Dragonball Z Final Battle

Battle of Cell

Good: Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Krillin, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Android 16, and Mr. Satan
Bad: Cell and the 7 Cell Jr.'s

Act 1: This is it Goku, We Need You to Defeat Cell
As the tournament started, Cell and Goku's adrenaline was rising. Goku had been so confident with something for a long time to this moment. As the fight started, Goku and Cell exchanged lots of punches and kicks. In an attempt to try and defeat Cell, Goku, while in the air, started up a Kamehameha. This Kamehameha grew to be more and more powerful, as everyone was thinking Goku was collecting too much of ki energy. In fact, Goku was going along as planned. But, Cell knew he wouldn't fire at the Earth, since the Kamehameha was so big, and Goku protected the Earth. However, Goku got to the second "me" and Cell started to get a little worried. Just as that was going to happen, Goku appeared in front of Cell and let loose the Kamehameha. Cell was still alive, but it's the most famous attack against Goku vs. Cell. After a little bit more of fighting, Goku finally said he had given up. Cell couldn't believe that this great fighter, just decided to give up, willingly. Goku said he had a secret weapon in store for him to fight.

Act 2: Gohan has to Defeat Cell
Now Since Gohan is a peace lover, he didn't fight Cell much. In fact, he almost willingly just said go ahead and beat me up. However, he still remains alive, knowing, that if Cell pushes him to far over the edge, he will go ballistic. Cell cannot wait, and wants this boy to give him a challenge. But, before Cell could do anything more, Android 16 jumps in, puts a death grip on Cell, and, tells him he is going to blow him up with the bomb inside of him. After learning that Dr. Briefs and Bulma removed it, Cell turned on him, and blew him into pieces. Gohan's anger is rising now.

Act 3: Gohan Transforms to Kill Cell
He tries to push him over, by sending some Cell Jr.'s after his friends and dad. After 7 are created, they go for the kill. But, Android 16 is still alive, just his head is still functioning. Mr. Satan decides that he will throw the head to the young boy, since the android told him too. When Android 16's head was thrown over, he told Gohan to forget about hurting anyone. He told him, to forget his peaceful ways. To just, fight, don't be afraid. If you have enough power in you, you can win, and he knows he does. With that, Cell's foot crashes on Android 16's head, silencing him. "I'm glad I finally got rid of that garbage," Cell says. Now, Gohan cannot take it. Between the horror of the past, between the anguish of the present, and between the agonies that will come if he doesn't do something, he just is burning with rage. With a scream, he is pushed over, and achieves something no other Saiyan has achieved at that time yet. He reaches another level of super Saiyan. All Cell can do now, is stare.

Act 4: The Strength of Gohan can Beat Cell
Gohan, pardon me, kicks major booty in this act. All seems lost, until Gohan turns super Saiyan 2. With lighting bolts and yellow aurora all around Gohan, Cell can only just stare at what he had created. Cell just stands, and waits for Gohan to make his move. Gohan, however, doesn't go after him, but goes after the Cell Jr.'s. One by one, each one is either decapitated of blow up. Once done, Gohan goes for Cell. With a swift flick of the wrist, he grabs the senzu. Cell is truly amazed at what speed this boy has. Gohan flies over to Trunks and gives him the senzu bad, telling him to give each person one. Cell decides to attack, but his punches aren't connecting. Cell decides, he will blow up the Earth now. After going plenty into the air, Cell charges up a Kamehameha. After completing and firing, while Gohan starts his own. Just about one second away from Gohan's face, Gohan lets loose his Kamehameha. Gohan's Kamehameha is more special, than Cell's, for it is absorbing Cell's own Kamehameha. It over powers, and, Cell has only half of his body, when the smoke clears. Goku tells Gohan to finish him now, before it's too late. Gohan decides, he will have more fun. After getting all of his limbs back, Cell started to get enraged, and tries to copy what Gohan did, and tries to go super Saiyan 2. It doesn't work however, for he only achieves ultra super Saiyan. This slows down Cell so much Gohan doesn't even try anymore. In fact, when Cell is trying his hardest, Gohan just ever so quickly, punches Cell in guy, sending him back. Gohan decides, he needs one more for the road. He punches him again, and, Cell cannot believe how much pain he is experiencing. After a grotesque manner of vomiting, Android 18 is spit up. This causes Cell to go back down to his second form. Now, just about anyone that is standing watching, can defeat him. Cell has no choice, but, to blow the world up. He begins to grow big, very big. The bomb has less that one minute when he started. Gohan could not believe it. He had trained so hard, achieved a new level, and now, he postponed Cell's death, for his enjoyment. But now, the world will not be sparred this time. Or will it?

Act 5: Son Goku takes Cell to Blow Up, but will He Make It!?
Goku decides, he has done enough to help, and will get rid of Cell once and for all. Goku tells his son to move out of the way, and, to take care of his wife. Gohan doesn't want his dad to go, and pleads him to stay. Goku says, this is the only thing to do. After giving a nod, Cell and Goku disappear. When they land, they give three people very big astonishment. Kaio Sama, Bubbles, and Gregory, are not too happy, because, in about 5 seconds, they were going to die. Goku tells them sorry, that, this was the only safest place he knew, that he could take Cell, with few casualties. Cell yells out that he is going to explode, and with that, he does. A bright white fills the air, for Cell, and Goku, are gone. When the smoke clears, only smoke remains, or is there more.

Act 6: He's Back from the Dead, Cell is Complete Again
Everyone is in tears, for their beloved hero, is gone. But, everyone starts to sense an enormous power. Who could it be? The first one to know is Trunks, after being killed by a enormous ki blast. Being pushed several feet back, Trunks lies in a pool of blood, being tortured over the pain he is in. Cell shows himself, back to his perfect, and, letting everyone know his story, that he learned how to do the Shunkanidou/instantaneous movement/instant transmission and to go super Saiyan 2, causing Cell to be super complete. Vegeta, showing something he never shows, gets angry, over the loss of his son. He powers up to ultra super Saiyan, and begins the attack. After what seemed like an eternity, he is finished with this attack, and Cell is unscathed. Cell blasts Vegeta back. Gohan is enraged, that his dad died, and it still didn't work. Cell starts up another ki blast, to kill Vegeta. Just as it is about to hit Vegeta, Gohan jumps in, and sacrifices an arm. Cell tells him, he will not miss this chance, and, starts up another Kamehameha. Gohan starts his Kamehameha as well, and soon, a Kamehameha tug o war has started. Both powers are equal, and not much is happening. But, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tenshinhan want to help, and they do so, but it has no effect. When it seems like Cell is going to win, Gohan pushes back. When it seems like Gohan is going to win, Cell pushes back. It is a never-ending power struggle.

Act 7: A Big Explosion!! Gohan Finally Kills Cell
Vegeta, on top of a mountain, cannot believe, that a low class warrior, Goku, achieved super Saiyan. And now, the low class warrior's son, half a blood of a Saiyan, is stronger than him. He cannot and he will not allow it. He goes in, for one last blast. Just as Cell is about to push the Kamehameha to Gohan, Vegeta comes from behind, and, fires a large ki blast at Cell. Goku, coaching Gohan through the Kamehameha tug o war, tells him, this is his chance, and to give it all he has got. Gohan does so, and, over powers Cell. Cell gets one last glimpse at his opponent. A young boy, with only one arm, that even has cells in him, is going to kill him. All Cell can do now, is scream in pain. With that, the Kamehameha over powered him, and, Cell died, for good. Gohan went out of super Saiyan 2, and collapsed on the ground, happy as ever.