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It's just a flesh wound!

Picture Archive

Recent Projects

It's big. It's exciting. Coming for you! That's right ladies and gentlemen. It's Morphine and its Invading a poor rural town near you!

One day a group of kids were walking home from the local Subway, when out of the blue, one of them said,"Hey, wouldn't it be cool to make movies about us getting hurt." At first I was like,"What ever is in this guys sub isn't fresh." But anyway, he explained what we could do and it sounded really cool. It would be "Jackass but better." So on that day "Morphine" was born.

Morhpine members:

Joel Meredith

Wes Haines

Jared Godek

Matt Balinski

John Dyer

Chris Meredith

Keep checking back for more of the latest and greatest stunts from the Morphine Team!

Designed in HTML markup by Kyle Hood