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Here is a listing of 25mm miniatures from Reaper's (Dark Heaven line) that I felt were

appropriate for use in the Crucible of Freya module by Necromancer Games.                                       

Pictures of each are available at the Reaper miniature website: (


Pre-Generated Player Characters:                                                                                                                     


2343              Corian (Human Male Sorcerer)

2340       Galdar (Human Male Cleric of St. Cuthbert)






2113 Bannor (Human Male Paladin)


2022              Phelps (Human Male Rogue)                                                                                         

2086              Belfin (Elf Male Ranger)                                                                            

2186              Flarian (Elf Male Bard)                                                                               

2121 Not Listed (Human Female Druid - 'Cedril')                                       
























2037              Arlen (Magistrate of Fairhill)                                                                                     

2075              Shandril (Ceremonial Dress - with Crucible in hand!)       

2183              Shandril (Warrior Outfit - nice complement to pics in module)                                             

2347Baran (Capt. Of Town Guard- remove hand which is opposite one listed)

2036              Lauriel (Baran's Lieutenant)                                                                                 



6023              Town Guards (Also could use other appropriate models)


2142              Kath (Cleric of Kord)                                                                                                 

2109              Lannet (Halfling Rogue)                                                                            

2035              Lasha (Human Female Monk)                                                                                      

------              Durgis & other dwarves (plenty of Reaper models to choose from)                                   

2346   Waymarch Cavalry                                                                                                

6023              Waymarch Footmen                                                                                        


2375          St. Cuthbert Avatar or Statue (Not listed in module but looks good)


Evil NPC's & Monsters                          


2009              Vortigern (Human Wizard)                                                                                                                                   














2427 Talon (Imp Familiar - select best one from pack)                                                   

2010              Tavik (Evil Priest of Orcus)                                                                             

2356              Nagrod (Orc Chieftan)                                                                                                                     

2072  Eralion (The Shadow Mage - prime black for "shadow look")                                                            

2342              Kren (Orc Sub-Lieutenant)                                                                                                             


2288 Grosh (The Ogre - nice imposing figure)                                                                                                

 6027 Orc Warriors (armed w/ Great axe)                                                                                                          


6009        Orc Sentries