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Today's Evangelicals Embracing The World's Deadliest Cult

by Wilson Ewin

Fundamental Evangelistic Association

Pastor Wilson Ewin's latest 76 page book thoroughly documents the fact that Roman Catholicism is indeed the world's deadliest cult. It further documents the way in which Charismatic error and New-evangelical compromise have given Romanism an unwarranted and unscriptural opportunity to deceive millions of uninformed believers. In an effort to give this important documentation the earliest and widest possible readership, brother Ewin has given us permission to reproduce the major portion of his book. Additional copies of this special edition of FOUNDATION can be obtained from the Fundamental Evangelisitic Association, PO Box 6278, Los Osos, CA 93412, 805-528-3534. However, the full text of Pastor Ewin's original publication which includes important graphics and photographs with helpful captions can be obtained from:

Wilson Ewin
P.O. Box 180
Norton, VT05907-0180


During this period of ecumenism when churches are coming closer together is it right to be critical of Roman Catholicism? Should we not accept and respect each other's positions and work together in love for church unity? Little do some Evangelicals understand that Romanism is the same as in the 16th century-ever worse than in the days of Luther, Calvin, Farel and Zwingli. On the essential matter of the gospel, Rome has not changed nor does she claim to have changed. Vatican II (1962-1965) clearly affirmed every Roman Catholic doctrine contested by the Reformers. Evangelicalism must understand once and for all that the root error back in 1517 was Rome's official doctrine that we could and must earn righteousness with God by our own good works. A man's righteousness with God consists partly of the work of Jesus Christ and partly of his own work. Justification was by faith plus works.

It is no different in our time. When a religious system is in error concerning fundamental truths such as the atonement and justification by faith, etc., thereby propagating a Philistine gospel, we can neither cooperate with such a church nor support it. Our supreme guideline is not sentimentality nor mere opinion, but the Bible.

Entire denominations are now closer to Rome than Jerusalem. They are moving Rome-ward. There is a trend whereby certain Protestant ministers falsely so called are converting to the Roman religion. Thrilled with Vatican II changes, they fail to see that Roman Catholicism changes in order not to change; that there has been a change of image but not substance. Since the time of Luther the papacy has been reformed so that recent popes have led exemplary lives. There are no Tetzels hawking indulgences. Simony and nepotism are not a serious problem and red hats are not handed to teenagers or to those of royal blood. While there is still persecution of Evangelicals in some parts of the world, the Inquisition is no longer in practice. Nevertheless, Rome is still the harlot. She is still the false church proclaiming another gospel.

Now, more than any other time since the 16th century Reformation, God is looking for Christians to stand in the gap; to be watchmen, courageous enough to pay, as Huss did, the flaming price of martyrdom-that awful fate of untold millions who suffered similar agonizing deaths at the hands of the papal Inquisition. Remember: there is a battle to be fought (Ephesians 6:16-20). There is an enemy to be overcome (1 Peter 5:8, 9). There is a watch to maintain (Jude 3, 4, 17-23).

[Dr. Bartholomew F. Brewer, Director, Mission to Catholics International, Inc.; P.O. Box 19280, San Diego, California 92159 - Dr. Brewer spent twelve years training for the Roman Catholic priesthood with the Discalced Carmelites. He was ordained in Washington, D.C., and served the Church of Rome in the Philippines, Arizona, California and finally, with the United States Navy Chaplain Corps. The story of his life was recorded twelve years ago in a book entitled Pilgrimage from Rome. It can be obtained from his above address.]

Eternal Vigilance-The Price Of Freedom

"I hope it will be made clear to the (papal) Nuncio that we do not desire to make any inquiries as to terms of peace with Hitler, and are strictly forbidden to entertain any such that all our agents suggestions." British reply made on June 28, 1940, following a Vatican request that Great 1 Such was the Britain and the surrender to Nazi Germany, Pope Pius XII's friend and ally. Then Prime Commonwealth forces Minister Churchill assured his beaches, we shall fight on the landing "We shall people, fight on the grounds... we shall never surrender....2 Forward, unflinching, unswerving, indomitable, till the whole task is done and clean. "3 and the whole world is safe.

Such determination produced active and whole-hearted participation- devotion to a cause that allowed for no thoughts of compromise, retreat or neutrality until the mission was successfully completed. Likewise, the message of God from both the Old and New Testaments of His inspired Word, calls for the same "ANSCHAUUNG" (mental outlook). Only a similar ongoing resolution and attitude can awaken today's evangelicals from their stupor and liberate them from the deadly course that is presently leading them to spiritual ruin and chaos.

The words of the Lord Jesus Christ resounded with much greater intensity than those of Churchill when the Saviour said to His disciples, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and. . . lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world "4 And indeed, for many years the disciples "spoke the Word of God with boldness" 5 and rejoiced "that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name."6

By the close of the first century, however, a definite weakening in their obedience, attitude and zeal had taken place. So pronounced were the effects of the growing apathy that even the Christian faith was being threatened. Jude wrote: "It was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares...." 7

The Emerging Deadly Cult

The fatal trend continued and apostasy developed throughout the following centuries. Countless books have been written to describe the evolution of faith and practice that finally caused the Roman Catholic Church to emerge as such in 1054. Her own Catholic Encyclopedia in sixteen volumes admits to virtually all of this. Surprisingly to some perhaps, even "The title pope (papa) was at one time employed with far more latitude. In the East it has always been used to designate simple priests.... After the eleventh century it appears to be only used of the popes (of Rome)" 8

Then came the era of absolute papacy with its nightmare of social wretchedness, political chaos and spiritual despair. This became known as the Dark Ages. But God moved in mercy and grace by calling Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli and many others to initiate a Reformation and a return to God's Word throughout much of Europe. The Roman Church responded with a papal counter-Reformation resulting in the deaths of millions. She also assembled the Council of Trent to standardize Vatican teaching into a single document.

The council worked from 1545 to 1563 and its articles are still binding on every Roman Catholic. A century ago, Anthony Froude, Regius Professor of History in the University of Oxford, lectured his students in these words:

"It met no longer with a pretense of desiring peace, but to equip and renovate the Roman communion for the reconquest of its lost dominions. It met to split nations into factions; to set subjects against their sovereigns and sovereigns against subjects. The history of Europe for a hundred years was the history of the efforts of the church, with open force or secret conspiracy, with all the energy, base or noble, which passion or passionate enthusiasm could inspire, to crush and annihilate its foes. No means came amiss to it, sword or stake, torture chamber or assassin's dagger. The effects of the Church's working were seen in ruined nations and smoking cities, in human beings tearing one another to pieces like raging maniacs, and the honor of the Creator of the world befouled by the hideous crimes committed in His NAME" 9

It was not until the year 787 A.D. and the Seventh Ecumenical Council that an already apostate church became engulfed in idolatry. God then punished Europe with the Dark Ages. He still deals with those nations under Vatican control. Multiple social problems of poverty, degradation, ignorance and backwardness stalk throughout the lands to haunt their citizens.

Nevertheless, faithful men preached the truth of God's word and His Spirit prevailed. Nations were transformed and societies emerged from the stifling darkness which Romanism had created and imposed upon them.

The New Strategy

Time passed and the relentless enemy of men's souls renewed his attack against the restored apostolic faith and practice. It had become known as Protestantism, and Satan attacked its very heart with a new tactic. No longer using armies, violence and the torture of the Inquisition, he now applied "The new intellectualism which Rationalism ushered in during the eighteenth century. . . (and it) became the measure of all things." 10 The resultant Liberalism produced liberal theology with its lethal "higher criticism. " Soon the deadly effects began to appear throughout the Protestant denominations. Faith and zeal diminished while church attendance plummeted.

Once again the Spirit of God moved in grace and mercy. A call was given to men and women around the globe, servants who would resist the evils of Modernism and boldly proclaim the Word of God. In England, the enemy was challenged by Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Before his death in 1892, Spurgeon saw over a thousand preachers enter the Lord's army.

The story of spiritual ruin was repeated in America with denominations and schools being permeated by the rot of Modernism. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, King 's College (Columbia), Rhode Island (Brown University) and Dartmouth Universities were lost. So complete was the attack upon the Bible that men still true to the gospel felt compelled to rally for Bible Conferences. The first of those was at Swampscott, Massachusetts in 1876. It was followed two years later by one in New York City. The most outstanding, however, was the Chicago Prophetic Conference held there in 1886.

The 1886 Gathering In Chicago

"How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?"

These words from the martyrs in heaven were quoted in 1886 by Dr. Adoniram Judson Gordon, pastor of Clarendon Street Baptist Church in Boston, Massachusetts. The occasion was the Chicago Prophetic Conference of that year. It was a historic gathering of outstanding men of God. Pastors from Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches served on the committees and conference program.

