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Liero 2

There's been a lot of debate about Liero 2.
The creator of Liero (Joosa), claims to be working on Liero 2,
but does not give out much info or any progress.

However, the L2 project is a game based on Liero made by other fans
of Liero, to meet the demands of Liero fans across the globe faster,
better. The L2 project is estimated to have a beta release at
late summer or fall. Of course, this is subject to change.

Liero 2 is now in development and proves to be a thousand times better than the first. Here is what is planned for Liero 2:

-4 player compatibility
-improved artificial intelligence
-include online multiplayer support via. the Internet resembling the likes of WormNet
-include Local Area Network (LAN) support
-improved physics engine
-revolutionary Liero graphics
-sharper sound effects

Other important aspects that the developers at Liero have been aiming toward is to improve its compatibility on multiple systems. DOS is not the most uniform and stable system of computers and most DOS systems are not configured the same, leaving many users unable to play the current version of Liero on their system. Suggestions have been geared toward development in Microsoft's highly popular Direct X. We will just have to wait and see what the developers have to say to this.

There are also two physics tests availalbe for download form the L2
project, but you can't do much but see what collision and gravity
is like.
According to Dom, one of the makers of L2, the game will have missions. As of now I do not know of any background story or relavance of these missions to each other.
Some of the weapons used in L2:
Acid Spray
Sniper Rifle
Drunk Missles

Sounds good, hope Liero 2 lives up to what it is hoped and expected to be. . .