Prom 2001

"Lost in Paradise" aka "Lust in Paradise"

(affectionately renamed by John)


   Prom 2001 was good good fun. Jess and I, along with Dan and John B. Mackin danced like crazy fools and enjoyed the hell out of it. (Dan and John were more so crazy fools than Jess or I, but we're not pointing any fingers or anything) The worst part of the evening? When the jogger in Hendricks Park said he wanted to throw up his sushi... well, that was bad... Dan & John's glasses mighta been worse :) Just kidding, they were... stylish. Anyway, the best part? When Dan and John fled the scene with a wine glass in one pocket, and a fish bowl in the other. Here's some memories frozen in time... for the nostalgic folk.


Dan, Jess, Rose (thats me), and John B. Mackin... all looking so so sexy at the start of the evening. Notice the lovely backdrop of the dirty dorms behind us.


These are our dates... no, the camera isn't out of focus, that just the way they look. Just kidding, I love you two! But they're NOT as hardcore as they think they are.


This is one of those professional pics that a photographer takes so that you can go back and show your kids when they get old enough to laugh at you... Kids, I have something to tell you.... THIS is your REAL father... (kidding, KIDDING)

(I stole this picture off of Dan's Site)


No I will not make out with you! Take me HOME, NOW!