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Politically Incorrect



Next Match:

Shaddow vs. Triple B

Out back of the arena Shaddow is signing autographs for a few Shaddow fans. He smiles as he signs the rest of the autographs. A black vintage mustang pulls up and a tall guys steps out of the car and look down at Shaddow. Shaddow slowly turn around to see a taller figure. He looks up to his eye and drops the pen and paper and the smile from his face disappears. His face is filled with terror and fear now.


The time has come Shaddow. Your little game time is over. The real Shaddow must be revealed to the world. You did your job well my minion but now you must end your life or have it ended.


Shaddow trembles and run from the guy. The man slow raises his hand to his mouth and blows and a little dart flies out and into Shaddow’s neck. Shaddow instantly drops to the ground. The dart injected a deadly poison into Shaddow’s body and severed his nerves in half.


We all must die at one time or another, my minion. Your death was before many others but it was a quick death as I had promised you when you first came to me looking for enlighten meant on the reality of this world.


You lie there unable to move as the poison moves through your body rapidly killing each cell it encounters eating you from the inside to the outside. Your time is here and now farewell my minion, but my rein must start and it must start now.


The figure looks to the camera and smirks.


O yea you at home at quite shocked as to what just happened well the real Shaddow has arrived. You see I hired this young lad to inject a fear into Four Star Wrestling under my name and when he quit doing his job he was replaced. Replaced by the greater evil, he was replaced by the real Shaddow. In the beginning his words were mine and mine were his but then he decided that he was this Shaddow of Four Star Wrestling.


I ended him as I have ended many other minions of mine. I am here to stay and none shall mess with that in which is only known as Shaddow. None of you know me nor do I know any of you. I simply know I have a match against this Triple B. You may win if you wish Triple B but you will regret it if you do. I suggest you just fight a decent fight and lay down for the three count or else you will wind up like the Shaddow you once knew.


Just when you think you’ve figured out Shaddow he is killed and replaced by his executioner. All that I touch shall die as the one you knew as Shaddow did today. This is a new era of Shaddow one that none shall bother messing with. Blackson himself knows just who I am and I sadistic I have been in the past.


Can this get any worse you, ask yourself. Yes it can, it can get much worse than this. You could be the target of my hit list but you aren’t or are you. The time is here and now and the list shall be revealed as the victims fall to my mercy. Surrender now or pay with your life after this one. Sercombe to my rule and by free from the punishment otherwise awaiting you.


Truly wicked is one that has no master for he can do anything he wishes. He merely has to think of your destruction and he can make it so. He has no climax of skill it will never quit growing. The older and feebler a man without a master gets the wiser and deadly he becomes. Are you safe or has the safety in your life merely been an illusion of the mind? One will only know with time. Time you can’t afford to waste…


With that the camera fades to black on a new Shaddow.

