What If?

What if Yajirobe didn't cut off Vegita's tail when he was Oozaru?-Submitted by The Dawg
Vegita would have killed Gokou, which would have left Gohan and Kuririn to do the fighting, because Yajirobe obviously wouldn't want to get injured. Unless Kuririn managed to cut off Vegita's tail, they would have been killed quite easily under Vegita's heavy power.

What if Bulma never existed? Submitted by:Tikiman707@aol.com
Goku would never know anything about the dragonballs. He would stay weak since he would never meet Master Roshi. Raditz would come and kill Goku on the spot for not finishing his duty. Raditz would then kill all the Z fighters. Later on, Master Roshi may use his Mafubo Jar techinique encasing Raditz in a jar forever but he gets killed in the process. Pilaf in the meantime would collect the dragonballs to rule the world. Freeza would never know about the dragonballs along with Vegeta, Nappa, etc. Dr. Gero may bring out the androids to destroy the world. Buu would be later released and kill the androids. Then Buu would rule the world. And to think Bulma could do all that.

What if Gohan never existed? Submitted by:Tikiman707@aol.com
Goku would get killed by Raditz because no one was there to distract and weaken Raditz. In fact, Raditz would have killed Goku and gone away since Gohan wasn't there to kidnap. A minor note would be there would be no 1st Dragonball Z movie (title "Return My Gohan!"). Let's just say that somehow Piccolo still manages to kill Raditz and Goku makes it back to help fight Nappa and Vegeta. Goku would probably have lost that battle too because Gohan had helped a lot in that battle as well. Once again, let's say Goku and the gang STILL somehow win. Then they would all go to Namek to get the Namek dragonballs to wish everyone back. Since Gohan doesn't exist, Frieza would probably have killed Krillin when he tries to rescue Dende from him all alone. Goku would come and have no anger to go SSJ causing him to die yet again. Well let's say that somehow AGAIN Goku survives and escapes. Metal Frieza and King Kold would come and kill him later when they get to Earth. But just for the heck of it, let's say that everyone still manages to beat the 2 of them. Well then come the androids which would probably go along the same way...EXCEPT that Trunks would have been killed in the future by the Androids because Gohan isn't there to show Trunks the art of fighting! So the Z gang would be completely unprepared for the androids and probably all die. Here we go again, let's say they STILL manage to survive. Then there's no SSJ2 Gohan to defeat Cell when he arrives. Of course Goku would still be able to do the Instanteous Movement but Cell would survive and kill everyone...again. If we STILL move on the Z gang would face Buu but for once they may probably win since Buu wouldn't be able to absorb Gohan making him much weaker. So without Gohan, the Z gang would get killed again and again and again and again...

What if Krillin didn't exist? -Submitted by Tikiman707@aol.com
Goku wouldn't have anyone to rival him in Dragonball causing him to not be as strong as he could have been. When Raditz comes, Goku would have a harder time with beating him. Everything else may go pretty much the same except on Namek. If Krillin didn't exist, he would never have gotten the #1 star dragonball which means that Vegeta would never have seen Krillin and never have found out about Gohan and Bulma. One BIG change would be that Goku goes SSJ when he sees Krillin destroyed. If Krillin hadn't been there he never would have. Sure, Gohan might have made Goku go SSJ, but something about Krillin really meant something to Goku. To see his old-time rival and friend blown away is what got him. So without Krillin, Goku wouldn't have gone SSJ and Freeza would have killed them all resuming his life of destroying planets.

-NEW-What if Mirai Trunks (Future Trunks) would have come back during the World Martial Arts Tournament? :Trenks

If Trunks would have come back in time during the World Martial Arts Tournament he would have competed and Mighty Mask probably wouldn’t have been in the finalists which means that Trunks and Goten wouldn't have been able to compete in the adult competition. Once Goku and the others met up with Kaioshin and Kibit they would learn about Babidi and Buu. While Videl and Suppovich were fighting Suppovich would try to kill Videl which causes Gohan to go SSJ. When Yam tries to steal Gohan’s energy Trunks would step in and fire a Finish Buster to save Gohan. Kaioshin would then have the Z Fighters follow the two Majins to Babidi's ship.

After the fight of Majin Vegeta and Goku, Gohan and Future Trunks would go to Kaioshin's planet to retrieve the Zed Sword while Piccolo and Goku took Goten and Chibi Trunks to Dende's Look Out. Goku would teach Trunks and Goten and Trunks the Fusion Technique and return to the after life as normal.

