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False Christ
Demon from Hell - Maitreya




He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions. Christians know Him as the Christ, and expect His imminent return. Jews await Him as the Messiah; Hindus look for the coming of Krishna; Buddhists expect Him as Maitreya Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah.

The names may be different, but many believe they all refer to the same individual: the World Teacher, whose name is Maitreya (My-'tray-ah).

Preferring to be known simply as the Teacher, Maitreya has not come as a religious leader, or to found a new religion, but as a teacher and guide for people of every religion and those of no religion.

At this time of great political, economic and social crisis Maitreya will inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global cooperation.

He will launch a call to action to save the millions of people who starve to death every year in a world of plenty. Among Maitreya's recommendations will be a shift in social priorities so that adequate food, housing, clothing, education, and medical care become universal rights.

Under Maitreya's inspiration, humanity itself will make the required changes and create a saner and more just world for all.

A Gradual Emergence

In recent years, information about Maitreya's emergence has come primarily from Benjamin Creme, a British artist and author who has been speaking and writing about this event since 1974.

According to Creme, Maitreya descended in July 1977 from His ancient retreat in the Himalayas and took up residence in the Indian-Pakistani community of London. He has been living and working there, seemingly as an ordinary man, His true status known to relatively few. He has been emerging gradually into full public view so as not to infringe humanity's free will.

As a modern man concerned with today's problems, Maitreya has worked on many levels since 1977 to prepare humanity for His outward presence.

From behind the scenes, the outpouring of His extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for dramatic changes on many fronts, including the fall of communism in the Soviet Union, the collapse of apartheid in South Africa, the rapprochement between East and West, the growing power of the people's voice, and a worldwide focus on preserving the environment.

Outwardly, He has met with groups of journalists and influential leaders from all fields, informing them of His solutions to today's most pressing problems and of the role they might play in the coming time.

Since 1988 Maitreya has appeared miraculously throughout the world, mainly to orthodox religious groups, presenting in the simplest terms the great spiritual laws governing our lives. And, through steadily increasing signs and spiritual manifestations, now widely reported in the media, He has touched the hearts of millions, preparing them for His imminent appearance.

Day of Declaration

At the earliest possible moment, Maitreya will demonstrate His true identity. On the Day of Declaration, the international television networks will be linked together, and Maitreya will be invited to speak to the world.

We will see His face on television, but each of us will hear His words telepathically in our own language as Maitreya simultaneously impresses the minds of all humanity. Even those who are not watching Him on television will have this experience.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place throughout the world. In this way we will know that this man is truly the World Teacher for all humanity.

Maitreya Buddha`s Emergence

(An update on what it happening with the appearance of the False Prophet, who is going by the name Lord Maitreya, or Maitreya Buddha. He has made appearances all over the world, and continues to appear and disappear in 1996. Beware of this deception that I believe will prove to be the deception spoken of in Revelation about the end times. Notice that this Maitreya does not intend to set up a religion around himself. This is because, I believe, he intends to set up a religion around the coming Anti-Christ. - Sandy Simpson)


Maitreya Buddha has come 'like a thief in the night' earlier than many had anticipated. He is now in London in a physical body and has recently accepted invitations from US and Japanese media for a televised interview. Major events will soon present the world with a momentous choice. With Maitreya's wise counsel, humanity will gladly choose the reconstruction of the world based on economic justice and freedom for all. At this time of great political, economic, & social crisis, Maitreya and His Disciples, the Masters of Wisdom, will inspire humanity to see itself as one family & create a peaceful civilization based on sharing, economic & social justice, and global cooperation. "Now in those days, brethren, there shall arise in the world an Exalted One by name Maitreya (the Kindly One) an Arhat, a Fully Enlightened One, endowed with wisdom and righteousness, a Happy One, a World-knower, the Peerless Charioteer of men to be tamed, a teacher of the devas (angels) and mankind, an Exalted One, a Buddha like myself. He of His own abnormal powers shall realize and make known the world, and the worlds of the devas, with their Maras, their Brahmas, the host of recluses and brahmins, of devas and mankind alike, even as I do now. He shall proclaim the norm, lovely in its beginning, lovely in its middle, and lovely in the end thereof. He shall make known the wholly perfect life of righteousness in all its purity, both in the spirit and in the letter of it, even as I do now. He shall lead an Order of Bretheren numbering many thousands, even as I do now lead an order of Bretheren numbering many hundreds."(Gautama Buddha in Digha Nikaya) Who is the Fifth Buddha?

