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Does your 'Mental Health' meet global standards?

Part 2: Justifying Mind Control

Recent history of the "prevention" side of "Mental Health"

by Berit Kjos

"Americans today are being deluged with...proposals by federal, state, and local governments classified under the broad general and disarmingly innocent title of 'The Mental Health Program.'... [1] Mental Robots

"...absolute behavior control is imminent.... The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will... never self-consciously know that it has happened."[2] Raymond Houghton, ASCD (curriculum arm of the NEA), 1970

"An Iceberg presents only one tenth of its deadly mass above the ocean’s surface," wrote Dr. Alesen in Mental Robots (1960). "So it is with this pernicious so-called mental health program."[1] Alesen, a former surgeon who served as president of the California Medical Association in the 1950s, went on to describe the growing web of government control aimed at eliminating "barriers" to global oneness.

His conclusion? The revolutionary pioneers in the global "mental health" movement showed little concern for the standard forms of mental illness. Instead, their "therapy" would target the sick masses of humanity -- with the main focus on the misguided individuals who take their stand on the uncompromising truths of the Bible.

Their mass psychology has already changed our world. Have you wondered why we suddenly live in a "postmodern" world with little tolerance toward truth or traditional authorities? Or why France, Sweden and Canada are banning offensive Scriptures? Or why traditional morality means nothing to today's consensus-trained youth? [See "Ban truth; Reap Tyranny"]

The war against Christian symbols and holidays may be the most obvious symptom. God has been banned from Christmas celebrations, art projects, seasonal songs and American history. Even a first-grader's personal prayer has led to ridicule and reproof. How did this nation slide so far from its foundations?

Part of the answer is found in the new usage of a familiar word: "prevention." Decades ago, humanist visionaries twisted its focus 180 degrees. No longer directed against sexual immorality and occult seductions, "prevention" would instead open the door to forbidden thrills by blocking interference from old-fashioned parents, pastors and teachers.

In other words, prevention would be a key to social control and communal transformation. Just as the U.S. Homeland Security "[Our objective] will require a change in the prevailing culture--the attitudes, values, norms and accepted ways of doing things,"[3] said Marc Tucker, the master-mind behind today's global school-to-work system.

Remember (from Part 1) the words of Dr. Brock Chisholm, the first head of the World Health Organization (WHO). He laid the blame for war and human conflict squarely at the feet of parents and Sunday schools teachers who -- from the beginning -- fed their children the "poisonous certainties" of the Bible. An active Unitarian who despised God's truths, he asked a suggestive question:

"Can we identify the reasons why we fight wars...? Many of them are easy to list --prejudice, isolationism, the ability to emotionally and uncritically believe unreasonable things.... "When the other [infectious diseases] were attacked at the preventative level, some martyrs had to be sacrificed to the cause of humanity, because reactionary forces fought back. Ignorance, superstition, moral certainties... resisted through anti-reform organizations, religious and political pressure groups, even political parties."[4]

Chisholm's friend, Alger Hiss, agreed. In 1948, the infamous Soviet spy published Chisholm's message on mental health in his socialist journal, International Conciliation. Hiss, then president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, added his own Preface which showed the involvement of the Rockefeller Foundation in the mental health movement.[5]

Earlier, another loyal friend had launched a new journal called Psychiatry, which would gain immense prestige by the end of the century. Its owner, US psychiatrist Harry Stack Sullivan, also published Chisholm's message.[4]

Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Chisholm had been working closely with the British Brigadier-General John Rawlings Rees. Dr. Rees had helped found the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, the birthplace of the infamous Tavistock Institute for Human Relations [See "Brainwashing in America The three psychiatrists represented three nations -- the UK, USA and Canada. Together, they mapped the course for the world's mental health management system by the light of their own socialist vision of global conformity.[6]

Dr. Rees had envisioned a global NGO (non-governmental organization) that would network with political and civic leaders around the world. His leadership led to the birth of the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) in 1948. It would "enjoy consultative relationship with several UN agencies and... national groups" but remain free from government oversight. Its purpose: "To promote among all peoples and nations the highest possible level of mental health... in its broadest biological, medical, educational, and social aspects."[7]

Dr. Chisholm, Margaret Mead (the federation’s second president) and other social scientists from ten countries wrote its founding document, "Mental Health and World Citizenship."[7] Notice their attitude toward traditional values:

“Studies of human development indicate the modifiability of human behaviour throughout life, especially during infancy, childhood and adolescence.... The social sciences and psychiatry also offer a better understanding of the great obstacles to rapid progress in human affairs....

"Social institutions such as family and school impose their imprint early.... It is the men and women in whom these patterns of attitude and behaviour have been incorporated who present the immediate resistance to social, economic and political changes. Thus, prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply embedded in the developing personality... often at great human cost....

