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Lesser Sunstaff

The Lesser Sunstaff is in fact a weapon crafted to mimic one of the legendary sunstaves although it isn't nearly as powerful. This particular item was created by a Cleric of Arden a deity who was destroyed by Tsathogga and who has been forgotten for ages (look for the "Gods and Demons" pdf-file at the Necromancer Games website for more info on Arden & Tsathogga). The staff can only be used by good-aligned characters. If used by neutral or evil characters it functions as as normal quarterstaff. When wielded by a good character it functions as a quarterstaff +1. Additionally when the right command word is spoken (dm's discretion) it can cast daylight once per day.

Adjusting the item

You could adjust the power of this weapon in a few ways. 
- Make it a +2 weapon
- you could give the staff more Charges/day
- you could make it cast searing light at a caster level at the dm's discretion instead of daylight

If you adjust the weapon (make it stronger) be sure that it matches the power-level of the party, you don't want to give away too much treasure ! 

Incorporating this item in your campaign

A good place for adventurers to find this item would be in a long forgotten shrine or temple dedicated too Arden (or a sun-god that inhabits your campaign). Since it doesn't make sense for devotees of a sun-god to build a shrine in a
deep dark dungeon you might consider placing the shrine on top of a mountain (closer to the sun).