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P L I     M A R K E T I N G


Temporary Web Site of the Compaign
(This will open into a new window)

Web Site for Introduction Purpose of the compaign
(This will open into a new window)

Letter Rate List Participation Form

A Letter to Pakistani Fabrics Manufacturers and Exporters




Dear Pakistani Exporter, 

Our First Collective Product Promotion is about Ten Pakistani Fabrics Manufacturers and Exporters. Currently we are targeting this compaign to South Korean Market, latter this would spread to all the important Markets of the world. This product would be launched on 15th of November and would remain active for South Korea for One Complete month. This compaign cosists of following Steps:

(1) Development of Web Site for the compaign

 (2) Submission of Web Site to some 25 Top Search Engines of the world including two South Korean Special Search Engines

 (3) Submission of the Web Site to some 30 Trade Directories of South Korea

 (4) Submission of the Web Site to Some Top 10 Trade Promotion Web Sites

(5) Making new sites at some top 15 South Korean Trade Leads Boards and advertising the compaign and hence companies in the compaign for 30 days (Daily one Trade Lead)

 (6) Advertisment of the Compaign and hence companies through United Nation’s Trade Point System hence taking the compagin to rest of the world.

 (7) Sending Direct E-mails/Faxes/Letters to some 1000 South Korean Fabrics Buyers, Dealers, Commission Agents and other concerned persons and companies

 (8) Sending Intorductory E-mails/Faxes/Letters to all South Korean (Almost 54) Chambers of Commereces and distributing our message through their newsletters to all the members of all the Korean Chmabers members.

 (9) Sending Introductory E-mails/Faxes/Letters to more than 10 South Korean Trade and Commerece Organization and hence to all their members.

 (10) Sending Introductory E-mails/Faxes/Letters to Korea Pakistan Trade Association

 (11) Advertising through Two Top Korean News Papers

 (12) Help through Pakistani Embassy and Trade Mission in South Korea

 (13) Help through Korean Embassy and Trade Mission in Pakistan.

 (14) Similarly several other promotional and marketing techniques would be used. 

This would give our participants a special opportunity to convey their message to South Korean Fabrics Buyers and Traders. Once the Korean interested buyer writes you, the message reaches you directly and you are going to reply the inquiry. The results of the compaign would be evident with in a month.

Once the website is launched, it would remain active through rest of the life and hence your message would be avaialble to all the buyers around the world.

Interested Parties are requested to Fill the attached form (For online version click here). Our representative would contact you for rest of the process.

PLI Marketing is a newly established Export/Import Marketing Firm in Faisalabad. Our Main areas of services are:

  • Indenting and Commissioning

  • Product Promotion

  • Collective Product Promotion

  • Investment Opportunities around the World

  • Events, Exhibitions and Seminars

 Please visit the website for details

I hope you would not only avail this opportunity to reach the South Korean Buyers but would appreciate the sincere efforts by us in this regard.

Looking forward to receive your completed application form soon.


Yours truly,


Sarfraz Ali


Pakistani Fabrics Exports to South Korea, first ever collective product promotion compaign.
Click here.

Used Embroidery Machinery  from South Korea.
Click here

Kausar Processing Industries (Pvt) Ltd.
Click here.

Canadian and Malaysian Investment Programs.
Click here.

Fabrics Exports to Korea

Local Product Promotion


Feroze Din Memorial Trust for Liver Patients

205-Rachna Town, Satyana Road, Faisalabd, Pakistan.
Tel/Fax: +92-41-723431,  Mob: +92-303-765-4206

Last updated on Wednesday, November 20, 2002

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