The Dirty Workers 

1.      Fabiano Cappelli — Syndicate Enforcer Mafioso 

2.      Luciano Mussolini — N.W.O. Operative Mafioso 

3.      Antonio Spadola — Syndicate Enforcer Mafioso


·         All the members of the Marsullo Crime Family attended the Induction Ceremony for it’s newest members; Fabiano Cappelli, Antonio Spadola, and Luciano Mussolini.  The ceremony was conducted by Underboss Cesario Marsullo, and was held in the basement of his luxurious Toronto home.  Afterwards, Capo Nicky Santino, Underboss Marsullo and the three newcomers had a discussion relevant to the Technocracy’s agenda.  Cesario touched on interactions with Werewolves and Vampires before explaining the goals of the Syndicate & N.W.O., and how the Council of Nine Traditions opposes those goals.  The group was informed that another Amalgam of mages had been sworn into the Marsullo family earlier in the week; this other group would operate out of Chicago.

·        After Cesario bid everyone good night, Nicky Santino informed his new Amalgam about how the Technocracy had lost more than thirty enlightened operatives in the Toronto-Chicago areas during the past four months.  This new Amalgam would be the start of a rebuilding effort by the Syndicate and N.W.O. to re-establish Technocratic influence in the areas that had suffered losses.  Obviously, one of the areas that was recently “hit” was organized crime, specifically La Cosa Nostra.  Nicky told the group that their lives would be a balance between mundane Mafia business and more important Technocratic matters.  They would operate inside and outside the Marsullo sleeper organization.  They were told that other Enlightened operatives existed within the Marsullo family, but for security reasons, the group was not told any names. 

·        The first task Nicky had for his new Amalgam involved picking up where recently deceased Syndicate/Mafia member Joseph Antonelli had left off.  Joe had been researching a traveling cult named The Ideals of God.  An individual named Gabriel controlled the cult, and it was strongly suspected that he was Awakened.  Additionally, it was possible that one or more of his four top disciples was also Awakened.  The orders given to Fabiano, Luciano and “Tony” were to capture Gabriel alive and hand him over to the N.W.O. for… “re-education”. 

·        The trio went over to the local Technocratic Depot (located under a Canadian Tire on Eglington Avenue), met Weston Crantz, and picked up a few mundane items; ammunition, walkie-talkies, binoculars, etc.  Then they checked out the site of Joseph’s death via car bomb; Luciano discovered that a device of unknown origin was invisibly placed under Antonelli’s car and wired to the starter motor.  The trio then headed over to Joe’s apartment, gaining entry by the “fortunately” unlocked door.  Searching the place revealed some more information on the controlling members of The Ideals of God cult (and several issues of Playboy®).  The boys then called it a night. 

·        The next day the group met up with Nicky at the Princess of Rome Italian club that was both a home-away-from-home and a Technocratic Construct.  After reviewing a formal report that Joe had submitted several weeks ago (just prior to his death in fact), the trio decided to scout out the cult itself, down at the CNE grounds.  A music festival was taking place there over the weekend, and a lot of hippie crap was going on.  After locating the tent belonging to the Ideals of God cult, the trio spent some time predicting the future and deciding upon a plan.  After sneaking behind the tent, Antonio and Fabiano kept watch as Luciano removed his clothes, camouflaged himself, and snuck into the tent to wait.  Curious about the safe that was in the tent, Luciano managed to open it and found two large jars of blood packed in ice, fueling his suspicions about one of Gabriel’s disciples. 

·        Fabiano and Tony left the Ex and got their cars, parking them as close to the Ideals of God area as possible.  As Tony returned to assist Luciano with the kidnapping, Fabiano stayed with the cars and prepared for a rapid get-away.  Unfortunately, the future didn’t occur as the trio would have liked, and instead of returning to the tent after speaking to the “masses”, Gabriel and his two male disciples headed off downtown to party, leaving his two female disciples to look after things in the tent.  Tony followed Gabriel as Luciano slaughtered both women in gruesome fashion.  He then cleaned up as best he could, started an evidence-destroying fire by knocking over some candles, and went after Antonio. 

·        Fabiano and Luciano met up, and Fabiano returned to the scene of ‘Freddy Krueger’s’ rampage and used a Forces procedure to ensure that the evidence was eliminated.  Luciano trailed the streetcar with Fabiano’s car, and miraculously found a great parking spot in downtown Toronto on a Friday night.  After getting off the streetcar, Antonio kept watch on Gabriel & friends inside a disco club as he waited for the rest of the Amalgam to arrive.  They did so, and after some more plotting, it was decided to lure Gabriel & friends outside via Mind procedures, and run them down with Fabiano’s 5600-pound 1973 Cadillac Eldorado. 

·        The timing was precise down to the millisecond; as Gabriel & co. passed by an alley on the sidewalk, Fabiano tackled Gabriel out of the way as Luciano ran the other two down.  Twice.  As Fabiano and Antonio restrained a hysterical Gabriel Luciano jumped out of the car and slashed the neck of the suspicious disciple, who immediately disintegrated into a pile of dust and desiccated remains.  One Forces procedure later, an unconscious Gabriel was being thrown into the trunk of Fabiano’s car, and the Italian trio took off with their prisoner.  Later, the Amalgam handed over their captive to N.W.O. forces at the Princess of Rome Club and congratulated themselves on a job well done. 



Fabiano: “Luch, did you start a fire or something to cover your tracks?”

Luciano: “Yeah, uhh… I knocked over a few candles.” 

Fabiano: <Holds head in hands and groans>



Forget abou' it!

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