Historian George Dollar wrote, "More solid prophetic truth was presented at that conference than has been taught in most Bible schools and seminaries established at that time or since. . . the exposure of prevailing conditions and defections was unusually outspoken and unrestrained. These men were so bent on telling the prophetic truth and exposing the savage enemies of the Word that they were refreshingly bold" 2

Dr. A. J. Gordon served as secretary for the Conference. He could be called the Charles Haddon Spurgeon of America for both men were spiritual giants- anchors whom God used during those earlier years of stormy attacks upon His Word and doctrinal truth. They both spoke fearlessly of the Church of Rome as the enemy of God and mankind. In fact, Gordon led the Conference of 1886 in adopting the following statements:

"A continuing exposure of Romanism as the great enemy of the Truth and the true church, setting the stage for the coming of Babylon the Great." 3

"Rome is so drunk with the blood of martyrs that she does not even know that she has been drinking." 4

Roman apostasy has been "...that career of blood and blasphemy unmatched by anything in human history." 5

My brethren, let us search the Scriptures anew and be sure that they (martyrs) do not require it (God's judging and avenging) of us before we silence our testimony against the Man of Rome as Antichrist." 6

The Church Of Laodicea

Pastor A. J. Frost of Sacramento, California spoke at the Conference of the seven churches of Revelation 2 and 3. He stated that they "represent sever successive pages of church history, and that the Laodicean accurately portray the condition of nominal Christendom at the end of this dispensation. " This will end in the "most fearful apostasy this world has ever known," 8 and with "two thirds of Christendom under one vast overshadowing hierarchy." 9

Writing his History of Fundamentalism in America in 1973, George Dollar] stated: "The Protestant churches, by and large, have yielded to the influence o Rome, accompanied by invitations to return to this ancient church. The modern ecumenical movement is proof of the success of this strategy of Rome." 10

Twenty years of ecumenism have now passed, but none of its progress can be compared with that seen in 1993. That was the year when evangelicals seemed to succumb to the wishes of Roman Catholicism. They embraced it as a valid member of the Christian family. A virtual host of writers, publications and groups appeared with stories of approval.

What a contrast this continues to be when compared with the 1886 Chicago Prophetic Conference! The strong conviction of those present on that occasion was unanimously in harmony with the Reformation heroes. To them all, Roman Catholicism with its pontiff as head was Babylon, the woman of John's Revelation "arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand. . . " 11

She was Babylon, either emerging as such at that time or already seated or the beast of political might as "that great city, which reigneth over the kings of this earth." 12 She was also Babylon of whom the God of heaven spoke in warning "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. " 13

The Most Fearful Apostasy

But now, more than 100 years have passed and we are far beyond the year 1886. The "most fearful apostasy" so vividly described by speaker A. J. Frost at that Prophetic Conference is in full motion today. Tragically, most of those once considered to be among the Lord's faithful soldiers have retreated to the land of neutrality. Many collaborate with the enemy and some even echo the praises of Babylon.

The Saviour did say, "Woe unto the world because of offenses! for it must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh!'' l4 An offense was "skandalon" meaning a "trap or snare." Guilt for the successful coming of an offense could arise from two sources. First, there could be a failure to warn others, and God explicitly warned His watchman, the prophet, that if he blew "not the trumpet and the people be not warned . . his blood will l require at the watchman's hand " 15

At that 1886 Prophetic Conference, Dr. A.J. Gordon certainly blew the trumpet. He concluded that the return of any Protestant nation to Rome would put that nation under the sway of demons. Gordon warned the Conference "that Romanism was no theological theory but a great and brash satanic conspiracy which ought to be unmasked and carefully described ." 16

Clusters of local churches separated from the denominations lost to Modernism. They formed new groups, associations, fellowships, denominations, seminaries, colleges and universities. These continued for more than half a century following the Chicago Conference. Among the notable warriors involved were: J. Frank Norris of Fort Worth, Texas; William Riley of Minneapolis, Minnesota; John R. Straton of New York City; Bob Jones of Greenville, South Carolina; Carl McIntire of Collingswood, New Jersey; and Thomas T. Shields of Toronto, Canada.

A complete account of the struggle to preserve and expand the Lord's work against Modernism from 1850 to 1970 is given in the classic by George W. Dollar, "A History of Fundamentalism in America." It is available at P. O. Box 1234, Sarasota, FL, 33578 USA.

Roman Catholicism-The Unrecognized Cult

To describe and unmask the papal system is to unveil and characterize the most powerful and wicked cult to have appeared and functioned within the past ten centuries. Probably the most widely received book over written to describe the cults is Dr. Walter Martin's The Kingdom of the Cults.

As he opened the twenty-fourth printing (Revised Edition) of his book, Dr. Walter Martin wrote:

"A cult, as I define it, is any religious group which differs significantly in some one or more respects as to belief or practice from those religious groups which are regarded as the normative expressions of religion in our total culture. .. "1

"But since most, if not all the cult systems vigorously oppose the Christian church, particularly in the realm of Christology and Soteriology, perhaps it is not at all out of order to suggest that force is the same as that which opposed our Lord and the apostles, and has consistently opposed the efforts of the Christian church, the force described by our Lord as 'the god of this world.'"2

The Evangelical Dictionary of the Bible states: "The classic work on this subject, which probably pave the word its modern usage, is Jan Van Baalen 's 'The Chaos of Cults"'(pg. 189).

"The writer has been asked repeatedly why Roman Catholicism has not been included as one of the major cults. The answer is that the Roman Catholic Church is a stone with many facets. It is a corrupt and exceedingly dangerous political machine, and it is a religious body full of doctrinal error and superstition. But it is a church that stands upon the solid foundation of the Apostles' Creed. It holds and defends such cardinal Christian doctrines as. . .His resurrection, . . . and the atonement by His substitutionary blood." 3

The Tragic Omission

For some undetermined reason, Walter Martin did not apply his definition of a cult to the Church of Rome. On the other side, Van Baalen refused to classify the papal system as a cult for the same reason that a majority of today's evangelicals consider it to be a valid component of the Body of Christ. Truly, this is a major spiritual disaster and it has come from a failure to know the teachings of Roman Catholicism as they concern the work of Christ at the cross and His present ministry as the resurrected Saviour.

Little excuse can be made for this ignorance. Abundant evidence has existed for centuries to show that Rome's pontiff is the leader of a deceptive and repressive cult with outstanding features of apostasy. In fact, for nine centuries, Romanism has flourished as a religious autocracy of startling proportions. Its constant goal has been and still is the absorption or elimination of all other contestants who may claim to be truly Christian.

By the eleventh century, the Church of Rome had completely rejected the atonement accomplished by Christ at Calvary. The previous statement by Var Baalen that Catholicism "holds and defends such cardinal Christian doctrines as. . . the atonement by His substitutionary blood" is totally false. Untold damage is done to the cause of Christ when irresponsible claims of this magnitude appear in print.

Huss Burned But Not Truth

The apostles taught that Christ was once offered for sin. There could be no further offering for sin. Blatantly opposed to this God-given truth, Roman Catholicism has decreed and teaches that Christ shall continue to be offered for sin. This purportedly takes place on countless papal altars throughout the globe, and the ceremony is known as the mass.

Such teaching developed slowly as the early Christian church gradually departed from Bible truth. By God's grace, leaders John Wycliffe, John Huss, Girolamo Savonarola, and later, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin and Martin Luther generated a back-to-the-Bible reform movement that began in 1375. In spite of the Inquisition and papal armies, the Reformation swept over Europe. Accused of heresy, Luther went to his own trial in Worms, Germany on April 16,1520. On the way there he said: "Huss has been burned, but not the truth with him. I will go on." 4

Vatican alarm called for the Council of Trent to define and codify the doctrine of the papal Church. The documents drawn up from 1545 to 1563 were binding upon every individual Roman Catholic. They still are. Every ecclesiastic within Roman Catholicism must surrender his mind and soul to the Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. Pope Pius IV who terminated the Council on January 26, 1564, published a Bull of confirmation of all the Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. This was done with horrifying threats of punishment "upon each and all of our venerable brethren patriarchs, archbishops, bishops and all other prelates...who fail to observe diligently the said decrees and ordinances..." 5

Pope John XXIII confirmed this in 1962 during his opening speech to the Vatican II Ecumenical Council: "The salient point of this Council is not, therefore, a discussion of one article or another of the fundamental doctrine of the Church which has repeatedly been taught by the Fathers and by ancient and modern theologians and which. . . still shines forth in the Acts of the Council of Trent. " 6

The present pope, John Paul II, is no exception to the rule. He stated this several times in his Encyclical of December 2,1984. The document is entitled, "On Reconciliation and Penance in the Mission of the Church Today. "

Many Offerings And Many Forms

Throughout the 1984 Encyclical, Pope John Paul II calls the faithful back to the Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. He renews the traditional structuring of Catholic teaching on reconciliation or atonement for personal sir through expiation by the individual. These include:

Mortifications stations of the cross prayers to saints fasting attendance at mass acts of contrition penance imposed in the confessional works of mercy sufferings indulgences flagellations processions ad infinitum and finally, after death, the completion of this atonement in the flames of a supposed purgatory. Above all these, there stands the sacrifice of the mass, the alleged continuation of Christ's offering made on the cross-countless offerings of Christ for sin in an unbloody manner under the form of bread and wine at the sacrament of the mass.

