Bumblebee Tom

   Forgive me Tom, but I will always remember you for your awesome Blind Melon bumblebee girl t-shirt and your flight jacket. Tom's from Grants Pass, Oregon... and believe it or not, the Grants Passers in Schafer outnumber the townies. It's alright, cuz at least they're all pretty cool, and they don't smell bad :) So let's see... Tom lives right above me in 312 Schafer with Leif (I hope none of you are stalkers...) But he's always out and about whether he's at his girlfriend Laura's or headin to Monmouth, Oregon. He wears Chuck Taylor's. He used to have dreadlocks. He also dressed up as a fairy for his senior prom. How can you not like this guy? We all sure do. All I gotta say is, serious style points for Tom...


Here On Out