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 Hannah's Homepage!





Hello, my name is Hannah and I'm 7 years old. There are only







I am a Christian. I was saved when I was 5. My family was having family devotion at the kitchen table and I asked my Dad if I could get saved. He explained what sin was to me and asked me lots of questions. After that he said that I was ready to be saved and I prayed and asked Jesus to save me. I know that Jesus loves me and I am happy that I am His child.

When we went to America for furlough my Dad baptized me in our home church in Arlington, Tx. I wasn't even scared to go under the water either.






I am a in the 2nd grade. My brothers and I are homeschooled. I use a little A Beka and a little Alpha Omega . My favorite subject is Science.

I have two brothers, Cody is 12 and Josh is 9. They are nice to me, most of the time and I love them.

I have a year old Golden Retreiver, her name is KD. She is very nice and she can do many tricks. She can lie down, roll over, sit pretty and dance. We are still working on speaking. She loves all kinds of food. She eats almost everything.






This is my new cousin Madison. Isn't she cute?





~ I Like Cats Too ~




My family and I have been in Croatia as missionaries for 5 years. I was 2 when I came here. Mom said that I was everyone's favorite. We go to Stablo Zivota Neovisna Baptisticka Crkca, that means Tree of Life Independent Baptist Church. It is the only Independent Baptist church in Croatia. We pray everyday that God will send more missionaries here, especially those with kids.


I have lots of friends here in Croatia. My friend is Elisabeth Rasbeary. She lives in America. Her dad is a preacher also like my dad. Mom said that we were babies together. We were delivered by the same midwife, her name is Margie. We were born just two weeks apart.



This is me, Elisabeth and her little sister Becky. I'm in the middle!








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For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.      John 3:16











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