Table of Banned / Restricted / Permitted Steroids
Note: You must have Microsoft Excel to view.Pituitary: Releases Gonadotropins containing LH Luteinizing Hormone and FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone. These Gonadotropins go down to the testes. Which stimulates the production of testosterone. Some goes to the production of sperm, some goes to making muscles. The testosterone results in larger muscles. This is a Negative Feedback Cycle. Without steroids it is a Regulated System. With steroids, they are introduced after the production of testosterone in the cycle. This completely eliminates the release of gonadotropins, which results in no sperm and small balls. Androgens: Estrogen + Progesterone + Estrogen Cycle: Negative Feedback Loop! Cholesterol: HDL Ratio: LDL HDL is the good cholesterol! LDL is bad! 2:1 of HDL:LDL is favorable 1:2 is bad! (4X as bad) Atherosclerosis: when you get fat on the inside of the arteries. Caused by a low ration of HDL:LDL Hormones: regulate heart/breathing rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Homeostatic: stays the same. Hepatic: deals with the liver Platelets: make scabs > clots blood > blood clotting inside your body = not good! Steroid Terror 1. Hormones regulate everything in your body from heart and breathing rate, to blood pressure and body temperature. 2. Target tissues are tissues in your body such as organs and glands. There is a feedback mechanism between certain areas of your brain and the target tissues, that regulates the endocrine system. 3. A feedback loop is like a teeter totter. When one side has too much, it is reduced to balance out the teeter totter. An example of this is the feedback loop that occurs between the levels of testosterone in your body and the amount of gonadotropins released by your pituitary. The levels of steroid hormones in your body regulate the gonadotropin secretions. 4. One of the masses of generative tissue primitively alike in both sexes, but giving rise to either an ovary or a testis; a generative gland 5. The pituitary secretes two proteins called follicle-stimulating hormone FSH and luteinizing hormone LH, which are commonly called gonadotropins. They enter the bloodstream and travel to the gonads, where they in turn stimulate the production of steroid hormones. In turn, the levels of steroid hormones in the blood regulate gonadotropin secretion. 6. Androgen: female - estrogen, progesterone. male – testosterone. 7. In the testes testosterone works to produce sperm, outside, it stimulates muscle growth. 8. Low testosterone signals the pituitary to secrete more gonadotropins, and visa-versa. If there is a huge amount, steroids, no gonadotropins are produced. 9. Because is causes atherosclerosis, which results in high risk of heart attack and stroke. 10. Induced by steroids, it could last for “several months” after the user has stopped taking them. 11. This is due to the fact that men take more potent steroids and generally more androgens than women, making them more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. As much as six-fold is the risk of cardiovascular disease increased.