Lace bobbin images
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Some samples of my bobbins:

Berchemia zeyheri

This is one of a numbered set of square shafted Red Ivory Millennium commemorative bobbins made in December 1999. There were only 80 in the set and each of the 4 sides was inscribed with the owner's name, "THE NEW MILLENNIUM", 1 JANUARY 2000 and No xx of 80.

Although similar in "cut" to the square shaft, the shaft is round. This type of bobbin is also suitable for commemorative occasions but this one has the name of the wood inscribed ie Purple Heart. It is a South American wood and very hard.

Dalbergia melanoxylon

This pair of African Blackwood "cow 'n calf" continental bobbins is definitely the only pair in existence and probably unique. I have never seen continental "cows 'n calves" or "mothers 'n babes". The are now somewhere in Germany.

Olea europaea subsp. africana

Wild Olive is found throughout Southern Africa. It is particularly well adapted for surviving in very arid regions and because of this, it produces a beautifully grained wood. However, it flatly refuses to grow with long straight trunks and branches and invariably the pith develops cracks even whilst it is growing. Slow growing and usually "matures" at around 150 years.

Kingwood from South America. Again the photo does not do justice to this beautiful wood with its rich mauve colour and black grain. A very nice wood to work with and polishes to a high gloss.

. A Rosaline in Kingwood.

Pterocarpus santalinus

This is the "mystery" red wood from the wreck of the Colebrooke. After many years the wood was finally identified in 2002 as Red Sanders/Red Sandalwood/the biblical Algum from Southern India. The photo does not do justice to the beauty of the colour and grain. The fact that it slowly changes colour to a dark red has not deterred its popularity amongst lace makers.

I refer to these as "Cow 'n calf". So its either "in" or "and"! The calves can be of any wood or even bone and the cows, of course, the same - although I doubt if I would ever find a thick enough bone to use that for the cow. The cows here are ironwood and the calves red ivory and ebony.