happy if you continue to compromise with, abet, and give into someone who is a literal torturer and psychopathic murderer? (And this is one reason why some people would instead rather suffer the cross.)
(In response to someone else's comments) Let's face it. Hollywood as we know it today (and the megabuck media-entertainment industry generally), being shielded from real competition by use of overt crime and jerry-rigging of communications, the legal system, and the market place, is a rapist -- and nothing more than, and as such does more than anyone else to hamper and dampen the human spirit.