(Looking for my model horse website? We've moved! This is now my personal site, and unless you wanna learn about me...its a good idea to update your fave places :)
Nikita Farm Stud)
All About...Me!
Hey! I'm Janelli.
I really don't know what there is to say about me. But I figured I should make this website anyways.
*Thinks* Think Think Think~ This always worked for Winnie the Pooh!
Ok..Lets see. *Thinks* Oh I know what I'll say.
I live in the US and I work at an Appaloosa Barn, Running Wolf Farm.
I have a 14 yr. Appaloosa Mare named Lady. She's such a sweety :) She is a red roan with VERY high stockings and a HUGE Blaze. I think it's a white face...but what do I know??? I just work there...LOL
I'll post pics later.
As soon as I have time I will organize all of this info into separate sections. But since I have to work on HTML (which sucks beyond reason) it's hard. Blah. And I don't know what to say about myself. I'm loud, obnoxious, I like model horses, real horses, other animals, etc. Anyone wanna donate an HTML book to me? Lemme know. That can be arranged.
My fave color is Hunter Green.
My fave horse is Appaloosa, but Thoroughbreds kick ass as well.