The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent continue to be a binding authority upon each and every present-day Roman Catholic. It places curses upon those who reject the Apostolic See's teaching on indulgences, the countless forms of personal penance, mortifications, a purgatory, and the function of the papacy's seven sacraments in the atonement of man's sin. They are:

Canon 12. If anyone says that God always pardons the whole penalty together with the guilt and that the satisfaction of penitents is nothing else than the faith by which they perceive that Christ has satisfied for them, let him be anathema.

Canon 13. If anyone says that satisfaction for sins, as to their temporal punishment, is in no way made to God through the merits of Christ by the punishments inflicted by Him and patiently borne, or by those imposed by the priest, or even those voluntarily undertaken, as by the fasts, prayers, almsgiving or other works of piety, and that therefore the best penance is merely a new life, let him be anathema.

Canon 14. If anyone says that the satisfactions by which penitents atone for their sins through Christ are not a worship of God but traditions of men, which obscure the doctrine of grace and the true worship of God and the beneficence itself of the death of Christ, let him be anathema. 7

Curses Still Standing

As curses were pronounced upon those who might reject the Church's teaching on penance, even so the Vatican equally applied (and still does!) the curses of Trent also upon those who might question the sacrifice of the mass. This ceremony which is one of the seven sacraments of Romanism, is defined as follows in Chapter II:

And inasmuch as in this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the mass is contained and immolated in an unbloody manner, the same Christ who once offered Himself in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross, the holy council teaches that this is truly propitiatory. . . For the victim is one and the same, the same now offering by the ministry of priests who then offered Himself on the cross, the manner alone of offering being different. The fruits of that bloody sacrifice, it is well understood, are received most abundantly through this unbloody one, so far is the latter from derogating in any way from the former. Wherefore, according to the tradition of the Apostles, it is rightly offered not only for the sins, punishments, satisfactions and other necessities of the faithful who are living, but also for those not yet fully purified. 8

At this late hour in history, Roman Catholicism still believes it must place anathemas or curses on those who reject the Canons of the Council of Trent. Millions of martyrs during the present millennium chose to suffer these curses and die in the hands of papal tormentors rather than believe the Vatican's false atonement. They chose the fear of God rather than Vatican ecclesiastics with their Holy Inquisition.

A second feature distinguishes Roman Catholicism as an absolute cult. This is papal teaching concerning the application of Christ' s salvation to mankind.

Papal Grace-A Counterfeit Grace

Believers in Christ rejoice in His salvation by free grace through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Much of this is outlined in the Epistle to the Romans, and particularly so in chapter five. Many have received God's salvation by free grace through these verses: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast. " 9

The Roman Catholic Church teaches a form of grace that is totally opposed to Biblical free grace. Grace, says Catholicism, is a "supernatural life which alone enables us to attain the supernatural happiness of heaven." 10 The Baltimore Catechism states that "Sanctifying grace is that grace which confers on our souls a new life, that is, a sharing in the life of God Himself. "11

This grace, the Catholic is taught, was obtained by Christ at the cross. It is called "sanctifying grace" and is stored in heaven. This "supernatural life" is available to the papal church which now offers it to the faithful by means of seven sacraments. These are: Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Mass or the Eucharist, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.

With the exception of Baptism, only a priest can perform these sacraments. Sanctifying grace or salvation itself, therefore, can be received only through the ministry of a priest. He is the acting mediator between God and man.

Grace On Condition

After being received, this grace is not permanent. It can be lost through the committing of a "mortal sin." The person then falls into a "state of mortal sin" and his sanctifying grace becomes non-existent. The Catholic Church teaches that a person who dies in this state loses his soul in Hell, and that forever.

Pope John Paul II reaffirmed his Church's teaching of sacramental grace. Or December 2, 1984, he published the encyclical "Reconciliation and Penance." It warns that in Roman Catholicism there is no "forgiveness directly from God." The Pope stated:

"The sacrament of Confession is indeed being undermined, on the one hand by. . .the lack of effort to live an authentically Christian life. And on the other hand it is being undermined by the sometimes widespread idea that one can obtain forgiveness directly from God, even in an habitual way, without approaching the sacrament of Reconciliation." 12

The story has only been partially told. Only as one stands with former Roman Catholic priests, nuns and laity can one begin to understand the elaborate tangle of falsehood that has combined to produce the cult of Roman Catholicism. Former priest L. H. Lehmann, author of The Soul of a Priest, and former editor of The Converted Catholic Magazine as well as director of Christ's Mission in New York stated it in these words:

"It is Satan who has made a labyrinth of the Christian religion, with himself as the false guide through the inextricable maze. On man's nose he thrusts the spectacles of falsehood, through which they see everything entirely opposite to what God has ordained and accomplished for our salvation.... May it [his book] serve, above all, to uphold Christ against everything that is not of Christ." 13

Dr. Lehmann is now with his Saviour, and his book is out of print. However, his exposure of the Church of Rome as Satan's master cult is still being carried on by that continual stream of men and women whom God calls out of papal darkness and into the light of His truth.

Glancing At The Enemy's Armory

"Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." 1

In the early 1940s, a new attack began upon the survivors of Modernism. These soldiers had obeyed the Scripture which said, "Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them." 2

Now the enemy applied a new strategy which called for compromise and neutrality towards Liberalism and Roman Catholicism. First would come accommodation, conciliation, appeasement and pacification towards the enemy. This moderation would soon give place to unconcern, nonpartisanism, and finally, indifference in the warfare God ordained against evil. If not recognized and reversed, this trend would lead to shameful cooperation and unity with the enemy forces.

The apostle wrote to his son Timothy, "Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." 3 In military circles, the progressive symptoms as listed above could be lumped together as bald cowardice, and during wartime this was often punished with execution. Whatever the motive, the number of evangelicals who are now accepting Roman Catholicism as a valid member of the Christian family is alarming.

The history, error and absolute bankruptcy of the new evangelical attitude is traced step by step in two volumes. The first is Evangelicalism: The New Neutralism by William Ashbrook and its sequel, New Neutralism II by John Ashbrook. They are available from Here I Stand Books, 8686 Hilltop Drive, Mentor, Ohio, 44060 USA. Price for each is $4.00 postpaid.

Ecumenism-The One-Way Road

The sections that follow speak of persons or groups involved in various stages of ecumenism. A definition of this is therefore necessary and it should be kept in mind. This enables one to grasp what ecumenism implies, both for those involved and also for those faithful soldiers who separate and remain aloof.

Pope John XXIII opened the 1963-1965 Ecumenical Council in Rome. In doing so, he reviewed the efforts of his Church across the centuries as it attempted to crush those opposed to papal teaching and authority. Then the Pontiff said:

"The Church has always opposed these errors. Frequently she has condemned them with the greatest severity. Nowadays, however, the Spouse of Christ prefers to make use of the medicine of mercy rather than that of severity.... That being so, the Catholic Church, raising the torch of religious truth by means of this Ecumenical Council, desires to show herself to be the loving mother of all, benign, patient, full of mercy and goodness towards the Brethren who are separated from her." 4

Ecumenism is therefore a strategy to achieve dominion over all religions. These include not only those professing to be Christian, but extends to all others as well. No change of Vatican doctrine will be tolerated as the Pope stated:

"The salient point of this Council is not, therefore, a discussion of one article or another of the fundamental doctrine of the Church. ..but from the renewed serene, and tranquil adherence to all the teaching of the Church in its entirety and preciseness, as it still shines forth in the Acts of the Council of Trent and First Vatican Council, the Christian, Catholic and apostolic spirit of the whole world expects a step forward toward a doctrinal penetration and a formation of consciousness in faithful and perfect conformity to the authentic doctrine." 5

The process of ecumenism was spelled out by Pope John's successor at the Council, Pope Paul VI. He called for the elimination of "words, judgments and actions" which hinder "mutual relations." Then comes "dialogue" through which "Christians should work together in the use of every possible means to relieve the afflictions of our times, such as famine and natural disasters, illiteracy and poverty, lack of housing and the unequal distribution of wealth. Through such cooperation all believers in Christ are able to learn easily how they can understandeth other better and esteem each other more, and how the road to the unity of Christians may be made smooth." 6

Indeed, ecumenism is a strategy whose very success is assured when the true believer, like Eve, ignores the subtlety of the enemy and looks with favor upon that which he offers. Such is the tragic story of what now follows.