When Goku realizes that Gohan and Future Trunks aren't dead he would go to Kaioshin's Planet. After Trunks and Gohan break the Zed Sword by training (Trunks probably would have the sword since he has more experience with sword wielding) Goku would arrive and show SSJ 3 to Trunks and Gohan. While training Goku and Gohan would learn that Trunks was able to go SSJ 2. With both Gohan and Trunks at SSJ 2 Goku would teach them the Fusion Dance which would create Trunkhan. After training for a few days Trunkhan would be able to go SSJ 3. Now with SSJ 3 Trunkhan able to fight Buu, after his separation into Thin Buu and Fat Buu then transforming into Super Buu, the Earth would still have a hope after Gotenks goofs off while fighting Buu in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. When Trunkhan arrives at Dende's Look-Out and finds that Buu is killing his friends and family Trunkhan would attack Buu at full force. Eventually Buu would escape and the Fusion would wear off. Gohan, Mirai Trunks, Goten and Chibi Trunks would train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for a day and become extremely strong. With both Super Sayian 3 Gotenks and Super Sayian 3 Trunkhan fighting Buu it would seem that Buu would be finished. Once again Gotenks would be showing off and Buu would absorb him. Now the fate of the universe would lie on Trunkhan. After a long and heated battle Trunkhan would come close to defeating Buu. While firing a Kamehameha the fusion would ware off. Buu, angered from almost defeat, would attack the weakened Trunks and Gohan.

Goku would see this and Dai Kaioshin would give his life so that Goku could return to fight Buu. Also this is when King Enma allows Vegeta to return to Earth to fight Buu. Goku and Vegeta would fuse with the Potarra Earrings to become Veggetto. With Both Super Sayian 2 Veggetto and SSJ 3 Trunkhan to fight Buu would be destroyed easily. Since Goku was fused with Vegeta he would be unable to wish Buu into Uub.

After the Dragonballs restored everything Veggetto would be wished back into Goku and Vegeta, since the Potarra are a permanent fusion. Mirai Trunks would have Bulma build a Time Machine for Gohan so that when Mirai Trunks is needed Gohan could travel in time to get him.

Mirai Trunks would return to his time until Bebi would arrive on Earth. Goku would still be an adult because he wouldn’t be at Dende's Look Out when Pilaf wished with the Black Star Dragonballs. Once again he would be needed. During the SSJ 4 Goku -- Bebi Vegeta fight he would arrive to once again fuse with Gohan. With SSJ 3 Trunkhan to fight Bulma would use the brute ray to cause Trunkhan to become Super Sayian 4. After Bebi is destroyed the Super 17 Saga would be easily fought with Goku, Vegeta, and the Fused Warrior Trunkhan at Super Sayian 4 level. During the Evil Shenron Saga Goku and Vegeta would fuse to become SSJ 4 Gogeta. Along with SSJ 4 Trunkhan they would defeat Il Shenron and restore the Dragonballs. At the end Goku would stay with his family instead of fusing with the Dragonballs because he would still be and adult. This would conclude DBGT and possibly leave room for another series. What if when training for the fight with the androids, Goku and Gohan used the room of spirit and time?-Submitted by Trevor Martell
Well, because Goku + Gohon(GG) did'nt know how strong the Androids are, they would probably train twice.
On the first round of training, they would probably train like they did in the normal Cell saga- Gohon would go SS-J+ each would be very strong... BUT because it is the first round of training(meaning they didn't have a normal android training round first, instesd of just training in the room of spirit and time) They would'nt be as strong as they would be when they came out of the room the normal way. And because of the Vegeta out training, The guys would go back in. After 2 days or years, they would relax. But because Goku was a SS-J naturaly, he would probably get the virus the second he left for the battle. So that would make Gohon the man.So it would play along right, but instead of Gohon getting yajarobie(don't know how to spell it) probably krillin would. When Yamcha got hurt, Tien would take him to Bulma and Trunks. At the island gohn would beat 19 and beat 20. Vegeta would come and wonder what happend, Gohon would say he was a SS-J and beat 19 & 20. Vegeta would transform trying to impress gohon, but Gohon would stay cool. trunks would meet up with him and they would go home. But while talking,Cell would surface. gohon would sence it and leave. He would find Cell and beat the @$#@ out of him. Meanwhile, Goku would awaken. Vegeta would ask how he got so strong? Goku would tell and Vegeta and Trunks would fly off. Goku would train. Meanwhile Gohn, like his Dad would let Cell go. Cell would go to Gero's Lab and Adzorb 17, I guess. Gohon would sence the transformation and go back. Cell would ammedietly adzorb 18. And would be Perfectooo!!!!! Gohon would arive and he and Cell would fight. Cell would beat Gohon, but bearly. Everything would be learned. The games would be anounced. Gohon would tell about the games and him and Goku Would train until they learned to stay at MAX power without powering up. And when they DO power up, they would go SS-J 2. in the games, Goku would face cell and go SS-J 2. Goku would keep on beating Cell up until the 2 would KAMAHAMEHA battle. Goku would Fry cell. And so Goku and and Gohon would train, have fun. And by the time the Buu saga comes by, one of the 2 would be able 2 go SS-J 3

