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Elminster Aumar, the Greatest of All Wizards

Male Human (Chosen of Mystra) Fighter 1/Rogue 2/Cleric 3/Wizard 24/Archmage 5: CR 39; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 1d10+7 plus 2d6+14 plus 3d8+21 plus 24d4+168 plus 5d4+35; hp 369; Init +10; Spd 30 ft; AC 31 (touch 19, flat-footed 27); Atk +25/+20/+15 melee (1d8+6/19-20, +5 thundering longsword) or +23/+18/+13 ranged touch (by spell); SA Sneak attack +1d6, turn undead 6/day; SQ Arcane fire, arcane reach, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, spell power +4, Chosen immunities, Chosen spell-like abilities, detect magic, enhanced Constitution, enhanced Intelligence, evasion, silver fire; SR 21; AL CG; SV Fort +29, Ref +25, Will +29; Str 13, Dex 18, Con 24, Int 27, Wis 18, Cha 17. Height: 6'2" ft.

Skills and Feats: Alchemy +28, Balance +6, Climb +5, Concentration +34, Decipher Script +10, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +4, Heal +8, Hide +7, Intimidate +9, Intuit Direction +6, Jump +5, Knowledge (arcana) +38, Knowledge (geography) +20, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (local) +15, Knowledge (nature) +15, Knowledge (nobility) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +20, Knowledge (religion) +13, Listen +12, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +6, Perform (dance) +6, Ride +8, Scry +28, Search +10, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +40, Spot +10, Swim +5, Tumble +5; Blooded, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Delay Spell, Enhanc Spell, Expertise, Forge Ring, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Luck of Heroes, Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (spellcraft), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus, (Evocation), Spell Penetration, Twin Spell.

Arcane Fire (Su): Elminster may cast any spell as an energy bolt (range 600 ft., damage 5d6 + 1d6 points per spell level).
Arcane Reach: Elminster's touch spells have a 30-foot range.
Mastery of Counterspelling: When Elminster successfully counterspells any spell subject to spell turning, he reflects it fully back on the original caster. A spell not subject to spell turning is merely counterspelled.
Mastery of Elements: Elminster can prepare any arcane spell he knows with the acid, cold, fire, elecricity, or sonic designator to be cast as a different element. Fo example, a fireball spell could be prepared to deal sonic damage instead of fire damage.
Chosen Immunities: Elminster is completely unaffected by attacks that duplicate these effects: detect thoughts, disintegrate, Evard's black tentacles, feeblemind, finger of death, fireball, magic missile, sunburst, time stop.
Chosen Spell-like Abilities: 1/day--dispel magic, lesser ironguard, see invisibility, shapechange, Simbul's synestrodweomer (converts prepared spells into 2 points of healing per spell level), spider climb, teleport without error, thunerlance, true seeing. Caster level: 29th; save DC18 + spell level.
Detect Magic (Su): Line of sight.
Enhanced Constitution: The Chosen of Mystra template adds +10 to Elminster's Constitution.
Enhanced Intelligence: Elminster used wish spells to increase his Intelligence. His Intelligence score has a +4 inherent bonus included in its value.
Silver Fire (Su): See Chapter 2 of the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting.

Cleric Spells per Day: 4/4/3. Base DC = 14 + spell level, 16 + spell level for Evocation and Enchantment spells. Domains: Magic (use spell trigger or spell completion devices as a 30th-level wizard), Spell (+2 on Concentratiton and Sellcraft checks). Caster Level: 3rd. Deity: Mystra.
Wizard Spells per Day: 4/6/6/6/6/4/5/3/4/3/1. Base DC = 22 + spell level, 24 + spell level for Evocation and Enchantment spells. Caster Level: 29th.

Signature Possessions: Ring of protection +5, amulet of natural armor +5, bracers of armor +7, ring of regeneration, mantle of spell resistance (includes resistance +5) +5 thundering longsword, Elminster's eversmoking pipe*, ring of spell storing, necklace of fireballs (type VII), 4 Boccob's blessed books. As a very powerful wizard, Elminster has access to incredible resources and can acquire or make almost any nonartifact item he might need, given time.
Elminster's long tale is told in amny books and guides, so read them there, if you'd please.