The Vatican's "Evangelization 2000 " Program

"While this Celestial City, then, pursues its path as a pilgrim on earth, it calls citizens from all peoples and collects an alien society. . .they aim at one and the same end; earthly peace, as long as that religion which teaches the obligation to worship one most high and true God is not impeded." 7

The Church of Rome adheres to her interpretation of the above eschatology of Augustine. She is to evangelize and convert others to the papal religion until the end of time. Thus, Pope Paul VI decreed in December, 1965 at the Vatican II Council:

"Since the whole Church is missionary, and the work of evangelization is a basic duty of the People of God, this sacred Synod summons all to a deep interior renewal. Thus from a vivid awareness of their own responsibility for spreading the gospel, they will do their share in missionary work among the nations." 8

Having begun in 1963, the current Vatican plan for global evangelization is now intensifying. It operates under the title Evangelization 2000. The 1993 annual gathering of the National Council for Catholic Evangelization took place in Phoenix, Arizona. For a listing of Conference audio tapes, send a stamped, self addressed envelope to NCCE, 7494 Devon Lane, Manassas, VA, 22111 USA. The 1994 Conference of Catholic evangelization leaders from several nations will beheld June 8-11 in Providence, Rhode Island.

There is an outstanding feature about Catholicism's Evangelization 2000. Its purpose of making converts and processing them into the Church of Rome is expressly stated. This is seen at training institutes, planning sessions, conferences and workshops. A report of the 1993 Paulist Evangelization program states, "Participants were able to embrace the Catholic vision of evangelization outlined by the bishops and to strategize for its effective implementation in their local settings." 9

The Ecumenical "A. D. 2000 Evangelism" Branch

Evangelicals involved in the ecumenical exercise of evangelism come from many denominations. Participating in the program of the Indianapolis, 1990 Congress of Evangelism were the following:

Presbyterian Christy Wilson, Ph.D., Professor of World Evangelization at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston; Messianic Jews' Zola Levitt, T.V. host, together with Rabbi David Chernoff, United Methodists with the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Cathedral Choir, and Dr. Robert Coleman with "The Master Plan of Evangelism"; Association of International Missions Services; Southern Baptists; Disciples of Christ, and many others.

Predominant at the event were the Roman Catholics. They were outstanding as speakers, those in charge of workshops, as teachers in Schools of Evangelism and in crowd attendance. Known as skilled in ecumenism were speakers Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago and Bishops Sam Jacobs of Louisiana and Joseph McKinney of Michigan. Equally so were priests Mike Scanlan as President of the Franciscan University of Steubenville and Tom Forrest as papal coordinator for the 1990 to 2000 "Decade of Evangelism. "Other priests, nuns and Catholic lay workers known for their leadership in ecumenism, performed various duties throughout the Congress.

Such Congresses first appeared in 1977. More than 50,000 persons from many denominations gathered in Kansas City for the July 20-23 event. Chairman Kevin Ranaghan was serving on the Vatican's National Service Committee at the time. He classified the gathering in his opening address as, "the largest grass-roots ecumenical movement in 800 years. " Claiming that division among the churches has been a serious scandal to the world, Ranaghan said, "For the world to believe, depends on our becoming one." 10

Then came the 1987 general congress in New Orleans. It was heralded by Chairman Vinson Synan as "one of the most unified Christian gatherings ever held " Others followed with the same distinctive features. The pace increases and two Congresses are scheduled for 1995.

A puzzling question remains unanswered. For some unexplained reason in A. D. 2000 Evangelism, no definition of the gospel is made nor explanation given of the exclusive means by which salvation is obtained. That answer will come when the pontifical Synod of Bishops, established for that purpose by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council on September 15, 1965, proclaims the hour has come.

"Christianity Today"-An Ecumenical Device

The idea of a "strong, hard-hitting, intellectual magazine" came to the mind of Billy Graham in 1953. Then came Christmas 1954. During a conversation with Dr. Nelson Bell, his father-in-law, Graham made a decision to proceed.... A Board of Directors was formed in New York in September 1955, and Graham remains as its Chairman to this day. The first issue appeared in October 1956.

The 1957 New York Crusade saw Graham making radical changes in his beliefs and policy. He states, "I have no quarrel with the Catholic Church. . . [and] we'll send them [inquirers] to their churches - Roman Catholic, Protestant or Jewish. "11 A report states "The Fundamentalists' rage increased as plans for the New York Crusade moved forward. As the committees took shape, it became clear that Graham did indeed plan to hold an ecumenical crusade." 12

From that time on, Christianity Today has followed the ecumenical course. Though an independent paper, "it owed much to Graham's judgment in its early days," and that mold continues to shape the attitude of multitudes. "In the next three years (1963-1966) the magazine leaped ahead; paid circulation is now about 145,000 out of a total distribution of 160,000." 13 Its influence has continued to grow across the years.

Christianity Today is a tool of ecumenism. A three-page editorial in October 1981 made this crystal clear. Entitled "What Separates Evangelicals and Catholics?" the article shamefully halts between two opinions, as Elijah accused Israel. It makes an uncertain sound and leaves the untaught reader in a state of confusion.

The opening paragraph starts with, "Nothing separated us from our Roman Catholic Charismatic brothers as we sat together. . . Rarely had we sensed such a oneness in Christ, even with other evangelicals. " Then came this untruth, "As we discussed the meaning of the gospel and what Christ meant to us, it became abundantly evident that we shared a common faith. The same Lord and Savior was the object of our faith, the source of our mutual hope, and the single focus of our love that bound us together as one in the fellowship of Christ. "

The three pages contain a series of half-truths and absolute falsehoods such as, "Nothing separates evangelicals from Roman Catholics in their common loyalty to the great ecumenical creeds of the ancient church. . . their [Catholic] faithful commitment to an orthodox doctrine of the person of Christ and his objective atonement for human sin.... Traditional Roman Catholics accept the doctrine of grace alone because they believe that it is only by God's grace that anyone can meet this condition [infused righteousness].... The gospel brings Roman Catholics and Protestants together. They share the promise of the Father that they have been accepted by Him, and so they, His children, had better accept each other."

Nor has the message concerning Roman Catholicism changed in Christianity Today across the succeeding years. It has never issued a whisper of warning regarding Vatican intrigue and intent. The magazine remains the subtle voice of ecumenism in the hands of those evangelicals whose ship is sailing on a course directed by that same deadly voice.

The National Association Of Evangelicals

The organization was founded in April 1942 as a rejection of the stand taken by the men and successors of Chicago's historic Prophetic Conference in 1886. It was a movement of neutrality in the struggle against apostasy. Dr. Harold John Ockenga, pastor of Park Street Church in Boston is known as the father of the new attitude. He stated:

"The New Evangelicalism has changed its strategy from one of separation to one of infiltration.... Instead of attack upon error, the New Evangelicals proclaim the great historic doctrines of Christianity.... The the positive proclamation of the truth in distinction from all errors without delving in personalities which embrace the error...the evangelical forces have been welded into an organizational front. First, there is the National Association of Evangelicals which provides articulation for the movement on the denominational level; second there is World Evangelical Fellowship which binds together these national associations of some twenty-six countries into a world organization." 14

Author Francis A. Schaeffer wrote The Great Evangelical Disaster a few months before he died in 1984. He remained true to Ockenga's definition of New Evangelicals being neutral and not "delving into personalities." Schaeffer never wrote of the ongoing disaster taking place through evangelicals embracing the servants of the papacy. His own son became an Orthodox Catholic in 1990.

A report of the NAE's 50th Anniversary Convention was published. It states: "When the NAE was formed 50 years ago, many of its leaders, even though refusing to take a position of ecclesiastical separation from liberal denominations and churches, did exercise a warning to believers, even identifying some liberals by name and pointing out their false teachings. Warnings were also given concerning the dangers of Roman Catholicism. However, with the passage of time, the NAE's policy of cooperation rather than separation, first softened and eventually silenced the voices of warning almost completely." 15

Evangelicals described in this booklet as working together with Roman Catholics are, almost without exception, involved with the NAE. Furthermore, those evangelicals who accept Roman Catholics as true believers in Christ are virtually all within the NAE. Therefore, the names and information showing the National Association of Evangelicals' acceptance and coordination with Roman Catholics are scattered throughout these pages.

The World Fellowship Of Evangelicals

A global canopy now groups the National Association of Evangelicals together. Though moving more slowly towards an open acceptance of Roman Catholicism, the majority of WEF members nevertheless have already come to that position. A problem did arise, however, at the 1980 Seventh General Assembly of the WEF held in Hertforshire, England.