-New-What if Android 16's bomb was never removed? By:TrUnKzu420

Well, android 16 would not kill Goku, because he chose not to do it, not because the bomb was programming him to kill Goku. The Cell Games would go on as normal, and when it came time for Gohan to get squeezed by Cell, 16 would intervene and blow himself up, destroying himself and Cell. Everyone would think Cell is dead, but soon enough, Cell would survive, since the explosion still left Cell with his core cell to regenerate. Watching Gohan get angrier, Cell then proceeds to kill Goku. Cell beats the living crap out of Goku, pounding him to within an inch of his life. Gohan, seeing his father being tortured, explodes in anger, causing him to go SSJ2. This time, since Cell was massively strong after regenerating, SSJ2 Gohan would not be toying around with Cell as he would be doing. Soon enough, Cell would power up a huge Kamehameha blast, as well as Gohan. Soon enough the fight would be at a stalemate, with both Cell's and Gohan's Kamehamehas going back and forth. Vegeta, angry at seeing how Goku's son was even more powerful than him, hitss Cell from above, causing Cell tobe distracted. Goku would yell out, telling Gohan that this is his chance. Gohan would completely overwhelm Cell, destroying him.

What if Majin Boo had more good than bad in him By:VegetaSsj42k

What if Majin Boo had more good than bad in him (Fat Form) then when he split in two Good Boo would be stronger than Evil Boo and Evil Boo probably couldn't have blown away the candy attack and then Good Boo would just eaten the chocolate bar and then he would still be good,because when Evil Boo eats Good Boo he becomes Super Boo who is still evil and no more good, so the Z warriors would have another member.Also there would be no Oob which goes in to Dbgt (DragonBall Grand Tour) which is a whole other story.

What if Cell didn't go back in time? By:Vincy-K
In my opinion, almost nothing in dbz would have happened because Cell arrived so early in dbz that the timeline changed completely. Maybe there shouldn't have been the journey to namek, the frieza fight, and majin-buu if Cell didn't arrived. however i think the androids 13-15 and 19-20 would have existed because Dr. Gero was working on them before dbz started.

What if Kaio-sama would have thought Goku the Instantaneous movement when Goku first trained with him? By:Vincy-K
I've been thinking this thoroughly. First, in the saiyajin saga, piccolo wouldn't die because goku would have teleported to earth in an instant without Kami-sama's help. Second, learning that technique requires you to train a lot, so goku would have been more than a match for the two saiyans, even Oozaru Vegeta. I think Tien, Chaos and Yamcha's fate couldn't change because Goku had not been revived at the moment they were killed. Maybe in the fight, Goku forgives Vegeta and tell him to train more, after beating the $%!!!!* out of him. Maybe then would they revive Yamcha, then learn about the original dragonballs on Namek and Piccolo, Yamcha, Gohan, Goku, Krillin and Bulma would all head to Namek in an instant thanks to Goku's technique. The Z fighters would easilly kicked Frieza's junkies asses. Get all the dragonballs, kill all the members of the Ginyu Force, then Piccolo would probably fuse with a couple of the Fighter-type of Nameks {including Nail who will be in perfect condition and not trashed out like in the series}, after that, Vegeta would arrive at Namek with the same power-level as in the series, but more obsessed with fighting goku. He would then notice Piccolo and Goku's power and become so enraged that he would take a shot at goku, even at such low power level, only to get trashed again to the point that he would be almost dead. Then Goku would give him a hermit seed and Vegeta's power tripled. Vegeta would then say that no matter how strong he gets, he's never able to destroy kakarotto. Then after all that, they get their three wishes and wish Chaos and Tien back (they learned the kaio-ken very quickly}, and then Goku would tell dende to make Vegeta as powerful as him so they can fight evenly. At this point, Goku has the same power as in Super Saiyan but he's not a S.S yet. Then Goku and Vegeta travel to another planet where there's no people so they can fight and Goku didn't had to worry about other people getting hurt { there Goku tells Vegeta that He has a new power that he wants to show him and then turns SSJ, Vegeta would then fight Goku with such rage that he'd too turned SSJ}. The Garlic Jr. saga would all be as the original, except Piccolo would be more than a match for Garlic and his possy.Everyting else would go as normal except for some slight changes in the trama, for example Goku and Vegeta would become very close friend after the fight.