Justice Inc Mobster Template

Maybe you don't know and have stumbled into this page. Justice Inc is a superhero game set in '20s and '30s. It runs off the Hero System, like Champions. It was a box set produced in 1984. As for the mobster, they are usually meant to be the villains... nevertheless...

We're not all hoodlum and thieves, right? Some of us have compassion for human sufferin', right! Yeah well, this is the template for the gangster with the heart of gold.


Skills   Pts.
1. Familiarity with firearms (or skill) 3
2. Organised crime knowledge  (11-)  2
3. Gambling 3
4. Persuasion  3
Choose two skills from this list:
1. Bribery 3
2. Driving 3
3. Safe cracking 3
4. Sleight of Hand 3
5. Streetwise 3
6. Lock picking 3


Other skills that may be appropriate, however, the skill is not needed to perform these actions:

Concealment, disguise, first aid, shadowing, stealth.


Forget abou' it

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