Two observers from the Roman Catholic Church were invited to bring greetings to the WEF members. One was Monsignor Basil Meeking of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. But among the delegates at the General Assembly there were those from Spain, France and Italy. They recognized the significance and implications of the WEF invitation to such a highly trained Vatican ecumenist. As a result, they protested and the Evangelical Alliance of Italy withdrew its membership while that of Spain suspended participation in the WEF.

As a result, the world body selected a Task Force to study relationships with the Roman Catholic Church. This group reported to the Eighth General Assembly at Singapore in 1986. Their document was entitled, "A Contemporary Evangelical Perspective on Roman Catholicism. " However, the work was not accepted as this report stated:

"At the recent General Assembly of the WEF, it was concluded that the report [Task Force's] 'deals with only a limited range of the issues of Roman Catholicism.' Moreover, 'the Theological Commission did not have an opportunity to discuss the statement before it was sent to the Assembly.' It was therefore decided that the Theological Commission should continue this study of contemporary Roman Catholicism. To this end it appointed a five member 'continuation committee' to draft a supplementary report." 16

The stalling tactic proved to be effective, for the final report was never made and no further members left the WEF in disgust. Furthermore, the "silence treatment" has now become the effective strategy to be followed whenever some aroused WEF member expresses alarm as did "Little Red Riding Hood" with the "Big Bad Wolf. "

Seemingly, The World Evangelical Fellowship has little to fear. This was proven with the Billy Graham "Mission Quebec" Crusade of June 1990. Pope Pius XII in the 1950s had declared the Canadian Province to be "the most Catholic country in the world. " With the memory of intense persecution still fresh before their eyes, Canadian members of the WEF should have screamed as the facts of Romanist-Mission Quebec intrigue and subtle cooperation became known to them. Instead, a tragic silence prevailed except for opposition against those few who dared to warn.

The Lausanne Committee For World Evangelization

In his biography of evangelist Billy Graham, John Pollock observed that "Graham 's mind was forever ranging for fresh ways of proclaiming or consolidating the Gospel." The Lausanne Committee was certainly one of the evangelist's new ways, but it further destroyed the Gospel instead of consolidating its message. This was because Graham places no importance upon doctrine or Biblical truth. William Martin included the following in his biography of Graham:

"Robert Ferm who spent a career putting the best possible face on Graham's actions and words (stated) 'I have read the major theologians and his is in an entirely different category.' Carl Henry admitted that 'I keep my fingers crossed about the books Billy writes.' Still another veteran colleague was more blunt: 'Billy has never worked through his theology."' 17

The above explains why the formation and history of the Lausanne Committee is a "coat of many colors." It was formed at the ecumenical International Congress on World Evangelization meeting at Lausanne Switzerland in 1974. Evangelist Billy Graham used the occasion to form the Lausanne Committee. He still serves as its Honorary Chairman. Its first task was to produce the Lausanne Covenant, and Dr. John R. W. Stott, the worldwide ecumenist, was chosen to be the chief author.

Dr. Leighten Ford, Graham's brother-in-law, served as Chairman of the Board for seventeen years. In his address at Amsterdam '86, he said: "Several weeks ago we had the privilege in Calcutta of visiting Mother Teresa.... I asked her what we could pray for her. I thought she might need money or staff. She said 'Pray that I may be humble like Mary and holy like Jesus. 'l asked her what she would tell you, the evangelists at Amsterdam '86 if she could speak here. She said, 'Tell them to be holy and love one another. '"18

The White Flag Of Surrender

The same report quoted these words from Ford: "Preach the Gospel, but don't be so negative as to refuse to endorse or work with those who belong to a group that proclaims a different Gospel. " Dr. Ford certainly led the Lausanne Committee in that direction. The LCWE's International Director is Rev. Tom Houston. He delivered a Plenary Statement at the 1989 Lausanne II Congress in Manila. In it Houston stated:

"There are six saving acts of God in Jesus Christ. . . The Incarnation. . . the Cross...the Atonement...the Resurrection...the Ascension...Pentecost...the Second Coming of Christ...Now all these churches (Anglican, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Evangelicals, Orthodox, Pentecostals) believe in all these six saving takes all of these to tell the whole gospel....God gives us each a torch to carry, but it is one procession.... Let us be a force for fusion and not send out sparks that ignite inflammatory division. Let us make our unflinching goal to stay reflected in the Lausanne Covenant." 19

The Committee published booklets in 1980 on witnessing. Then came the problem of the LCWE's unity with Roman Catholicism. The need for a booklet or witnessing to its people was paramount in the minds of some members. Finally one was printed and it bears the title, "Christian Witness to Nominal Christians Among Roman Catholics. " The ambiguity of the title is an indication of the conflict that ensued among the 52 persons responsible for the work. Some properly viewed the Roman Catholic church as not being a Christian denomination, while "Others of us view the Roman Catholic Church as a Christian denomination, and believes in the possibility of a deep evangelical renewal." 20

The above underscores the abject bankruptcy of LCWE's brazen claims and pleas concerning evangelism. Its use of the term "evangelism" is fraudulent and a display of sheer deceit. The apostles of Christ were sent to evangelize, and the object of this was conversion as described in the New Testament writings. May the Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization renounce and turn from the nonconversion and treachery of ecumenism to serve the true God in the light of His Word.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

The organization had a valid beginning. Receipts were needed for gifts received during the Portland, Oregon Crusade in July 1950. A non-profit charter was drawn up and Article One stated the purpose was "to spread the gospel by any and all means." Little did the five original charter members dream of how the Association would develop and what it would eventually become.

Evangelist Graham acquired a strange interest and respect for papal clerics as early as 1950. Details of this are given in the book, The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church. 21 During the 1950 Boston campaign, he studied the writings of the Catholic television evangelist Bishop Fulton Sheen. While there, a resourceful Cardinal Richard Cushing shrewdly concluded there were possibilities of exploiting Graham for the purpose of ecumenism. Time has proven the assessment made by the Vatican prince to be most exact.

The Cardinal printed "Bravo Billy" on the front page of his diocesan paper, and Graham stated, "He and I became wonderful friends ." 22 A relationship became firm, and Graham "made a point of stressing his own 'tremendous admiration' for the Cardinal. "Graham called him "the living ecumenist in America" and "lavished further praise on Pope John XXIII." 23

The evangelist was obviously impressed by Cardinal Cushing's presentation of ecumenism. He then praised Pope Paul VI and heralded Vatican II as a major step in dissipating the clouds of resentment and mistrust that had separated Catholics and Protestants. 24 The exact reason for Graham's statement and attitude toward s ecumenism is difficult to determine.

The Doctrinal Vacuum

Certainly the evangelist was tragically weak in doctrine or theology. As previously stated, Carl Henry once said, "I keep my fingers crossed about books Billy writes, " while another "veteran colleague" was more blunt and said, "Billy has never worked through his theology." 25 A discerning Carl McIntire pointed out that "Graham's lack of concern for pure doctrine was leading to a one-world church, just as predicted in the book of Revelation." 26

Again, Graham had a "tender conscience" and avoided "confrontation. " Why? Dr. John R. Rice was finally obliged to accuse Graham of wanting "the prestige, the financial backing, and worldly influence. "27 Former Baptist minister and Graham's old friend, Bill Moyers, explained it to be "partly as the price of celebrity. He's a popular and pleasant fellow who doesn't 'like offending his host." 28 Cardinal Lekai, primate of Hungary, told Graham this in the presence of U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Salgo:

"There are three people who are great manipulators of crowds in the present world: President Reagan, a former actor; Pope John Paul II, a former actor; and Billy Graham." He then added, "To be perfectly honest, Dr. Graham and please don't be offended, but I call you one of the greatest actors on the human scene." 29

There is another possibility and this avenue calls for careful thought. Is Billy a regenerated man? Biographer William Martin wrote this of him: "the fundamental theme of his life and ministry is reconciling men and women to God and to each other. . . most of his time and energy were spent. . . in trying to tear down barriers separating people who might, if given a chance, be friends. " 30

Ecumenical Reconciliation

Such a theme of reconciliation can only be fulfilled through the gospel of Christ and the Word of God. But Graham believes and states that reconciliation is obtained through ecumenism and the false gospel of the Roman Church. In October 1978, he preached in Poland at Pozan's Catholic Church. There, "he prayed that the Holy Spirit would unite the hearts of the Roman Catholics and Protestants."

Then he preached before 6,500 at Katowice where "a corps of approximately 300 priests and nuns [were] sitting together in a high balcony." As he finished his sermon, Graham "asked those who wished to recommit their lives to Christ to raise their hands and all three hundred priests and nuns did so. " 31

Graham led his Evangelistic Association across a major watershed in 1957. The occasion was the New York Crusade, and the crisis issue was a fatal move into the ecumenical camp. The evangelist told a reporter, "The ecumenical movement has broadened my viewpoint and I recognize now that God has his people in all churches. " 32 His biographer, William Martin, concluded, "As the committees took shape, it became clear that Graham did indeed plan to hold an ecumenical crusade. " 33

From that time onward, Decision magazine, Radio Hour of Decision, television crusades, World Wide Pictures, crusades and all other features of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association became functional as valid units of global ecumenism. All programs, publications and speakers had to adjust to the ecumenical code of unity.