Elminster's Eversmoking Pipe: This powerful magic item appears as nothing more than an ordinary too for smoking pipeweed. It carries a number of powerful magics, however, placed there by an archmage who enjoys adopting an innocuous guise, despite his great power. The pipe can be lit or extinguished using a command word. Its smoke keeps all Tiny or smaller vermin at least 10 feet away from the smoker and automatically turns all magic missile against the smoker back upon their caster. The smoker can exhale forcefuly through the pipe to extinguish it and fire a single flame from a produce flames spell. The pipe can create pyrotechnics once every 3 rounds without extinguishing the pipeweed within. Elminster can summon the pipe as if with Drawmij's instant summons without needing the components, form the smoke into simple, nonmagical symbols that last up to five rounds, and dimension door nine times per day with the pipe. Finally, the pipe grants water breathing to its user for 2 hours per day.
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, repel vermin, roduce flame, pyrotechnics, Drawmij's instant summons, silent image, protection from arrows, shield, water breathing, dimension door.
Market Price:
421,200 gp, Weight: 1 lb.

Elminster, from the Epic-Level Handbook, from Wizards of the Coast

D&D Miniatures: Underdark -- #16 / 60 -- Rare -- Elminster of Shadowdale

Elminster 0f Shadowdale (CG); 100 points
Level: 12, Speed: 6, AC: 18, hp: 90

+13/+8 (10 Magic)

Humanoid (Human)

Unique, Mastery of Spellcasting (Can cast 1 of each spell from any spellcaster in your starting warband with cost less than its own; if mulitple casters have the same spell, it can cast that spell once per caster. Does not apply to Psionics.)
Quick Cast * (Cast 1 spell as a swift action)
Silver Fire 20 * (Replaces attacks; line 12; 20 damage)
Spell Focus 2
Spell Penetration

Followers and commanders in your warband gain Spell Focus 2 (Whenever this creature casts a spell, the DC is +2 over printed number).

LG Commanders are legal in your warband.

2nd: Scorching Ray ** (range 6; 15 fire damage)
7th: Mystra's Curse ** (sight; roll twice for each of target creature's rolls and take the lower result; DC 19)

Elminster 0f Shadowdale [epic](CG); 269 points
Level: 20, Speed: 6, AC: 26, hp: 200

+17/+12 (10 Magic)

Humanoid (Human)

Unique, DR 5, Mastery of Spellcasting (Can cast 1 of each spell from any spellcaster in your starting warband with cost less than its own; if mulitple casters have the same spell, it can cast that spell once per caster. Does not apply to Psionics.)
Quick Cast ** (Cast 1 spell as a swift action)
Silver Fire 30 * (Replaces attacks; line 12; 20 damage)
Spell Focus 2
Spell Penetration
Spell Risistance

Followers and commanders in your warband gain Spell Focus 2 (Whenever this creature casts a spell, the DC is +2 over printed number).

LG Commanders are legal in your warband.

2nd: Scorching Ray (unlimited) (range 6; 15 fire damage)
6th: Disintegrate ** (sight; 60 damage; DC 18)
8th: Baleful Teleport * (touch; place target creature on its controller's assembly tile. That creature's controller chooses the space.)

"Elminster of Shadowdale", from Underdark Miniatures Range, found at Wizards of the Coast.
Note: This character is most certainly not mine, though if you don't know who Elminster is, then you don't know enough about D&D to care, and what the hell are you even doing here? Anyhow, this is the info on Elminster Aumar, one of my all-time favorite characters from Forgotten Realms, in Dungeons & Dragons. I really cannot feel bad putting all of this information up, since there are pdfs of the Epic Level Handbook and the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, the two 3rd-edition sources of his stats, and so everyone else already knows. Besides, anyone who pulls a stats-necessary Elminster will be shot by their players, so they won't spread it around. As for the mini, stats don't let one not have to purchase it. In fact, it might motivate someone to get a decent commander, like Elminster. As for Khelban "Blackstaff" Arunsun, and other important characters, don't hold your breath; I'm not risking more than one here, folks. Enjoy!!!

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