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Male undead [unique] Wiz15/Acm1; CR 24; Medium-size undead; HD 18d12; hp 148; Init +7; Spd 30 ft; AC 28 (touch 13, flat-footed 25); Atk (+11/+6/+1 base) +15/+10/+5 melee (1d8+4+1d4 lawful, +1 banesword) or +14/+9/+4 touch (by spell); SA Damaging touch, paralyzing touch, fear aura, ; SQ Chosen of Bane benefits, Chosen of Bane spell-like abilities, hierophant abilities, dreadmaster abilities, blackguard abilities, rebuke undead 3/day, immunities, +4 turn resistance, DR 20/+2, undead qualities; SR 30; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +19; Str 17, Dex 17, Con --, Int 20, Wis 22, Cha 17. Height: 5 ft. 11 in.

Skills and Feats: Alchemy +87, Balance +30, Bluff +72, Concentration +80, Craft (Rods and Rings) +97, Diplomacy +82, Gather Information +72, Handle Animal +42, Heal +38, Hide +68, Innnuendo +62, Intimidate +92, Knowledge (arcana) +52, Knowledge (geography) +77, Knowledge (history) +87, Knowledge (nobility & royalty) + 77, Knowledge (the planes) +87, Knowledge (religion) +97, Listen +80, Move Silently +78, Profession (military general) +72, Ride (nightmare) +50, Search +95, Sense Motive +100, Spellcraft +97, Spot +100, Swim +26, Tumble +30; (7 feats) Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Initative, Leadership, Quicken spell, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Spell Focus (Enchantment); (Bonus Feats: Automatic Ignore Material Components (special), Weapon Proficiency (all but Exotic), Armor Proficiency (all), Shield Proficiency).

Special Attacks: Animated Hands, Gaseous Form, Constitution-Draining Touch, Fear Aura, Spells.

Special Qualities: Archmage High Arcana: Spell-Like Ability ( 2/day). Raise Dead, TR +4, SR 30, DR 20/+2.

Wizard Spells per Day: 6/6/6/6/5/5/4/4. Base DC = 28 + spell level, 30 + spell level for compulsion spells.


Unique undead. Can remove hands that act as controllable crawling claws and can use gaseous form at will. Wears a cloaker lord that it can unclasp and release to attack enemies. Killed victims rise as zombies or wights that stay with the ships or attack on shores, making more of themselves out of their victims. Dark sorcerers who sail the seas trying to bring death and undeath to all shores of the world

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