The Removal Of Conversion

No longer can the work of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association be called New Testament evangelism. Decades ago it removed itself from any valid claim to Christian evangelism. Historian George H. Williams states in his History of the Christian Church that "Christianity is a strongly proselytizing religion." The BGEA's official position is one of no proselytism or, in the language of the early church, no converting.

Already on October 17, 1960, Newsweek magazine had reported, "Dr. Graham made clear that he and his fellow crusaders have no intention of doing any proselytizing. " The die had been cast; the monstrous forgery of ecumenism was to replace Christian evangelism. From that moment on, it would masquerade under Christian dress and preach the counterfeit gospel of ecumenism. This was painfully evident during the 1990 crusade in Quebec and later in Roman Catholic South America.

A 1977 revelation of the BGEA's hidden World Evangelism and Christian Education Fund of 22.9 million dollars "shocked many Christians and Graham contributors across the United States. " 34 Of infinitely greater shock will be God's own revelation before His throne of judgment. This will show the consequences resulting from evangelist Graham's conversion to ecumenism.

The Dallas, Texas fund involved this world's goods; the heavenly account relates to the eternal souls of lost men and women. Multitudes will have followed the perverted gospel of the deceitful BGEA's artful ecumenism, but now the tragic moment had come to render account before the truly righteous Judge. 35 He never calls "actors" to serve Him, rather, He calls soldiers, as the apostle wrote: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." 36

The Christian Research Institute

In the November 22, 1993 issue of the magazine Christianity Today, the claim is made that the Christian Research Institute is "still the premier evangelical cult-research organization." The founder, Dr. Walter Martin, wrote The Kingdom of the Cults. He opened his book by stating:

"I have elected to stand on the ramparts of Biblical Christianity as taught by the apostles, defended by the church fathers, rediscovered by the reformers and embodied in what is sometimes called reformed theology." 37

The above words ring of the Reformation spirit, of that period when men and women of God perished by millions because they dared to unmask and describe Romanism as Babylon, the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, seated on many waters which "are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues." 38 Amazingly though, throughout the speaker's many years of teaching and writing, never did Walter Martin print material or speak specifically to expose Roman Catholicism as the foremost of all the cults in America.

Not that Dr. Martin lacked opportunities to have spoken as God's sentinel. For ten years as "The Bible Answer Man, " he participated in the Long John Nebel Show - heard in 43 states, six days a week over the NBC radio network. His book on the cults was first published in 1965 and soon became a best seller with 24 printings. The author taught on the fields of Biblical Theology and Comparative Religions at the Melodyland School of Theology in Anaheim, California.

A Builder Of Neutrality And Tolerance

Besides an active pulpit ministry, Dr. Martin lectured in hundreds of colleges, seminaries, universities and churches throughout the United States and 18 countries of Europe and Asia. Yet on no occasion was he ever known to have defended "Biblical Christianity as taught by the apostles" or attempted to rediscover Reformation theology as opposed to papal teaching. Dr. Martin was charismatic and doubtless this factor gave birth to his refusal to identify Roman Catholicism as a cult.

Because of his tremendous influence upon evangelicals around the world, Dr. Martin and the Christian Research Institute (CRI) which he founded, must bear major responsibility for today's wall of neutrality, tolerance and silence that surrounds the exposure of Romanism as a cult. Dr. Martin died in June 1989.

Then came 1993 and the CRI moved openly into the ecumenical camp. This was stated in their book entitled The Cult of the Virgin. Sponsored by the Christian Research Institute through its editors Elliot Miller and Ken Samples, the book contains an appendix by a Jesuit named Pacwa. Miller and Samples present him as a "Bible-believing Catholic" with whom they have "fellowship in Christ and cooperative efforts in the common cause of Christ's kingdom" (p. 161). The book states: "The underlying purpose of this book is ultimately ecumenical rather than anti-ecumenical" (p. 161)

. Dr. Martin was a close friend of Pacwa. The priest is a known apologist and defender of his Church. He wrote for the CRI Journal and spoke on Dr. Martin's "The Bible Answer Man" program. Martin introduced him to CRI's contributing editor, Ken Samples.

Was Martin a double agent and guilty of deception regarding his views of Romanism? The claim he made in the opening statement of his book on the cults is at variance with the testimony given by Ken Samples. The contradiction is recorded on cassette. Editor Samples stated this:

"The position that I hold on Catholicism...was greatly influenced by Dr. Martin.. .[he] held the very same position, in fact the statements that I wrote to represent our organization, Dr. Martin read and agreed with . . . Dr. Martin agreed absolutely with our position on Catholicism, because quite frankly he helped shape my own view of Catholicism."

A lengthy article in four parts began to appear in the Winter 1993 issue of the CRI Journal. Entitled "What Think Ye of Rome? - an Evangelical Appraisal o/ Contemporary Catholicism," the Journal strongly opposes calling the papal Church a cult. It states, "Catholicism affirms most of what the cults deny and possesses an orthodox foundation which all cult groups lack. "

The Falsification Of Historical Facts

A Vatican ecumenist could not have improved on the image of Popery created by the CRI Journal. The Winter 1993 (Part One) issue states, "From the fourth century to the present, Roman Catholic thought has had a momentous influence.... The Church has wielded great power over the centuries, often spreading enlightenment and benevolence among humanity. "

The Part II section in the "Spring 1993" issue credits Catholicism with "Almost a two-thousand-year history (it has historical continuity with apostolic, first century Christianity), and is the ecclesiastical tree from which Protestantism originally splintered. "

The lengthy CRI Journal's presentation of Popery is a flow of half truths, distortion, falsehood and deceit, all staged with the obvious purpose of altering the accusing facts of history. However, nothing can silence the great masters long dead but whose voices still speak from the pages of their works. Among them is Anthony Froude, Regius Professor of History in the University of Oxford. He lectured his students on the Council of Trent over a century ago. Before him came J. A. Wylie's 1825 The History of Protestantism in three massive volumes.

Even the 16-Volume Catholic Encyclopedia accuses the Miller-Samples article of fraudulent content. Some fourteen pages of space were required to document how the term "pope" evolved. In the first centuries, it applied only to any pastor of a local church. Slowly this was restricted until the triple significance emerged in 1074 A.D. and was applied to Gregory VII alone. A meticulously detailed 20" x 36" colored chart showing the historical year-by-year evolution of Romanism was prepared by a Catholic priest and is available. 39

Certain of the books shown in this booklet's pictures are still available. They serve to measure the depths of shame to which the Christian Research Institute and its present editors have fallen in the sight of our God of truth. The Vatican has struggled by deceit, by armies and by anathema to establish and maintain its Sceptre of the Papal Theocracy. The ecumenism of the Vatican II Council was added in 1965. Sadly, this now involves most of today's evangelicals-tragically not recognizing that Roman Catholicism is indeed the world's deadliest cult.

The Pentecostal - Charismatic Flood

Senior editor J. I. Packer of Christianity Today published his analysis of the Roman Catholic twenty-fifth anniversary of their Pentecostal movement. He wrote in part:

"Roman Catholics would be the first to declare that of all God's twentieth century surprises, none has startled them more than the Charismatic renewal in their own church during the past 25 years. Though it's estimated 50-plus million adherents make up less than a tenth of world Catholicism, they are probably more than a fifth of the Pentecostal-Charismatic constituency worldwide, and these numbers are very remarkable. So is the spread of such a movement as this in a Catholic context." 40

One year later, the Catholic Pentecostal publication New Covenant contained an article entitled "Bridge Builders." It summarized the Vatican position concerning the Pentecostal charismatic movement within Catholicism and concluded with these words:

"Perhaps the greatest force in all Christian churches and ecclesiastical groups today is the charismatic Pentecostal-Evangelical convergence. It almost seems that in February 1967 the Holy Spirit said, 'I will raise up people who will live the teaching of Vatican II about the vitality and power of the Holy Spirit.' And in the ensuing 25 years, these charismatic Roman Catholics have grown closer to charismatics in the mainline Protestant churches, to Protestant Pentecostals and to Evangelicals." 4

The Tragedy Of Unity Based On Experience

All doubts and hesitation from those earlier days when the Pentecostal charismatic spirit entered Roman Catholicism, have now disappeared. All claiming the Pentecostal experience, irrespective of creed or denomination, Roman Catholic or not, now accept each other as united together by the same spirit. 42

The main thrust and work of the entire Pentecostal charismatic movement can be summed up on one word - unity. Probably the greatest of its apostles was Mr. Pentecost-David du Plessis. He was one of 12,000 delegates gathered in London for the eleventh triennial meeting of the World Pentecostal Conference in September 1976. Mr. du Plessis was publicly recognized and enthusiastically applauded . Why? Partly because of his years of active cooperation with Cardinal Bea who headed the Vatican-appointed Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity.

