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Arak Calandryll

To see the most original, 2nd edition version of Arak, which I had forgotten I put online back in 2000, click here.

Male spectral mage (human) Wiz18/Acm3/Epic3; CR 91; Medium-size undead (incorporeal); HD 21d12; hp 1488; Init +14; Spd 90 (180) ft; AC 73 (touch 51, flat-footed 63); Atk +77/+68/63 melee (1d8+8+3d6 cold/17-20, +6 Nightbringer) or +22/+17 touch (by spell); SA Damaging touch, paralyzing touch, fear aura, :SQ Hierophant special abilities, dreadmaster special abilities, divine disciple abilities, epic-level benefits, immunities, +6 turn resistance, DR 20/+6, undead qualities, spellstitched qualities, paragon qualities; SQ Shadow Adept abilities, enhanced ability scores, evasion, Fast Healing 20; SR 101; AL LE; SV Fort +64, Ref +66, Will +85; Str 32, Dex 31, Con --, Int 44, Wis 54, Cha 35. Height: 5 ft. 10 in.

Skills and Feats: Alchemy +87, Balance +30, Bluff +72, Concentration +80, Craft (Rods and Rings) +97, Diplomacy +82, Gather Information +72, Handle Animal +42, Heal +38, Hide +68, Innnuendo +62, Intimidate +92, Knowledge (arcana) +52, Knowledge (geography) +77, Knowledge (history) +87, Knowledge (nobility & royalty) + 77, Knowledge (the planes) +87, Knowledge (religion) +97, Listen +80, Move Silently +78, Profession (military general) +72, Ride (nightmare) +50, Search +95, Sense Motive +100, Spellcraft +97, Spot +100, Swim +26, Tumble +30; Automatic Ignore material Components (special), Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Ring, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower spell, Epic Spellcasting, Heighten spell, Improved Initative, Leadership, Maximize spell, Multispell (x2), Pernicious magic, Planar Turning, Quicken spell, Scribe Scroll, Spellcasting Prodigy, Undead Mastery.

Special Attacks:

Special Qualities:

Wizard Spells per Day: 8/16/16/14/14/14/13/10/11/11/8/6/6. Base DC = 28 + spell level, 36 + spell level for enchantment, illusion,


Arak Calandryll was once apowerful wizard, but made the mistake of picking teacher. He sought out the Mindmage as his tutor, and the Mindmage accepted. However, the Mindmage realized that Calandryll was a possible threat to his power, and so when Calandryll spoke to him about loichdom, the Mindmage brought up spectral mage instead. It was a much easier transformation than that of a lich, and so Calandryll agreed. Only after it was done did he discover that in this form he could advance no more on the path of wizardry.