Cabin V 7.0
The boys of McAlister embarked on a trek into the unknown over February 8th - 10th: one big sausage fest full of drinks, drugs, and whatever other dumbass things boys do. Here's some of the evidence...
This is how the weekend started.... and this is only half(!!!!)
Tony and Mike.... Mike looks like an inebriated scotchman...
Pizza... the collegiate accessory
Mike, Tony, Riley, and Chris... need we say more??
The guys, a fire pit, aren't they manly men??
Speaking of manly men... look at rugged Sam and all his testosterone, axe and all
And Riley too... Grrrr!! Look at him beat that thing
Help!! Mike's fallen and he can't get up... so what else is new??
Svenny... the boys' conquest... they got him arms later too
Classic Tony
Mike rigged his beer up with fishing line so he could drink without his hands... at least he's trying to use his powers for good and not evil
Sam... loungin like a true playa
After a long adventure, our boys are weary...
They cleaned out the fridge....
...And headed home... this is definitely one for the books