Recognition of his work for unity led Pope Paul Vl to grant him a special pass at the 1964 Vatican Council as du Plessis stated, "assigned me to a very good seat in cavernous St. Peter's Basilica, just to the left of the papal throne. "A special mass was celebrated and Mr. du Plessis said later, "I felt myself melting and breaking, actually weeping openly as the mass unfolded . .I was aware even at that moment that the purging of my bitterness and suspicion had been complete. " 43

Time marches on and the 17th Pentecostal World Conference is scheduled to meet at Jerusalem in September 1995. This time, Roman Catholics will be there. And united there with these Vatican faithful in spirit will be a flood of 50 million other Catholic Pentecostals from around the world. They will swell the ranks of some 200 million Pentecostal charismatics, most of whom are already members of National Associations of Evangelicals around the globe.

Prominent Personalities

A bewildering roster of names confronts the observer of leaders involved in ecumenism. Comparable to those responsible for charting the changing course of planes engaged in aerial combat during World War II, today's task is infinitely more serious. It involves the souls of men and women, Catholic or otherwise. By the same token, our strife concerns the liberty, well being and progress of nations, Catholic or otherwise.

Motivated by love for God's people and equally so, by love for the Roman Catholic, the following names are reviewed briefly as those mainly responsible for the tragedy and ongoing success of ecumenism-the program of Vatican strategy for global conquest. The listing is not complete and neither does it include any from the countless Pentecostal charismatic celebrities, all of whom participate in ecumenical unity.

Evangelist Luis Palau: Known as "the Billy Graham of South America, " Palau broadcasts in 95 counties and over nearly 500 stations. Billy Graham's influence on him began in 1962. A Jamaican newspaper ad announced the 1993 Palau Crusade there in these words: "The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston gives wholehearted support in mobilizing its members to participate in the National Crusade 1993. This venture is seen by us as an important event in the spreading of the Gospel in an ecumenical manner. " 44

The following report shows the actual extent of Palau's ecumenism: "Palau's form of worship presents such a broad Christian message that it appeals to Protestants and Catholics alike... But unlike other evangelicals who have actively tried to lure.. . Catholics away from their churches, Palau aims to keep people in their own Christian churches - regardless of denomination... 'on the core of Christianity, we are one,' Palau said in a recent interview... Palau represents a growing trend among religious groups. . . that do not want to alienate Catholics. . . (Palau) carefully avoids the controversial differences between Catholics and Protestants. . . Protestants of Palau's type have a message that does not require abandoning church membership. . . Bible studies are deliberately held at times that would not conflict with Masses and controversial subjects like the Virgin Mary are avoided. Instead there's an attempt to find a common ground in the Bible. " 45

Dr. Chuck Colson: His Prison Fellowship Ministries uses 50,000 volunteer workers with 21 directors and 64 state officers. On August 28, 1993 he was awarded the John S. Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion. This took place at the Chicago meeting of the Parliament of the World's Religions, an ecumenical event. In 1990, Mr. Colson wrote the Foreword to a book entitled Evangelical Catholics - a Call for Christian Cooperation to Penetrate the Darkness with the Light of the Gospel. The book's Catholic author is attorney Keith A. Fournier, General Counsel and Dean of Evangelism at the Catholic University of Steubenville in Ohio. Speaking of Dean Fournier and "Father" Mike Scanlan's "ministry of evangelistic outreach, " Colson describes the changes Pentecostalism brought to the Catholic Steubenville University in these words:

"They can be attributed to a great movement of the Holy Spirit among people completely committed to Christian living within the Catholic Church . . . The Church has often been plagued by wars within her walls. . . But at root, those who are called of God, whether Catholic or Protestant, are part of the same Body... Keith Fournier stands in the breach-truly orthodox in his adherence to Catholic doctrine and fully evangelical in his relationship to Christ and His creation. . . I pray that his book will be read by Catholics and Protestants alike, that it will be a bridge across many of the historic divisions in the church...."

Dr. John R.W. Stott: The Rector Emeritus of All Souls Anglican Church is England's best-known Neo-evangelical. He has had a profound influence on America's evangelical students through repeat engagements as speaker at Urbana, InterVarsity's triennial missionary conference. The Lausanne Covenant was drafted in 1974 and Stott was chairman of the group. His popularity was described in these words:

"One reason why he has been admired and honored in the Church of England is that he has remained loyal to it. His public disagreement with Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones at a meeting of the Evangelical Alliance in 1966 was a turning point. Lloyd-Jones, often regarded as the greatest preacher of his age, urged Evangelicals to come out of their denominations and together form their own new association, if not an actual church; and Stott, who was in the chair, resolutely opposed him." 46

John Stott's intention of eventual union with the Vatican system is expressed as follows:

"Leading evangelical John Stott, an advisor of the World Council of Churches told the Nottingham NEAC Conference that 'the visible unity of all professing Christians should be our goal . . . and evangelicals should join others in the Church of England in working towards full communion with the Roman Catholic Church."' 47

Dr. Jack Van Impe: Widely known as "the walking Bible," the head of Jack Van Impe Ministries claims he has been honored with doctoral degrees from twelve leading seminaries and Bible colleges across America. His telecasts reach 160 nations and blanket entire continents through 825 international radio and television stations. His influence could affect a claimed "potential of 56 million viewers." 48 Until 1984, Van Impe stood with those who opposed the enemy. But then he published his book, Heart Disease in Christ 's Body, and with it declared that he had moved to the position of ecumenical neutrality and compromise and away from the true soldiers of Biblical truth.

Then came Van Impe's video, "Startling Revelations: Pope John Paul II." Released in the fall of 1993, video ads then appeared in several major magazines. "Dr. Van Impe who formerly warned that the Roman Catholic church is a false, apostate church has now made a complete about-face by accepting the pope and so-called traditional Roman Catholicism as being part of the body of Christ. . . He not only claims that Pope John Paul 11 is a genuine Christian but also considers the Pope to be a true prophet and defender of the faith. " 49

In addition, among the alleged "common points of agreement between orthodox Catholics and evangelical Protestants," claimed by the Van Impes to exist, there stands the extremely damaging and utterly false statement that Christ's "atonement death on the cross" 50 is held mutually by both.

The Imminent Finale

Indeed, many of today's evangelicals are embracing Romanism-the world's deadliest cult. The depth of this tragedy becomes evident through an understanding of the hour to which humanity has now come. Divine intervention is taking place in the affairs of mankind and God's watchmen are warning of this fact. Perhaps the most outstanding feature of God's activity is the ongoing fulfillment of His promise to Israel. He said:

"Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land. And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel... and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all." 51

At this very moment in history, the stage is dramatically being set in the Middle East for the completion off further words by Christ to His prophet Zechariah. He added, "For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle. . . Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations." 52 Their total annihilation will then follow.

Shortly before this extermination takes place, however, another purge will have already occurred. This concerns those evangelicals involved in the treachery of Vatican ecumenism as well as the Church of Rome and its members. It has been described by the Apostle John in his Revelation from Christ Jesus as God's judgment upon a woman, a whore who is the symbol "of that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth. " 53

What Is That City?

This city that reigns is represented as "the great whore that sitteth upon many waters. "John was told these waters represent "peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. " 54

The Scriptures depict the city as "arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup full of abomination. " It bears a name written: "MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. " 55

What is that great city characterized by a woman arrayed in purple and scarlet? The answer rings clearly in the Word of God and was understood by most believers throughout the past nine centuries.

God's servants gathered in 1886 at the Chicago Prophetic Conference were unanimous in stating that great city to be Papal Rome. Likewise, virtually all believers living in those appalling centuries of Vatican supremacy and the decline of Vatican power, were harmonious in holding that same conviction.

In further confirmation of the city's identity to be Rome, the angel told John, "I will shew unto you. . . [and] I will tell thee. " He then revealed it to be "drunken with the blood of the saints and with the martyrs of Jesus, "55 and whose traffic was, "slaves (bodies) and souls of men."

Drunken With The Blood Of The Saints

Imperial Rome under the emperors caused the martyrdom of many thousands. Then began the development of Papal Rome. It emerged as the Holy See or Roman Catholicism following the break with Greek Orthodoxy in 1054. Then followed a period of persecution unequaled in the history of nations. The Roman Catholic Church caused the death of untold millions and the awful details are contained in The Book of Martyrs.