According to esoteric teachings, Maitreya is the awaited Fifth Buddha. He is also known as the Christ, World Teacher, Imam Mahdi, Messiah, & Kalki Avatar. The word 'Christ' is not the name of an individual, but the title of an office or function within the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters. The Leader of all the Masters for our planet's Spiritual Hierarchy is known to many in the west as the Christ and as the Bodhissatva in the east. The Hierarchy is known to some as the 'Great White Brotherhood'. Without infringing upon our freewill, Maitreya and his disciples, the Masters of Wisdom will guide humanity into a future which will be much lovelier than most of our better futurists currently imagine. The Teacher Preferring to be known simply as 'the Teacher', Maitreya has not come as a religious leader or to found a new religion, but as teacher and guide for people of every religion and those of no religion. He has come "like a thief in the night," (Peter 3:10) when least expected. He is returning for the good of everyone, both the religious and non-religious alike.

The Day of Declaration

On the Day of Declaration, Maitreya will present His credentials to all of humanity. On this day, "every eye shall see him."(Rv.1:7) Everyone will (simultaneously) hear his voice inwardly-- telepathically in their own language. At the same time, we will all deeply feel His omnipotent love and hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place throughout the world.

After the Day of Declaration several Masters of Wisdom will join Maitreya on the world stage. Each will have different functions depending upon His particular line of work. Some will teach, while others will be concerned more with world problems of a political & economic nature. Still others will inspire the new architecture, painting & music, while the attention of some will be directed to science & the inspiration of the new 'holistic' science, integrating science & religion. A Master (Mahatma) is simply a master over Himself & the forces of nature. None of them wish to be worshipped or idolized. Eventually you too will be able to do what they can do now. For the first time in countless millennia, They will be serving humanity openly in the world, rather than from behind the scenes as they do now.

Maitreya does not intend to build a new religion around himself, nor to create followers, but to teach humanity the Art of Self-Realization. The first steps are "honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit, and detachment. Any action performed with dishonesty of mind, an insincere spirit and attachment is destructive. For example, when you think one thing, say another, and do something which is different again, you are lost. Honesty of mind leads to honest speech and honest action. This harmony leads to peace and happiness." HE HAS SAID... "I have not come to create followers, each of you should continue to develop within your own religious tradition. A real disciple is one who will respect the traditions. Respect your own religions, your own ideologies, in brief, your own thoughtform, and you will experience the Master. Even when you see Me, do not run after Me. If you run after Me, you will lose Me. If you parade Me, you do not know who I am. I cannot be monopolized, I belong to everyone."

"Be what you are. Do not surrender your self-respect, your dignity, to others. Do not allow anyone to cast his shadow over you. A Master gives experiences, but does not cast his shadow. Do not follow one another. If you practice honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit and detachment, you will know your Self, you will know Me, you will know the Lord."

"Many await My Coming with trepidation, fearing the loss of all that they have amassed & gained. Fear not, My friends, for the loss will be the loss of separation only, of division & fear, of envy & hate. To clear these from the world, all must be remade. Know this, My friends, & be ready to share, to see your brother as yourself, to clasp him in your arms & call him friend. In this way, My brothers, you manifest God's Plan. Towards the completion of that Plan do I work & call you to My side. Work with Me, My friends; together we shall make all things new."

"My plan is to show you that the way out of your problems is to listen again to the true voice of God within your hearts, to share the produce of this most bountiful of worlds among your brothers and sisters everywhere."

"My Masters work also in their various centers and through them proceeds the plan, my work is to organize that plan in such a way that the least cleavage results. Much that is loved must go. Cling not the old forms. Much will depend upon man's ability to renounce these outworn structures and to create a new and simpler world."

