Dragonball Z Final Battle

Battle of Majin Buu

Good: Son Goku, Son Gohan, Son Goten, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Veggeto, Gotenks, Tenshinhan, and Mr. Satan
Bad: Majin Buu

Act 1: Super Majin Buu and Gotenks Fight with Great Power
Ok, the summary prior to this would be, Buu is running amuck down on Earth, and now, he feels a great power in this tower. He goes up to see, but everyone won't let him. After some persuasion, they let him. Goten and Trunks are in the Room of Spirit and Time. Now, Goten and Trunks have fused to become Gotenks, and, are waiting for Buu to come in. Buu steps in, to find one warrior, for a most intense, and weird battle. Gotenks starts to power up, and becomes super Saiyan 3 Gotenks. Buu is really amazed at this strong fighter, and the fight begins. Punches fly, kicks connect, ki blast everywhere, but no one is getting hurt. It also seems Piccolo has himself in the room as well. After 30 minutes, Gotenks turns into Goten and Trunks. Buu suddenly realizes, this great power has been shot down. He no longer has a challenge and doesn't want to be there. He makes a mini-portal to get out, and, before Piccolo and Goten and Trunks can get through, they get locked in. Waiting another 30 minutes, Goten and Trunks fuse, and, make a portal of their own to get out. After getting out, they see that everyone has been affected by Buu's onslaught on them.

Act 2: Now Gohan Tries His Luck Against Buu
Gohan just went through about a day's worth of doing a huge power up. He is no longer Gohan. He is now mystical Gohan. His power is nothing compared to others. He is even stronger that a super Saiyan 3 Gotenks. So of course, he would win. Wrong. While Gohan was fighting Buu, Gotenks was looking for Buu, but, when the finally found him, they de-fused and became Goten and Trunks. So, Gohan put up a good fight for 30 minutes, but then, Goten and Trunks fused, and, tried to fight Buu. But, a part of Buu's body was taken off by Gohan, and, used as a person absorber type thing. Gotenks was tricked, and, sucked into Buu. Buu now had, Fat Buu, Gotenks, and Piccolo in him. Gohan was over powered by Buu, and, couldn't take it. He couldn't take it. Luckily, his father was coming to save him.

Act 3: Goku's Complete Power is Ready to Fight the Evil Force
Just as Gohan was about to be killed, Goku comes to the rescue. He throws a Kienzan at Buu, cutting him in half. But, Buu regenerates, and comes whole again. However, when Goku cut some of Buu off, he cut off the absorbent part that can absorb people into Buu. Goku had come to fuse with Gohan forever with the Potarra earrings. Gohan agreed, but, before Goku could give him the earring, the absorbent part of Buu came and absorbed up Gohan. Gohan, Piccolo, Fat Buu, Goten, and Trunks were now in Buu.

Act 4: A Powerful Fighter is Born, Veggeto
Now, the only people to fuse with were Mr. Satan and Dende. If Goku did try and fuse with Mr. Satan, his power wouldn't go up, but most likely, go way down, to about 1,000. Just as all hope seemed gone, a certain someone should his ugly mug again. Vegeta had come back from the dead. Goku pleaded that Vegeta would fuse with him with the Potarra earrings to defeat Buu. Vegeta refused, of course. After some persuasion, Vegeta agreed. Buu, on the other hand, gladly wanted Vegeta to fuse so he could have a fight. The two exchanged earrings, and, the powerful fighter and Veggeto was born. As soon as Veggeto became who he was, he became very cocky, and, proud of his powers. Left and right, Buu was getting whipped, with every different kind of attack. Buu couldn't take it, and started to power up, as did Veggeto. Veggeto really couldn't stay in super Saiyan. He was too powerful. Instead, he went up to super Saiyan 2. After shooting through Buu, the absorbent part of him came after Veggeto. Veggeto willingly went into Buu, so he could save his friends and family.

Act 5: Everyone Has Escaped from Buu
As soon as Veggeto came into Buu, something happened. Goku and Vegeta spilt up again. After doing so, they went to search for their family and friends. Searching and searching, they finally found them. They released them, and, Buu could feel his power slipping. Soon, his pores opened up, and, they could all escape. After escaping, Buu gradually became smaller and smaller. He soon became very animal-like. After finally transforming, he had the body of a 10-year-old child, but the mind of a killer. His power became more of any transformation he under went. His first attack, with the wave of his hand, created a massive energy ball, killing over half the world. Goku had no choice, but to fight, and try and stop him from destroying the world.

Act 6: A Big and Powerful Super Fight!!
After a short fight, Buu created an even massive energy ball that, actually did blow up the Earth. Goku transported everyone that was still alive to Kaio shin Kai, a planet for the gods. Buu, upon seeing the Shunkanidou, copied it, and, went to Kaio shin Kai. A great fight ensued. Goku, doing all he could, powered up to super Saiyan 3, and, fought Buu with all the power he had. This fight ended quickly, because Goku had run out of power. Fat Buu stepped in, and tried to fight Kid Buu. This fight ended quickly, because Fat Buu was way weaker than Kid Buu. In fact, everyone was weaker than Kid Buu. However, Goku had a plan.

Act 7: This is Your Chance Goku, Kill Buu with the Ultimate Genki Dama!!
Goku, thinking of plan, came up with a great one. He decided to try and kill Buu with the Genki Dama. However, he didn't have enough energy, because Earth had been destroyed. So, he brought Dende to Namek and told them to find all the Dragon Balls. After doing so, he would give them orders on their wishes. He told them to revive the Earth, and everyone good on it. When done so, the Earth came back, all the good people came back, and, Vegeta came back to life. This meant, he had truly become good. So, Goku told the Earth to give him energy, to defeat Buu, by raising their hands. Everyone thought it was Babidi and a trick. Vegeta then tried, but they said Babidi was faking his voice. Mr. Satan, being the fake hero he was, tried his luck. Soon enough, everyone had done so. Every person raised his or her hands on Earth, and the Genki Dama was building. However, it wasn't enough. Vegeta pleaded for Goku to hurry, since he was trying to kill Buu. Goku then called on Namek to raise their hands. Then, the Yardatto's raised theirs. Soon, the Genki Dama was building to a great size. As soon as Vegeta couldn't take a beating anymore, Goku threw the bomb. The bomb over took Buu, but couldn't be pushed over him. Buu was pushing back. Goku tried his best to completely over take Buu, but to no avail. The next wish was made, for Goku's power to come back. After this wish was done, Goku turned super Saiyan. With this power, he could easily kill Buu. The Genki Dama over powered Buu, and, killed him.