The author, John Foxe, was born in 1517 in Boston, in England's Lincolnshire. He graduated from Oxford and became a student of church history. Eleven years were spent in the book's preparation. Queen Elizabeth referred to him affectionately as "Our Father Foxe." His book was placed in every cathedral church in England, and John Bunyan kept a copy during his writing of Pilgrim 's Progress and the years of his imprisonment. This historic classic should be in all church libraries today and read by all believers.

The Lord God Who Judgeth Her

John was shown a woman (city) seated upon a beast with seven heads and ten horns. He was told the ten horns "are ten kings" who would rule with unity at the end of time, and "shall hate the whore [city], and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh, and bum her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will...." 56

The carrying out of God's judgment upon the Vatican or Papal Rome is imminent. The current political atmosphere and background of that impending event fill many volumes already in print. Today's global press and media hold no respect or love for the papacy.

Amazingly, and as documented throughout this booklet, today's evangelicals are blissfully embracing that which God hates and has promised to destroy. In love for them as well as love for Roman Catholics, wherever they may be found, the booklet closes with these solemn words of warning as written by the Apostle John:

"And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.... Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine: and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." 57

But to those, both past and present, who have refused to embrace Romanism, that deadly cult, and remained faithful to the Saviour, this message comes from the God of heaven and earth:

"Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her." 58


As quoted earlier, "we wrestle not against flesh and blood " This truth must constantly be kept in mind as the brutality and violence of this world continue to escalate. Our struggle therefore is against the evil spirit who created Roman Catholicism. It is not a conflict with the individual member of that politico-religious system.

The Saviour said, "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). Likewise, no malice or bitterness against Roman Catholics should be found in the heart of God's true believer. On the contrary, we should be filled and motivated by the same love shown towards us by our merciful God. It is written: "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

Your writer was enabled to complete 40 years of ministry to Roman Catholics because of this love. When he came to Quebec in 1953 with his wife and three daughters, the Province was indeed, in the words of Pope Pius XII at that time, "the most Catholic country in the world." As such, all those seeking to bring God's Word to French Canada, were subject to various forms of persecution. Yet perseverance in gospel work was maintained for it was fueled by love for the Roman Catholic.

Nevertheless, 1953 was a difficult and somewhat dangerous period for missionaries to minister among the Catholic population. Wilson has been jailed, stoned, man handled and threatened with death. Through God's blessing, hundreds of Catholics were saved and several churches built, one of those being in the New England States.

Born in London, Ontario in 1923, Wilson Ewin was raised on his parent's farm in the same area. They were members of a small community Baptist Church, and here, Wilson received Christ as Saviour at age 13. He served as a pilot instructor in World War II and met Trudy, his future wife from Switzerland, under circumstances that can only be explained as coming from the Hand of God. Before and after the war he was strangely stopped in attempts to begin university studies in engineering, medicine and embassy careers successively. Then a call from God came in 1950 and Wilson and Trudy studied at London Bible Institute, London, Ontario.

Besides his evangelism and pastoral work, Wilson wrote many articles and books on the topic of Romanism. The story of those years has been written and a 40-minute video produced. The listing of these and other books and material relating to the topic of Roman Catholicism is available at this book's address.

Perhaps it came from his wartime interest in enemy deception and infiltration but Wilson became intrigued by the decades of Vatican manipulation of evangelist Billy Graham. This led to his 1992 booklet, "The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church. "

Graham's involvement in deception has now led him into the web of Communism. His march 1995 Global Mission will include all regions of the former Union of Socialist Republics. These are now called the "Commonwealth of Independent States. " In preparation for the global effort, the Graham Evangelistic Association conducted a leadership training Seminar in Moscow, Russia on December 9-11, 1993.

Tragically, such activity is ecumenical. Its purpose is to achieve religious unity on a global dimension regardless of creed or doctrine. As such, it opposes the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and is the deadly enemy of Biblical evangelism. May God strengthen His people to fight the good fight, finish the course and keep the faith.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price Of Freedom

1. Their Finest Hour, by Winston Churchill, p. 171.
2. Ibid. p. 118.
3. Triumph and Tragedy, by Winston Churchill, p. 479. 4. Gospel of Matthew, 28:18-19, 20.
5. Acts, 4:31.
6. Ibid., 5:41.
7. Epistle of Jude, 3-4.
8. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. Xll, p. 270.
9. Lectures on the Council of Trent, by Anthony Froude, p. 335.
10. History of the Christian Church, by Lars P. Qualben, p. 389.

The 1886 Gathering In Chicago

1. Revelation 6:10.
2. A History of Fundamentalism in America by George Dollar, pp. 43,47.
3. Ibid., p. 45.
4. Prophetic Studies by A.J. Gordon, p. 67.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid., p. 71.
7. Prophetic Essays, p. 169.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid. pp. 173-174.
10. A History of Fundamentalism in America, p. 67.
11. Revelation 17:4.
12. Ibid., verse 18.
13. Ibid., 18:4.
14. The Gospel of St. Matthew 18:7.
15. Ezekiel 33:6.
16. A History of Fundamentalism in America, pp. 52-53.

Roman Catholicism-The Unrecognized Cult

1. The Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin, p. 11.
2. Ibid., p. 13.
3. The Chaos of Cults, by J.K. Baalen, p. 11.
4. A History of the Christian Church, by Lars P. Qualben, 12th Printing, p. 236.
5. The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, p. 270.
6. The Documents of Vatican II, p. 715.
7. The Canons and Decrees of' the Council of Trent, p. 270.
8. Ibid. pp. 145-146.
9. Epistle to the Ephesians 2:8-9.
10. My Catholic Faith, p. 87.
11. The Baltimore Catechism, p. 60.
12. Encyclical "Reconciliation and Penance," p. 107.
13. Out of the Labyrinth, by L.H. Lehmann, pp. 9-10.

Glancing At The Enemy's Armory

1. Epistle to the Ephesians 6:11-12.
2. Epistle to the Romans, 16:17.
3. Second Epistle to Timothy, 2:3.
4. The Documents of Vatican II, p. 716.
5. Ibid., p. 715.
6. Ibid., pp. 347, 355.
7. Augustine of Hippo, Translated by Mary T. Clark, a Religious of the Sacred Heart of Manhattanville College, p. 463.
8. The Documents of Vatican II, p. 623.
9. New Evangelization 2000, Summer 1993, p. 14.
10. A.D. 2000 Together, Summer 1990, p. 22.
11. A Prophet with Honor, by William Martin, p. 223.
12. Ibid., p. 222.
13. Billy Graham - The Authorized Biography, by John Pollock, p. 172.
14. The New Neutralism, by William E. Ashbrook, pp. 4-5.
15. Foundation Magazine, March/April 1992, p. 9.
16. The Christian Beacon, March 12, 1987.
17. A Prophet with Honor - The Billy Graham Story, by William Martin, p.574.
18. Foundation Magazine, July/August 1986.
19. World Evangelization, Nov/Dec 1989, January 1990.
20. Lausanne Occasional Papers - Christian Witness to Nominal Christians Among Roman Catholics, p. 11.
21. The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church, (obtainable from this booklet's address).
22. Bookstore Journal, November 1991.
23. A Prophet with Honor - The Billy Graham Story, by William Martin, pp. 309-310.
24. Ibid., p. 310.
25. Ibid., p. 574.
26. Ibid., p. 540.
27. Ibid., p. 222.
28. Ibid., p. 518.
29. Ibid., p. 526.
30. Ibid., p. 400.
31. Ibid., p. 490.
32. Ibid., p. 220.
33. Ibid., p. 222.
34. Chicago Tribune, June 27, 1977.
35. Gospel of John, 5:26-29.
36. Second Epistle to Timothy, 4:7.
37. The Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin, p. 11.
38. Revelation, 17:15.
39. The Problem of Christian Unity, an exhaustive chart.
40. Christianity Today, June 22, 1992.
41. New Covenant, May 1993.
42. For additional information relating to ecumenical unity through Pentecostal Charismatic Encyclopedia itself, please contact this booklet's address.
43. A Man Called Mr. Pentecost, pp. 215-216.
44. Calvary Contender, March 15, 1993.
45. The Arizona Republic, October 31, 1992.
46. Evangelical Essentials, Intervarsity Press 1988, A dialogue between David Edwards, a British liberal and John Stott.
47. All Roads Lead to Rome? The Ecumenical Movement, by Michael de Semlyen, pp. 30, 31.
48. Jack Van Impe Ministries International, January 7, 1994 Report.
49. Foundation Magazine - Startling Statements of Dr. Jack Van Impe, by M.H. Reynolds, pp. 4-5.
50. Startling Revelations: Pope John Paul II, a video by Dr. Jack Van Impe.
51. The Prophet Ezekiel, 37:21-22.
52. Ibid., 14:2-3.
53. Revelation, 17:18.
54. Ibid., V. 15.
55. Ibid., Vs. 4-5.
56. Ibid., Vs . 16-17
57. Revelation, 18:4-5, 8. 58. Ibid., V. 20.

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