My intention is to reveal Myself soon & by the shortest route. All else failing, I shall emerge into a world ready but unprepared, a world which knows not yet that I am among you. But far better would it be for Me to come before you as the Expected One, the One sent by God to lead you into your future glory. Many know this but many more by far are ignorant of the true happenings of the time. I do solemnly appeal to you, therefore, My dear friends, to make known the fact of My Presence among you & pave smooth My way.

"Remember this, forget not that I come to change all things. My coming brings peace. Likewise, my presence brings cleavage. My sword, that love which I am, will separate all men, will show the true from the false, will clear the way for the new light which I bring. May it be that you can withstand this change and accept my light."


The Establishment of Peace The Inauguration of the System of Sharing The Removal of Guilt & Fear--the Cleansing of the Hearts and Minds of Men The Education of Mankind in the Laws of Life and Love An Introduction to the Mysteries The Beautification of All Cities The Removal of Barriers to Travel & Interchange of People The Creation of a Pool of Knowledge Accessible to All "...He shall proclaim the norm, lovely in its beginning, lovely in its middle, and lovely in the end thereof. "

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here [is] Christ, or there; believe [it] not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers; believe [it] not.

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
MATTHEW 24:21-27



Now, the political United Nations has a spiritual equivalent, a New World Order Religion, called "United Religions". The target date for full implementation is the same year as all other New World Order target date, 2,000 AD. A major development in the coming Kingdom of Antichrist The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.


NEWS BRIEF: "Interfaith Meeting Gives Birth to United Religions", by Richard Scheinin, Mercury News Religion and Ethics Writer, Mercury Center, San Jose Mercury News

United Religions Initiative - Youth Global Network symbol For New Global Religion

"Nearly 200 delegates wrapped up a week-long interfaith meeting at Stanford on Friday, predicting they had given birth to a movement as well as a spiritual institution: the United Religions. The 'spiritual United Nations', as some have referred to it, would be a world assembly for humanity's myriad spiritual traditions. The international 'summit conference' brought together delegates from every continent to inaugurate formal efforts to figure out the organization's structure and mission and launch a charter-writing process. After several years of talking, the initiative's planners had finally gotten down to business."

" 'You are deputized!', the Rev. William E. Swing, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California, told delegates as they prepared to go home. 'Tell the people that there is a United Religions, and that somewhere in the world, it is beginning to happen: that the religions are going to have an oasis where they can talk about peace.'[This conference was held June 23-27, 1997] "

We have been predicting for a full decade now, that the current Ecumenical Movement was a precursor to the global religion of Antichrist, which, according to Scriptural Prophecy, is to be initially headed the False Prophet. Before we go any further in our current story, we need to first quickly review some basic information.

1) The key Biblical Prophecy-- The False Prophet Foretold and Described

Revelation 13:11 -- "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast..."

This is the key Scripture which tells us that the 'Second Beast', following the First Beast in Revelation 13:1-10 [Antichrist] will lead the peoples of the entire world into a worship of Antichrist. Bible scholars have historically called this 'Second Beast', the False Prophet.

Further, we know that this 'Second Beast' will be a Christian leader, a counterfeit Christian leader; look carefully at the description given him, "he had two horns like a lamb". Of course, Jesus Christ is consistently referred to as the "Lamb of God" or the "Lamb which taketh away the sins of the world". [John 1:29, 36] Therefore, a lamb has come to symbolize the True Savior of the World, Jesus Christ. So, this passage holds forth for us a counterfeit lamb, a leader who claims to be "Christian" and who is accepted as such by the vast majority of the peoples of the world.

However, we know this Prophet is counterfeit and Satanic by the next phrase in Rev 13:11, "and he spake as a dragon". In Scripture, Satan is referred to as a "dragon" [Revelation 12:9], so we know that this False Prophet will be empowered by Satan, just as Antichrist is empowered by Satan. Later, in Rev 16:13-14, we see a picture of both Antichrist and the false Prophet being indwelt by demonic entities which appear to the Apostle John as green orbs [this is a common type of demonic possession, by the way, afflicting many in the New Age religion]. "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."