"...change will be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been engendered."[8]

Today, more than half a century later, that "attitude of acceptance" has been built. Nations around the world are fast conforming to the pattern set in the 1940s. The global network of "mental health" partners is working to prevent anything that would hinder "positive" collective thinking in the rising global village. Few notice its tentacles reaching into community health programs and civil society in over 130 nations around the world.[9]

Pushed by this massive system, our communities are changing fast. Ismail Serageldin, Vice President of the World Bank, calls cities "the vectors of social change and transformation"[10] and so they are. That's where schools, health agencies, private institutions, the media, social activists and other members of "civil society" strive together to promote "progress" and to produce "world citizens" for the envisioned 21st century community. [See "The Habitat II Agenda"]

Mass immigration (planned back in the 1940s) and multicultural conflicts have added to the urgency, and the intentional crisis has helped promote pre-planned solutions. Today, strategies for social change such as group thinking, conflict resolution, consensus building and continual compromise are becoming the norm. All are based on the dialectic process used in the former Soviet Union to conform minds to Soviet ideology.[11]

Small wonder Dr. Satcher, former U.S. Surgeon General, showed special interest mental health. "No priority yet has generated as much interest and enthusiasm as this one on mental health," he announced in 1998. "...our efforts will be focused on maintaining a system of global health surveillance."[12]

Dr. Richard Carmona, the new U.S. Surgeon General appointed by President George W. Bush, seems to be following the same plan. In a speech at the American Psychological Association's 2003 Annual Convention in Toronto, he asked for help in raising "the public's mental health literacy."

"Until we can say the words 'public health' and everybody thinks of that as including mental health, we will not have a complete health-care system," Dr. Carmona told the crowd of psychologists. "I won't be satisfied until we achieve parity."[13]

"My agenda is prevention," Cardona informed the U.S. National Institute on Health. "We need to become a prevention-oriented society — one that accepts social responsibility, makes good decisions. Things like not smoking, increasing physical activity and eliminating risky behaviors are very simple, cost-effective measures that can have a huge impact on our society. After all, the lifestyles that we are creating today are what our children and grandchildren will inherit."[14]

His argument rings true. Good medical doctors naturally encourage prevention. They would want their patients to maintain their health and strength. But when globalist "change agents" step into the picture with their psycho-social strategies -- calling their agenda "prevention" in order to gain your approval -- they bring oppression instead of peace.

Cardona mentioned positive life-style changes such as exercise and not smoking. Those are good suggestions. But when government officials assume the right to guide our personal lives, where else might they lead us? Could they mandate participation in the consensus process through government-funded "service learning" and other manipulative "lifelong learning" programs? Actually, it's already happening -- just as it happened in the Soviet Union long ago. [15]

Under the new system, noncompliant individuals would be caught and disciplined, for the web of surveillance and remediation is becoming virtually inescapable. In Part 1, you saw that President Bush's "Freedom Commission on Mental Health" would involve continual assessments and monitoring of human resources. Children classified as loners, independent thinkers, poor or uncooperative team members (unwilling to conform to the group) would be "at risk" of mandatory remediation. Ultimately, all people and institutions would be held accountable to the intrusive national and international standards for positive mental health.

Promoted as prevention, such controls might even seem right. After all, it's for the "common good." And (as you will see in Part 3) in a world dulled by feel-good thrills and the sensual seductions of the media, the masses will barely notice the loss of their freedom.

"...the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

"But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." 2 Timothy 4:3-5

Next: Part 3 of 3 - Outcome-based for Mind Control (title may change)
Part 1: Legalizing Mind Control | Steps toward Global Mind Control

1. Lewis Albert Alesen, Mental Robots (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1960); page 11.
2. Feasibility Study, Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program (B-STEP), Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Research, 1969
3. Marc Tucker, "How We Plan to Do It," Proposal to the New American School Development Corporation: National Center for Education and the Economy, July 9, 1992. See also Molding Human Resources for a Global Workforce at
4. Dr. G. Brock Chisholm, "The Re-Establishment of Peacetime Society," Psychiatry, February 1946.
5. Charlotte Iserbyt, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (Ravenna OH: Conscience Press,
1999), page 42.
6. See "Steps toward Global Mind Control" at
7. "Origins of the World Federation for Mental Health" at
8. "Mental Health and World Citizenship," founding document of the World Federation for Mental Health, pages 7 and 8. Distributed by the National Association For Mental Health, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y.
9. "Future challenges for Mental Health" at
10. Personally recorded at a day-long seminar on Solidarity at the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) in Istanbul at
11. See "Reinventing the World, Part 2: The Mind-Changing Process" at
12. David Satcher, ""Building the Next Generation of Healthy People," National Healthy People Consortium Meeting, 11-12-98.
13. "U.S. Surgeon General vows support for mental health parity" at
14. "Prevention, Preparedness Are Top Priorities" at
15. See "Serving a Greater Whole" at and "Brainwashing and 'Education Reform" at

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