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Lich_Queen of the Githyanki

The Lich-Queen of the Githyanki

Female lich [psionic lich] Psi19/Aps5/Met10/Soe10; CR 78; Medium-size undead/elemental (earth); HD 76d12; hp 780; Init +7; Spd 30 ft; AC 37 (touch 17, flat-footed 33); Atk +39/+30 melee (-2 Con damage + 1d4+3 damage + 1d4 electricity), +42/+37 melee (staff of power 1d6+5), or +41/+36 touch (by spell); SA Life-Draining touch, paralyzing touch, fear aura, ; SQ Metamind abilities, arch psion abilities, soul eater abilities, epic-level benefits, immunities, +4 turn resistance, DR 20/+2, undead qualities, psionic lich qualities, fast healing 8; PR 45; AL LE; SV Fort +39, Ref +42, Will +67; Str 19, Dex 20, Con --, Int 45, Wis 42, Cha 39. Height: 6 ft. 2 in.

Skills and Feats: (1528 points; 76 class, 38 cross) Alchemy +57, Autohypnosis +46, Balance +38, Bluff +44, Concentration +76, Craft (Rods and Rings) +47, Diplomacy +90, Gather Information +44, Handle Animal +24, Hide +41, Innnuendo +36, Intimidate +74, Intuit Direction +26, Jump +9, Knowledge (arcana) +93, Knowledge (geography) +93, Knowledge (history) +93, Knowledge (psionics) + 93, Knowledge (the planes) +95, Listen +100, Move Silently +31, Perform () +34, Remote View +47, Scry +77, Search +65, Sense Motive +64, Spellcraft +93, Spot +70, Swim +14, Tumble +13, Use Psionic Device +90; ((28 feats + 4 bonus metamagic feats)) Automatic Quicken Spell (0-3), Automatic Quicken Spell (4-6), Automatic Quicken Spell (7-9), Automatic Silent Spell(0-3), Automatic Silent Spell (4-6), Automatic Silent Spell (7-9), Combat Casting, Combat Manifestation, Craft Crystal Capacitor, Craft Dorje, Craft Universal Item, Craft Wondrous Item, Disarm Mind, Epic Metamagic, Epic Spellcasting, Ignore Material Components, Inner Strength, Iron Will, Mental Adversary, Metacreative (Craft Crystal Capacitor, Craft Dorje), Psionic Focus (Metacreativity), Quicken Power, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation, transmutation), Spellcasting Prodigy, Spell Exchange, Spell Mastery (15 spells: Antimagic Field, Bigby's Crushing Hand, Control Weather, Dominate Monster, Energy Drain, Globe of Invulnerability, Meteor Swarm, Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Plane Shift, Power Word, Kill, Prismatic Sphere, Shadow Walk, Teleport Without Error, Temporal Stasis, Weird), Widen Spell

Special Attacks: Life-Draining Touch, Paralyzing Touch, Fear Aura, Arcane Spell Bane, Psionics.

Special Qualities: Permanent Psionic Powers: catapsi, biocurrent, schism. Metamind Abilities: Inner Strength x4, Power Psicrystal, Trigger Power (ubiquitous vision, dimension slide, schism), Psychic Vampire, Apotheosis. Arch Psion High Psionics: Psionic Energy Discharge, Greater Psionic Focus +3, Mastery of Power Negation, Innate Psionics (Null Psionics Field, Ultrablast, ). Soul Eater abilities: . Epic-Level Benefits: 4 effective levels of psion, 5 effective levels of arch psion, 10 effective levels of metamind, 10 effective levels of soul eater. Undead, Immunities (Ex): immune to cold, electricity, polymorph, and mind-affecting attacks. DR 20/+2, TR +4, SR 77, Fast Healing 8, Magic Mimicry, Power Point Boost, PR 45.

Power Manifestations per Day: 13/10/10/9*/7*/5*/5*/3*/3*/2*. Base DC = 10 + ability modifier + power level. Power Points: 850. Free Manifestations: all 0-level and 1st level powers. Subclass: Shaper.

Powers: 0-burst, far hand, far punch; 1st-biocurrent, call weaponry, disable, dissipating touch, empathy, expanded vision, firefall; 2nd-astral construct II, brain lock, burning ray, clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect thoughts, ectoplasmic cacoon, invisibility, knock, sever the tie; 3rd-charm monster, dimension slide, fly, metaphysical weapon, mindlink, negate psionics, schism, time hop, ubiquitous vision, ; 4th-divination, domination, fate of one, forced mindlink, inertial barrier, mass concussion, mindwipe; 5th-catapsi, incarnate, metaconcert, null psionics field, psychic vampire; 6th-disintegrate, flaming shroud, greater biocurrent, improved fabricate, mind switch; 7th-contingency, reddopsi, ultrablast; 8th-mind seed, total domination, true creation; 9th-apopsi, thrall;


Psicrystal: Resolve- +2 Will checks, Sage (the Planes)- +2 Knowledge (the Planes) checks; Int 25;

The Lich-Quen appears as an .