Now that we have established the Biblical Prophecy that foretells the existence of a False Religious Prophet that leads the world into worship of Antichrist, and now that we have established the Biblical truth that this false religious leader will claim to be Christian and will be accepted as such, we need now to review a most important, and pertinent part of the New World Order Plan. In NEWS1052, we reprinted the entire text of my seminar notes from a seminar given to members of the Boston of Theosophy, and to any "seekers" of spiritual truth. During this seminar, Bill Lambert, the New England Director of Theosophy, detailed the plan whereby the New World Order Religion would be established. Let us review the pertinent passages.

The name of this seminar, " POSSIBLE AND PROBABLE EVENTS IN THE FUTURE", was held at the Boston office of the House of Theosophy on 8/18/91. During this seminar lecture, Lambert gave many important and revealing aspects of the New World Order Plan to produce Antichrist and his False Prophet. Lambert revealed that the person had been selected to fulfill this religious leadership position, and it was none other than the Roman Catholic Pope!! Listen to Lambert's explanation:

"At the proper moment in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should be combined into one."

Thus, the Roman Catholic Pope has been selected to be the top global religious leader of the New World Order Religion!! This makes him the Biblical False Prophet!! But, what about the prophecy, in Rev 13:11-12, that he will be the same type of spiritually-empowered individual as the Antichrist? Fortunately, I had the opportunity to get this question answered, as well. When Mr. Lambert began his seminar, he stated that anyone could interrupt him at any time with a question, simply by raising his hand. Shortly after stating that the Pope would be the leader of the New World Order Religion, Lambert began to share with us that the Antichrist can only arise after a significant people could accept him. Lambert likened this acceptance as "being a proper receptor" for the Christ [Antichrist]. Quoting Lambert:

"Energies want to flow from the Hierarchy to earth to produce the physical manifestation of the Christ; but, such flow can only occur when humanity raises its collective consciousness to be properly awakened receptors." (Page 617-618, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, paraphrased by Mr. Lambert).

At this point, I raised my hand to ask Mr. Lambert, 'You spoke earlier about the Pope going to Jerusalem; when Lord Maitreya makes his appearance, there will be three types of people:

1. Those whose consciousness has been properly raised so they can readily accept him;

2. Those whose consciousness has been raised somewhat but not so high that they can readily and immediately accept him, but they might be able to accept him after further enlightenment;

3. Those who will never accept him.'

I continued:

'What responsibility do the leaders of the world's religions have toward those members of their flock who are of group number two? Will they step forward to publicly urge group number two people to accept the Christ?'

Bill's answer was that the acceptance of the Christ was completely an individual affair.

I then tried again to get Bill to state that one of the leaders of the world's religion would step forward to play the role of the Biblical False Prophet. I said, 'Back to the Pope for a moment, Bill. You stated that, at the right moment, the Pope would go to Jerusalem. Surely the Pope is a proper receptor to the Christ'

At this point, Bill nodded his head affirmatively that the Pope was a proper receptor to the Christ ."

The Roman Catholic Pope is a proper receptor to the Christ, the Antichrist!! This is an unbelievable revelation! And, since the Pope is a proper receptor to The Christ [Antichrist], and since he claims to be a Christian leader, and is accepted as such, he can Biblically fulfill the role of the False Prophet!!

Now, back to our story.

The Roman Catholic Church has led the global Ecumenical Movement almost from the beginning, and is very successful in bridging the gaps existing between all the religions of the world, including liberal or apostate Christian groups. But, now, the time has come to go public with the plan described above as 'The New Jerusalem Covenant Project', to the creation of the infant 'United Religions'.