The Githyanki Lich-Queen is the absolute ruler of the Githyanki race.

The beginnings of this odd entity are unknown.

Below is a nasty but interesting possibility involving the above entity. This postulates that the illithids, not content to lose their hold over the gith race entirely, held on to at least half of it by having one of their own impersonate the entity the githyanki call the Lich-Queen. There is nothing I know of in D&D that says anything to this regard, but it is something twisted enough that an illithid would do, and so I'm writing it up.

Tchiss, The Lich-Queen of the Githyanki

Ulitharid lich [psionic alhoon] Psi18/Aps5/Met10/Soe10; CR 78; Medium-size undead; HD 76d12; hp 780; Init +7; Spd 30 ft; AC 37 (touch 17, flat-footed 33); Atk +39/+30 melee (-2 Con damage + 1d4+3 damage + 1d4 electricity), +42/+37 melee (staff of power 1d6+5), or +41/+36 touch (by spell); SA Life-Draining touch, paralyzing touch, fear aura, ; SQ Metamind abilities, arch psion abilities, soul eater abilities, immunities, +4 turn resistance, DR 20/+2, undead qualities, lich qualities, psionic lich qualities, fast healing 3; PR 45; AL LE; SV Fort +39, Ref +42, Will +67; Str 19, Dex 20, Con --, Int 45, Wis 42, Cha 39. Height: 6 ft. 1 in.

Special Attacks: Mind Blast, Psionics, Improved Grab, Extract, Life-Draining Touch, Paralyzing Touch, Fear Aura, Arcane Spell Bane, Spells.

Special Qualities: Metamind Abilities: Inner Strength x4, Power Psicrystal, Trigger Power (ubiquitous vision, dimension slide, schism), Psychic Vampire, Apotheosis. Arch Psion High Psionics: Psionic Energy Discharge, Greater Psionic Focus +3, Mastery of Power Negation, Innate Psionics (Null Psionics Field, Ultrablast, ). Soul Eater Abilities: . Epic-Level Benefits: 4 effective levels of psion, 10 effective levels of metamind, 10 effective levels of soul eater. Undead, Immunities (Ex): immune to cold, electricity, polymorph, and mind-affecting attacks. DR 20/+2, TR +4, Fast Healing 3, Power Point Boost, PR 45, SR 25, Telepathy.

Power Manifestations per Day: 13/10/10/9*/7*/5*/5*/3*/3*/2*. Base DC = 10 + ability modifier + power level. Power Points: 850. Free Manifestations: all 0-level and 1st level powers.

Powers: 0-burst, far hand, far punch; 1st-biocurrent, call weaponry, disable, dissipating touch, empathy, expanded vision, firefall; 2nd-astral construct II, brain lock, burning ray, clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect thoughts, ectoplasmic cacoon, invisibility, knock, sever the tie; 3rd-charm monster, dimension slide, fly, metaphysical weapon, mindlink, negate psionics, schism, time hop, ubiquitous vision, ; 4th-divination, domination, fate of one, forced mindlink, inertial barrier, mass concussion, mindwipe; 5th-catapsi, incarnate, metaconcert, null psionics field, psychic vampire; 6th-disintegrate, flaming shroud, greater biocurrent, improved fabricate, mind switch; 7th-contingency, reddopsi, ultrablast; 8th-mind seed, total domination, true creation; 9th-apopsi, thrall;

Innate Psionics: At will-astral projection, charm monster, detect thought, plane shift, suggestion. These abilities are as spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).


Psicrystal: Resolve- +2 Will checks, Sage (the Planes)- +2 Knowledge (the Planes) checks; Int 25;

The illithid menace did much for the githyanki and the githzerai, even forcing them to develop the psionics that make them what they are, but the illithids aren't quite so easy to get rid of as the githyanki thought. Their Lich-Queen, their absolute ruler, is in actuality an alhoon named Tchiss, and controls them still. It destroys the powerful among the githyanki to prevent them from seeing through its illusions. Should they ever peer through this illusion, their entire basis for existence and government would be ruined. Obviously, the Tchiss will have nothing of that, and continues the illusion. In actuality, the lich aspect is accurate; the only difference is that instead of being the female, human-like psionic lich it appears to be, Tchiss is really an alhoon. The trick is, Illsensine is the one powering this permanent illusion, which is why it has not yet been pierced; seeing through the tricks of a greater power is not easy for lesser beings, and so it's safe to assume that no one is going to see through this illusion in the near future, and with eating as many brains and souls of githyanki as it has, Tchiss knows exactly how to act to play its part.

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