Notice, on page 1, we quoted Episcopal Bishop Swing as stating that this United Religions Initiative would produce "peace" in the world. Any Christian who knows their prophecy would immediately sit up and take notice, because the Apostle Paul stated that the coming kingdom of Antichrist would come amidst proclamations of "Peace and Safety"
[1 Thessalonians 5:1-2]

"David Cooperrider, a professor at Case Western Reserve University's management school and a consultant to the United Religions project, envisioned both an institutional 'gathering place for discussions of the global good' and a 'Web-like structure' for projects, membership, and meetings around the world. Though Cooperrider studies and consults with 75 global organizations, including 'Save the Children' and the 'Nature Conservancy', the United Religions Initiative has inspired him like no other, he said. He described ``extraordinary momentum'' gathering this week. The initiative has raised $2.1 million in cash and pledges. The conference cost almost $400,000, with travel scholarships given to about 35 delegates. In the next 18 months, regional conferences are planned in Johannesburg, South Africa; Cairo, Egypt; and Delhi, India."

"This week, the 200 delegates established more than 20 task forces that will work in the next year to answer questions about United Religions' location, funding and organization: How will constituent bodies within the United Religions relate to one another, and how will a United Religions collaborate with other interfaith and global organizations? When the delegates convene next June -- Stanford may again be the location -- they will hear a series of ``white papers'' roughing out the United Religions mission and begin to establish priorities. Should they wrestle with population problems? The need for conflict resolution between religious groups in regional hot spots? The eradication of poverty?"

Is this mention of needing to accomplish "conflict resolution" the promise that the coming global religion, which will be the "spiritual equivalent to the United Nations", will be the only way to achieve "safety" in the world? If it is, then this United Religions project will have fulfilled the second part of Paul's warning, in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2, that the disaster of the Tribulation Period will only come after people have been assured that the world has finally achieved "peace and safety".

This article then describes the various people that attended this conference as delegates:

1) Christian -- Catholics and Episcopalians are the only groups specifically mentioned
2) Muslims
3) North American Interfaith Network [NAIN] You can find all sorts of Web sites for this Ecumenical group
4) Buddhists
5) Hindus
6) Jews
7) Sikhs

We are attempting to get a complete listing of everyone who was a delegate to this conference because participation at this Antichrist gathering will be very helpful in identifying the true nature of such groups.

The United Religions Initiative Project identified still more people involved with this Project. We have listed them below:

"The conference participants, including keynote speakers such as Nobel Peace Laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Ms. Betty Williams, and prominent Muslim Dr. Javid Iqbal, and international interfaith leaders ..."

"One day after this conference, the UN 50th Anniversary Worship Service was hosted at Grace Cathedral lead by Bishop Swing. It took two years of hard work to plan this one-hour liturgy. At both the Youth Conference and the Worship Service, the United Religions idea was made public. After this events, it became clear that, to move the UR from vision to reality an ever-expanding network of religious and interfaith leaders had to share in a process of prayer dialogue and creative thinking about a UR. With this in mind, in September 1995, Bishop Swing addressed a gathering of religious Non-Governmental Organizations at the UN. The event was hosted by the Ven. Chung Ok Lee, a Won Buddhist priest and proponent of a United Religions for over 20 years. In October 1995, Bishop Swing visited religious leaders in China."

"From February through April 1996, Bishop Swing traveled in India, the Middle East, and Europe, seeking commitment from leaders of many world's religions, including the Dalai Lama, the Sankaracharya of Kancheepuram, Islam's Grand Mufti in Cairo, Mother Theresa, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, and with people active in interfaith work, including those at a conference at the International Interfaith Centre in Oxford. In July and August 1996, the Bishop visited with religious leaders in Japan and Korea."

Now, we learn that Bishop Swing enlisted the commitment of many of the world's religions, and that Mother Theresa, of the Roman Catholic Church!!! It is no wonder, then, that Mother Theresa has been making trips to the Vatican to meet with Pope John Paul II, even though she is very old. She is evidently the point person in this global effort to unite the world's religions into One. Remember, in NEWS1020, "GORBACHEV IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN EVER BEFORE! PART 1 OF 2", we discovered that Mother Theresa was representing the Roman Catholic Church at this most important conference of New World Order leaders. Do not be deceived: the Roman Catholic Pope is the Biblical False Prophet!!

"During the conference, each participant was asked to 'put yourself 30 years into the future.

The year is 2026. Visualize the United Religions you feel the world is calling for - a UR you, also, really want. Visualize it as if it exists now. As part of your vision, imagine the variety and types of contributions the UR is making to the world.'

The discussions that flowed from this assignment reflected our deepest yearnings to live in a safe world that more nearly reflects the divine love for every being; a world where people respect and honor each other, serve the needy, and are caretakers of the earth and all its life; a world where religion no longer leads to hatred and violence, but to dialogue, the celebration of diversity, and cooperative action for global good. [Note: Now, you have the word for which we had been waiting: "safe". Just as the Bible foretells, this new United Religion is being advanced on the twin themes of "Peace and Safety". The time is truly growing short]

"The conference didn't end with dreaming. The participants were challenged to create a plan of action to help those dreams become a reality. That plan includes an effort to create a vast network of support and guidance by holding gatherings all over the world, in early 1997, to allow people from different countries, cultures, religions, and educational, work, and economic backgrounds to meet and help shape the vision of a United Religions. The voices, images, and commitments-to-action from these gatherings and other outreach efforts over the next year will inspire the charter-writing process to begin in San Francisco in June 1997."

The most effective way to achieve success in human endeavor is to set goals, called here "a plan of action". But, to drive your Plan of Action forward, you also need to set a timetable at which the various parts of your Plan can be expected to be achieved. This is simply good principles of management.

Therefore, we find it highly significant that the leaders of this United Religions Project have also created a "Timeline for UR 2000". We find it even more interesting to notice that this religious timeline is for the year 2000, which is precisely the year at which the political and business plans call for full implementation of their parts of the New World Order -- the year 2000!!! Thus, like all good complex plans, their timing is identical!!

"* July 1996 - 1997, the Initiative will engage in a global campaign using a UR workbook, regional visioning conferences, and the Internet to enlist input and support for the creation of a United Religions from leaders, on a global and grassroots level, around the world.

* June 23-27, 1997, the Initiative will host a conference, in Stanford University, California, for 100 delegates from the historic religions and 100 representatives of spiritual and other movements, to craft a charter-writing process.

* June 1997-June 1998, conference participants will engage their own communities in valuing progress to date, further refining the UR Vision and purpose, and in determining what role they wish to play in the creation of a United Religions by the year 2000. We imagine meetings being held both within faith traditions, and among them and other stakeholders to gather input for the charter-writing to begin in 1998.

* June 1998 - June 2000, the United Religions Charter will be developed and revised through a series of annual June Charter-Writing Conferences. Between conferences, drafts of the charter will be circulated globally for comments and revision. Work to create a broader and broader network of participation in the UR initiative will continue throughout the charter-writing process.

* June 26, 2000, the United Religions Charter will be signed, while a walking pilgrimage for peace among religions takes place in villages, towns, and cities throughout the world.

Thus, in June 26, 2000, the United Religions Charter will be signed, probably in Jerusalem, in accordance with Bill Lambert's revelations, quoted above. It will probably be at this Charter ceremony, in Jerusalem, that the Pope will announce that all world's religions are one. Certainly, at this point, if not before, the Pope officially becomes the Biblical False Prophet.

Now, let us return to this story of the Interfaith Conference at Stanford University as they wrapped up their momentous conference that gave birth to the United Religions of the world. "The conference's last day began with prayers, one offered by three men born in India: a Christian, a Muslim, and a Sikh. The sunny courtyard outside was lined with flags decorated with religious symbols from a dozen or so traditions."

We could not find these flags but we did find a grouping of thirteen religions around the world that are involved in this global Ecumenical effort that has finally produced the United Religions. We have shown these religions, below:

1) Ancient Religions
2) BaHaiFaith
3) Buddha30
4) Christianity
5) EastReligion
6) Hinduism
7) Islam Religion
8) Judaism
9) Magic Religions
10) Pantheism
11) Sikh30
12) Tao30
13) Zoroaster Religion

The time is getting very, very short before the appearance of Antichrist, and the appointment of his religious counterpart, the False Prophet. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

The Christian Counter